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Mec Meeting To Recall Teddy

flyswatter said:
Amen to her recall.

Read the Constitution and Bylaws. . .any MEC Officer can be recalled at any time, with or without cause.

She is an embarrassment to every working flight attendant.  Goodbye Teddy.  Maybe now, she'll just take and earlier date on her departure under the VFLR.

Think about it. . .why would anyone want a person who has no vested interest in the future of this Company representing them?  Buhbye

Well, you should know. The Ex MEC President was THE laziest person in the union that literally took a paycheck and never showed up for work. Not even negotiations.

Now if you want to get real dirty. We can.

We know many secrets. 😉

BTW, bet your ready to go back on the line. Very soon for you... :up:
Could it be Teddy has integrity and wouldn't sell-out the group who put her into office? Would you want someone who gives AFA internal memo's to management representing you? Who's side are you on? Do you even know?

Some people may not have agreed with Teddy's tactics, but she was always acting in the best interests of the flight attendants. She returned phone calls and took the time to listen to her group.

Teddy might have some rough edges, but by God, she's honest, she stands up for what she knows is right and isn't on some mission to fulfill her own ego.

flyswatter, as an HP sister, please enlighten me...How has Teddy been an embarrassment to you personally? Or FAs in general?
Just looking for insight as to why your group is doing what it is doing at this time.
Just ask flyswater about the contract. He knows all about it intimately.

After all, he will soon be out there on the line.

Remember, don't call in sick, they'll be watching you closely I'm told. You won't be able to mount up your old record. You made sure of that for ALL f/as to live under.

Welcome to their hell soon.
desertgal said:
We have only half the number of FAs as US. We are a generally happy group. Of course, occasional disagreements, and there's always grumblers who will never be happy. Nothing on the scale going on at US.

UA has two or three times the number of F/As as U (and a comparably larger MEC), and still manages to lack the drama on the scale of U's MEC over the years...
Wonder how much assistance the Palace is giving the LEC Three to knife Teddy?

The Truth said:
Another false statement without any proof.

We are watching the events from the sidelines very closely. Laura is doing well with her new position. She is a great leader.

I read the memo that Teddy wrote stating that the AFA needed "fresh people" for the merger. Teddy should resign if her colleagues have lost faith in her abilities to lead this group.


Well, 'Truth' I appreciate you making my point, and on so many levels. Seems the board members here appreciate it, too.

And next time, you may want to read a bit more thoroughly, and contemplate it, before running off at the keyboard.

You claim I made a false statement. A statement is a declarative sentence. For example, "I shall return."

If you'll re-read my post, I asked a question, which is interrogative. For example, "Is the moon made of green cheese?", or "Can management listen, as opposed to bloviate?"

By definition, questions cannot be false.

"I shot an arrow into the air,
and where it fell, I know not where..."

Obviously, my little arrow found it's mark. :shock:
Bear96 said:
UA has two or three times the number of F/As as U (and a comparably larger MEC), and still manages to lack the drama on the scale of U's MEC over the years...

Keep in mind US Airways is a product of many merged airlines, is based in the hotseat of unionism, and has/has had some of the worst and most vindictive management in the industry. Not that there's an excuse for such drama, but look at some of the above posts... some of this crap goes back to the PSA merger.
The Truth said:
Another false statement without any proof.

We are watching the events from the sidelines very closely. Laura is doing well with her new position. She is a great leader.

I read the memo that Teddy wrote stating that the AFA needed "fresh people" for the merger. Teddy should resign if her colleagues have lost faith in her abilities to lead this group.

Laura is doing quite well, you say with her new position. Please cite what she has done in 1 month in office, besides "recall" your favorite MEC President?

If you and your cronies have the slightest inclination that Teddy will be quiet once she is recalled, you will see her more vocal at the Local.

As you must have noticed, she was more tempered as an MEC President representing all base cultures of USAirways. As the sitting Local PIT President, she only has to represent her own base and THEIR collective interest!

Until the last day, baby! 😉
Light Years,

You're right about U-AFA always being high in the drama department. Some of the silliness goes back before the PSA merger.

Seems there's always been too much ego, too much self-serving stupidity and too little understanding of solidarity. There's always been one group stirring the pot over another group. The vemon that gets spewed amazes me.

You'd think having an older age group we could act a bit more maturely.

To our new America West members: we really don't fight like this among ourselves at work. Like any large group, we have our kooks and shoulda-never-been-hired-in-the-first-place types. I generally enjoy the people I work with and have a good time.

Don't worry, I'd be shocked to see a mass rush to the PHX or LAS bases. The more senior people like flying Transatlantic, so unless that gets transferred, I'd bet most would stay put. During the PSA merger, a few came to the west coast and hated it. The flying was lousy compared to the east coast bases.

