Anyone who says they have been a travel agent for 25yrs must also admit that YOUR industry has changed drastically for the worse as well when it comes to Customer Service..or lack of it....I am in my 36th year and have spent more time...and therefore cost my employer more time went on doing travel agency's work for them...It used to be that working on the Agency Desk was the country club of reservations departments...and then, before we began the demise of the commission structure, it got to the point where most travel agents couldn't add the base fare, tax and come up with a total....we had to do it all for you....I had a travel agent who was so ignorant and demanding once that she wanted me to find out a pax name in a particular seat two weeks prior to dept them at home and ask them to change seats so that her pax could sit together....PULLEEEZE!!!!!!....Then we went thru several years of I don't care if the rules have changed...I want everything waived...oh, nevermind....I'll just call my Sales Rep...and we lost so much money from them making exceptions for you that they are pretty much an extinct group....
I'm thinking that if you personally are so powerful and arrogant that you have brought a carrier as large as United
to it's current situation, you might want to find a new occupation which would better utilize your talents...Perhaps something in DC...