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Mec Meeting To Recall Teddy

El Gato said:
Like you have something to talk about? You don't have a clue what you are talking about, so please be quiet you fool.

Ought you be out lowering the bar for yet another mainline or regional workgroup?

Run along.
El Gato said:
Drop Teddy like 8th grade French. The hag is no good and has got to go.
your avatar excites me....are you a management suck or what??keep that big mouth open....... :lol:
Flight attendants may oust union chief

CHARLOTTE (Observer) - Leaders of US Airways' flight attendants' union are meeting today to talk about ousting union president Teddy Xidas, which could set off a leadership battle as the airline merges with America West. Xidas, a union leader from Pittsburgh who has served as president since January, plans to leave the company in December. Leaders from Charlotte, Philadelphia and Washington want her to step down as president sooner, so the union can "have somebody in place who's not going to be leaving in three months," said Charlotte leader Mike Flores.Xidas said she would like to continue as president because she believes she is "very instrumental and very vital to representing the members" and there is a lot of work to do.

See Story


Teddy, Hang in there, you have more "Balls" than anyone at CCY. I am a CWA member and am proud to call you a "Union Sister".
El Gato said:
Drop Teddy like 8th grade French. The hag is no good and has got to go.
So, here is another post from someone 'AGAINST' Teddy. That makes two.(I'm not counting mgmnt, they don't count)
Its obvious you don't care for her personally, but is that really a good reason to recall? Especially at this time?
Can anyone come up with any reason other than 'She's leaving anyway'?
I'm guessing, no.
I'm gonna have to go with the majority, then, and view it as the LEC pres's are political clowns and mgmnt puppets. :down:
Thank you everyone, and Teddy, good luck to you.

Alla y'all, try to stay focused on the real issue, which is merger/integration.
Lets do this thing and come out swinging, WN will never catch us, and I can retire when I'm 70! (or not!)
The Truth said:
Teddy should resign if her colleagues have lost faith in her abilities to lead this group.

Take a page from your own playbook and resign your position because you haven't led anyone anywhere except down a dark path that had nothing but a stone wall at the end of it. You've lost all the confidence of the employee group so therefore, based on your own logic, you should leave!
Mr./Ms. Smoke and Mirros,

After doing some research on some of the post you have made I have found it necessary to register and post MY opinion.

I do believe, that unlike that forsaken soul that "ran" our country for 8 years, YOU have enhaled and are continuing to do so on a much to frequent basis. You are so clouded by all the smoke and can't seem to clear the fog from you head long to construct a post that actually serves a purpose other than dogging someone on here.

I certainly hope you aren't an employee, or a management level person within the US organization. Because as the 'ol saying goes....."With friends like you, who needs an enemy"?

P.S. Clean your mirror..maybe you'll see the light by doing so. And Lord help us if your a FF who travels quite a bit. My suggestion....Start staying at Motel 6...they leave the light on for ya. 😀
desertgal said:
So, here is another post from someone 'AGAINST' Teddy. That makes two.(I'm not counting mgmnt, they don't count)

That poster is a Mesa pilot so likely has a very different agenda than any union rep at US Airways.

As an aside though, I've always like El Gato's posts and avatars and he's entitled to his opinion.
Light Years said:
That poster is a Mesa pilot so likely has a very different agenda than any union rep at US Airways.

As an aside though, I've always like El Gato's posts and avatars and he's entitled to his opinion.

Mesa pilots make less than US Airways flight attendants. Maybe El Gato (Spanish to English translation meaning The Pussy) needs to work in his own backyard before casting stones.
In this Issue of the Boston News-Line August 3, 2005

Dear Council 69 Members,

Please review the message beneath this notification. As noted, the LEC Presidents of CLT - Mike Flores and recently elected Presidents (term beginning July 1) PHL- Laura Albert, DCA- Alin Boswell are calling a Special Meeting for the purpose of recalling Teddy Xidas, MEC President.

As your Local President, I am against this recall on the merits that there has been absolutely no negligence in her service as the MEC President has provided to this membership. On the contrary, this MEC President has offered her service 24/7. The disruption, these actions will cause will benefit no one except the management of USAirways.

CLT, PHL, and DCA LECPs will use the votes of their membership via roll call, who they must feel are in support of their actions. I express to you, and a lot of you know me, if not personally, you are aware of my work ethic, I have never seen anyone in my career work harder than this MEC President.