PITbull said:
Laura is doing quite well, you say with her new position. Please cite what she has done in 1 month besides "recall" your favorite MEC President?

If you and your cronies have the slightest inclination that Teddy will be quiet once she is recalled, you will see her more vocal at the Local.

As you must have noticed, she was more tempered as an MEC President representing all base cultures of USAirways. As the sitting Local PIT President, she only has to represent her own base and THEIR collective interest!

Until the last day, baby! 😉
you guys don't get it this is just what the company wants...divide and concure(sp) Laura is a good person ...Teddy will fight and speak her mind...Pinny Bob must work for a great company with a clue to teamwork...the internal BS must stop...the airline business has changed FOREVER we must change or get out...look at DL they will be in BK soon...we must pull together not fight or get emotional on things we can;t control...fact is americans want more for less...stop the greedy self serving it;s all about me attitude and DEAL with it ...life is to short and there is life out of US I have a new outlook on US after a time out...this job is still one of the best for the responsibility you hold for 6 weeks of TRN...one who knows...wake up and get a clue for the big pix. how many F/A's read WSJ or know the price of oil ...high school is over girls...
desertgal said:
flyswatter, as an HP sister, please enlighten me...How has Teddy been an embarrassment to you personally? Or FAs in general?
Just looking for insight as to why your group is doing what it is doing at this time.

First, the bona fides. I am not a U flight attendant, and I wouldn't know Teddy if she walked into the room.

Second, some history. Read the 'damm me to hell' thread for the Cliff's Notes version. That is a very brief and VERY sanitized version of life at U.

I am glad to hear y'all have decent relations over at HP; I once worked for an airline that had them, too.

Sadly, that is not, and has not been the case at U for the past 15 years.

Remember the 90's, when EVERYBODY made money?

Not U. During that time, one group or the other has been furloughed, or had benefits reduced, or something. EVERY STINKING YEAR! No let-up.

Just after the 1989 PI/US merger, the agents decertified the Teamsters that represented US fleet.

The company mistreated those employees so bad, within 18 months, both customer service and fleet began organizing campaigns that resulted in union representation.

U is notorious for winning the battle, and losing the war.

During the BK's, it got even uglier.

And during that time, the ONLY person to effectively stand up to management's onslaught was Teddy. NOT the alpha-males at ALPA. NOT the he-men at IAM. They were too busy holding hands with management (much like the current PHL, DCA and CLT LEC's, it sounds like!) to give fair representation to their membership.

Teddy is a fearless and relentless advocate for flight attendants. She has effective political contacts at the local and federal level, as a MEC president should. She is not afraid to speak truth to power. As a result, her group fared better than IAM or ALPA.

So ok, her spelling is off sometimes. Have you listened to the President of the United States lately?

Obviously, not a hinderance!

The IAM front-line grunts would have traded in every AGC sell-out they had for one Teddy.

One last thing. My preference would be for management and labor to work together. So much energy and talent is wasted on adversity!

At U, that was never an option, unless you had battered-wife syndrome, an IQ of an house plant, AND a total lack of self-respect.
PITbull said:
Laura is doing quite well, you say with her new position. Please cite what she has done in 1 month in office, besides "recall" your favorite MEC President?

If you and your cronies have the slightest inclination that Teddy will be quiet once she is recalled, you will see her more vocal at the Local.

As you must have noticed, she was more tempered as an MEC President representing all base cultures of USAirways. As the sitting Local PIT President, she only has to represent her own base and THEIR collective interest!

Until the last day, baby! 😉

You are so correct PITBull,

I noticed it! I understand that she tempered herself because as the MECP she was now representing all bases and now all bases are as pro union at that great "Steel Town PIT".

But you hit on another valid point, Teddy is NOT going away even if she is recalled by PHL, Clt & DCA, she will still be the LECP in PIT! So how stupid is this recall and what in the hades does it accomplish?

When Teddy only has her local to worry about..."KATIE BAR THE DOOR!!!!" She will no longer be tempered and CCY needs to head into the trenches NOW! Teddy's PIT FA's love her AND so does the PIT Media....ALL of it! This recall tomorrow with hit the front page in PIT and you can believe the press in CLT will be all over it too!

These three fools (LECP's CLT, PHL & DCA) could not have divided the AFA MEC or caused more divisivness among the flight attendant group if even if they had a brain between the three of them.

Do the world a favor, recall CLT, PHL & DCA. These guys are dangerous and need to be put out of the flight attendants misery!

Teddy is a unionist through and through.

She will still be fighting right up to the minute she leaves!

Thank you Teddy for everything, I am a fan.

Diogenes speaks the truth. Another well-written post from him!

Dio, you know I still love you, right?

The moderator saw fit to edit my post.....but you all the know the rest of the phrase: "taken out into a field and ****"

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