AirTran Airways reaches agreement with Teamster; Teamsters-represented employees will accept reduced workweek, BW0333 SEP 18,2001 16:45 EASTERN via AOLNews.
AirTran Airways, a subsidiary of AirTran Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:AAI), announced today that the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 528, which represents approximately 530 mechanics, inspectors, instructors, ground support equipment mechanics and stores clerks at the airline, has agreed to temporary changes in its collective bargaining agreement. These changes will save approximately 21% in mechanic-related costs and position AirTran Airways to deal with the slowdown in air travel in the aftermath of last week's tragedies.
Negotiators for both AirTran Airways and the Teamsters worked quickly to develop the agreement that calls for a reduced workweek, other compensation deferrals, and work rule changes providing for flexibility in scheduling. While these temporary changes are in place, there will be no furloughs or involuntary reductions in the size of the Teamsters' represented workforce. The Teamsters' membership overwhelmingly ratified the agreement [yester]day.
[Here is a part of the labor movement that is getting smart and prioritizing their historical power lever, workweek reduction, in order to eliminate their historical power leak, mass layoffs. Here's hoping that Teamsters Local 528 gives ideas to a lot of other locals and unions. Unfortunately, no details on the reduced workweek agreed to here are given in the Business Wire release. But management is apparently very happy with the whole thing too -]
"We are very pleased with the cooperation we received from the Teamsters and their membership to reach a meaningful agreement in such an expedient fashion," states Joe Leonard, chairman and CEO. "This agreement gives the airline much needed flexibility in scheduling, pay, and other work rules. We congratulate the Teamsters on both their leadership and the spirit of cooperation during this time," states Leonard....