I am disgusted, greatly disappointed and embarrassed by the actions of these LECPs and timing of this request, which in my opinion, is based solely on personality conflicts instead of what is important for this membership. The MEC President has 4 months left of her term and an election would have occurred in October/05. Management will get the last laugh on this one folks.

Results of this meeting will be provided via BOS E-Line. Current Roll Call Votes: Boston represents 178 votes, LGA Represents 163 votes, PIT represents 705, CLT represents 1,673, PHL represents 2,110, DCA represents 399

Constitution and By Laws - Article VII D.2 b - Whenever thirty percent (30%) of the members of the Master Executive Council petition the President or the International President, a special meeting shall be called. Such petition for a special meeting shall list the time, place and items to be discussed at the desired meeting.


Lynne Caramello
LECP Council/69/BOS
In this Newsletter August 4, 2005

Council 82 Membership, 82 News Archives

From the Office of Council 82

Dear fellow Council 82 Flight Attendants,

August 4, 2005
Council 82 Flight Attendants
LaGuardia Airport

Re: Meeting to Recall Ms. Theodora Xidas, MEC President

Please accept this letter as notification of a Special MEC Meeting called by 3 of our LEC Presidents which will be held at the CWA /AFA Office in Washington D.C. on August 5, 2005 at 11:00 a.m. The sole purpose of said meeting is to recall (remove from office) the current MEC President. The meeting was called by Ms. Laura Albert - Council 70-PHL and Mr. Alin Boswell- Council 41-DCA approximately 1 month after taking office in their respective Councils. Mr. Mike Flores has also endorsed this meeting having a brief 1 year tenure in his role as CLT-Council 89 President. The meeting was called without consideration of the balance of the MEC namely Council 69-BOS, Council 40-PIT and me representing our own Council 82-LGA.

First of all, in accordance with Article IX Para B located on Pg 47 of the Constitution and Bylaws wherein states a recall of an MEC Officer would be decided by a majority vote of the MEC conducted on a roll call basis. The following represents the roll call votes based on members in good standing by base:

PHL......2110 votes
CLT......1673 votes
PIT.......705 votes
DCA.......399 votes
BOS.......178 votes
LGA.......163 votes

I think it would be safe to say that through the roll call process, the petitioners of the subject meeting would no doubt be successful; however; I have to question whether 3 LECP's representing 4200 flight attendants are truly conveying the voice of their respective memberships or speaking on their own behalf?

It is very difficult for me to describe my feelings as I have mixed emotions in regard to the decision to recall any MEC Officer in the absence of any gross misconduct or negligence in the duties of said office. A part of me wants to express anger, yet another part of me is filled with great disappointment in my colleagues of Councils 41-70-89. I was hoping that this relatively junior MEC would act in a responsible manner in working closely together to unite this MEC in representing the interests of YOU, our membership as we move forward in the complex merging process America West and USAirways. I have to ask you "what kind of message does this send to not only USAirways management, but America West management and their MEC as well?" This in my estimation represents an abuse of power for political motivation and posturing at the financial burden of this membership.

What would be the harm in allowing this MEC President to see her tenure to completion and transition the next MEC President for the benefit of our membership? Do you not believe this leader would not negotiate with the same passion she has in the past? This MEC President has accomplished more than those in the past and under extreme conditions such as Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Court. Teddy has been able to accomplish a number of benefits even after the close of negotiations. Teddy was successful in negotiating an amnesty program to benefit a great deal of this membership. I ask you, Do you believe this MEC President would be in any way detrimental to this body by continuing her hard work right through to her departure date?

In closing I want to say I promised each of you during my bid for election that I would represent you in a professional manner with dignity and integrity and I plan to deliver that promise in my opposition to this dangerous politically motivated proposal. I have spoken with Deb Ruiz -VP who brings a great deal of Union experience to us and she is appalled at this practice. I welcome your thoughts and comments as always. I will keep you abreast as the process unfolds.

In Solidarity,

Rob Wessinger
LEC President -Council 82
Association of Flight Attendants/CWA
Member AFL-CIO
If I were a US FA in CLT, PHL or DCA I'd be completely P'O'd by what is going on. You guys need to recall your LEC reps IMMEDIATELY! If these three are kept in office they will destroy US AFA.
Bob over the years I have hammed you, but you were always "nice" regardless.

I believe you have hit the nail on the head with this post about Jerry...sounds like his MO and would be a feather in his cap to see Teddy go out like this.

I wish the Lady all the best because she is the best---Curt
Hey Bob,
Sounds like its time to send the kit back to CCY. Someone seems a little cranky lately. Maybe they arent too regular? :up: 🙄

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