you know in the begining when i first started posting i read chip's posting's and i found them interesting. it sounded like it all made sense. now its like a broken record. chip please stop. if we merge then we merge if we don't we don't. you may be right on all this but people just don't want to hear it any more. i for one am for a united usairways merger but please stop bringing it up all the time. it gets old buddy. we all know you want to work for ual . we all know you want to fly the big jets. well maybe that may come true for you . but for know ,just leave it alone. united employees don't want to hear that. all you are doing is adding fuel to the fire and creating animositiy between u&ual employees. and if we do merge its gonna be a mess because everyone will hate eachother. i am not saying that it will be your fualt . but your postings do contribute. so my friend , and i say this with the upmost respect. please stop. let us read what seigel and bronner say for ourselves and let us make our own conclusions as to what it all means. i ma sure your a good man and you mean well but its not helping the cause. B)