On 11/28/2002 1:00:37 PM mastermechanic wrote:
Couple of points quick because I have been ordered off the computer by you know who.
(1) We cannot do much about the IAM, but as you can see, they do not speak for the rank and file. They are a virus to this company and a plague to this industry, at this point I wouldn't care if the Salvation Army represented me. If you can in anyway help rid us of them, you have made alot of friends.
(2) If you can absorb a 67k cut, then something is very very wrong. You know it, I know it.
(3) If you could only grasp the hell it's been for the last 2 years Mancity, but all you say is "I'm sick and tired of the mechanics complaining" Our grievences have never been resolved. We've been in this same fight since the beginning. Do you realize I have not had a contract that wasn't "abrogated" for almost a decade and a half. This is not a union issue, this is a people issue. If Glenn Tilton and ALPA don't recognize that when you have people with over 15yrs+ willing to end their careers, their is something way more serious than a 9% paycut. Thats what you guys should be asking, and demanding answers. Your only response is we can leave. Do you think that makes us feel better. That all the effort to help build this house means nothing to those who use it for shelter, and now WE can leave.
1) This was NOT a vote to get rid of the IAM! I FULLY support the mechanics having a professional union that contains JUST mechanics and speaks to their unique situations, but this vote was not that vote. This vote was to save the company...all of it. The AMFA vote comes AFTER we save the company so that you have something to bargain for in the future. If you think there will not be issues that arise during the life of these concessions that require negotiating, you are wrong. But would you rather have a union (ANY UNION) contract to protect at that time, or would you rather be working under a judges order? This is the WRONG fight at the WRONG time!
2)What makes you think I can absorb a $67K paycut? Do you honestly think I have an extra $5,500 per month lying around in my checkbook? Get a grip! That's the point! WE ARE ALL MAKING HUGE SACRIFICES! I am going to have to make some VERY difficult decisions in the very near future. I just recently made a lump sum payment to pay off my school loans, so that I do not default on them! I drive that sportiest of sports cars, a 94 Honda Accord. I just had to refinance my house in the hope that we can still make the payments, although the property tax alone might mean a move! As for kids and college?? We will just have to see!
What you seem to be missing is that the pilots are making HUGE concessions because we know that the ONLY airline worth working for is an airline NOT in Chapter 11! Once the company and the judge get together, all bets are off, and our collective futures will depend on which way the wind is blowing!
I still can't believe you actually thought I could absorb a $67K hit! Which pilots are you talking to? I know you are out in SFO, so maybe it is the 400 Captains in their last few years, but I can assure you, no-one is getting rich off the Guppy in ORD!
3) Where do you think we have been working the past umpty ump years? It has been no walk in the park for us, either. Want to talk about contract abrogations? How about illegal furloughs, changing our reserve system without ANY Section 6 negotiations, tearing up our scope clause as it relates to domestic flying, intl flying, number of aircraft, minimum number of hours per aircraft per day, number of RJs....the list is endless! But what can you do about it? GRIEVE IT! But, guess what, our esteemed MC decided to waive it all to keep the airline out of BK, and thus opened up the most difficult and expensive items we won in C2K! Happy?
You seem to think the company has had it out for you these past few years. They have had it out for us all! I realize that you do not have your retro yet, but that was the IAMs fault and the poor timing of when you all decided it was time to negotiate. The AMFA representation fight was poor timing then, and, if it is being used as a wedge now, is poor timing now.
We have ALL been through the wringer for the past few years. I seem to remember a few guys I know dying during 9/11, and in their memory, ALPA came together to collect almost a million bucks for their families. We are a family, and we WANT to enjoy the kind of extended family relationships that the ESOP promised. However, we are not going to do it at our expense, and this vote might well cost tens of thousands of UA folks a job, a livelihood, much sought after benefits, and in many cases a roof over their head. If you think this is the time for IAM to flex and say enough is enough, then there is nothing left to discuss. However, don't for one minute think that you have been getting dragged over the coals alone. We were along side you the whole way, but were just too bloodied and beaten up to be recognized.
On behalf of 10,000 ALPA pilots, I think I can safely say we feel like you have made a mistake that we will ALL be forced to pay for. We can only hope to see some renewed discussions to iron out the perceived problems in short order, or else we are all going to be faced with absorbing much more than we currently have on our plates.