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McCain Looking Desperate This Week

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Well then....explain the older Americans alive and born in the 30's and 40's who grew up under racial stigma...whose parents and grandparents came to the US and were brought up looking down upon other ethnic cultures....My friend they are much alive today and their instilled upbringing lingers on today....you know whom I talk about.....the older ones who look down upon interracial marriage,who don't feel socially at ease with "them"...you get it now? Well they are casting a formidable vote and 'O' is acutely aware of this.

The 'spade a spade' thing is a racial dig......sublimely of course.
Well then....explain the older Americans alive and born in the 30's and 40's who grew up under racial stigma...whose parents and grandparents came to the US and were brought up looking down upon other ethnic cultures....My friend they are much alive today and their instilled upbringing lingers on today....you know whom I talk about.....the older ones who look down upon interracial marriage,who don't feel socially at ease with "them"...you get it now? Well they are casting a formidable vote and 'O' is acutely aware of this.

The 'spade a spade' thing is a racial dig......sublimely of course.
You must be talking about the Republican surge in the South during the 1960's.
Well then....explain the older Americans alive and born in the 30's and 40's who grew up under racial stigma...whose parents and grandparents came to the US and were brought up looking down upon other ethnic cultures....My friend they are much alive today and their instilled upbringing lingers on today....you know whom I talk about.....the older ones who look down upon interracial marriage,who don't feel socially at ease with "them"...you get it now? Well they are casting a formidable vote and 'O' is acutely aware of this.

The 'spade a spade' thing is a racial dig......sublimely of course.


Boy DELL, your talking about MY Era.(Somewhat racist parents).

I made sure I BROKE that "nasty" chain, saw my Kids(3), become better than me, and see my Grandchildren looking upon Race as secondary(oldest is of Voting age)

So now, allow me to extrapolate "it" out even further.

A Zillion of those young fresh faces who are supporting BO, come from the VERY situations that you've described.
These "young ens' ", it's the FIRST time they've Ever Registered and Voted,.............and City hall/Town hall clerks Nationwide, are telling ALL of US, that they're coming out in droves, and registering..."D", and voting for.."BO" !!!!

Fairly or Unfairly,...........there is a Natural DISCONNECT between the new young voters I've talked about, above,............and "methuselah"..Johnny Mac !
Tug -
Good post. Sorry I haven't had time to sit down an answer and am heading of on vacation for a week. I'm sure I'll take some time to respond when I return.

Enjoy your vacation FT, I'm heading out for vacation myself and will check in from time to time. See ya in a few weeks.
These fresh faces have parents and grandparents that likely don't think like the young ones.And the older ones do vote.
These fresh faces have parents and grandparents that likely don't think like the young ones.And the older ones do vote.

IMO the parents and gp's of whom I'm a member prioritize and race is way down the list unless you're a bigot/racist of whom numbers have diminished over the years and will not be much of a factor in this election.

Economy, health, housing, illegal immigration, education, energy and maintaining a middle class is how this election will be decided. The people I know want to end Iraq and pursue terrorism without the fear mongering of the current administration and its party's candidate. I never hear taxes being discussed. Taxes are a factor that concerns the very wealthy, Wall Street and the US Chamber of Commerce. Ending incompetence and cronyism is vital. McCain's age is another factor. You would be surprised how many old folk says he is too old and are concerned for his health.

Many people grow into their jobs. I trust Obama, who is undeniably bright, will be one who's ego will not hinder him from getting the best advice available.

Your above post is an EXCELLENT description of how this election WILL BE Decided.(Which you have already stated)


(Or as some on the "OTHER SIDE" :down: say....."Mega-Ditto's,..or.."Your a Good American")
There will be a certain amout of people who are racist and will not vote for Obama. But I belive that most people will look at what we have endured the past 8 yrs and will want to try a different path. We have had enough of the good ole boys running the show. If after 4 yrs of Obama he is not doing a good job I will be the first to try someone else. But I am going to give him a chance.
McCain and Obama are now statistically polling even except in Germany, France, and Belgium where Barack has a commanding lead. :lol:
McCain and Obama are now statistically polling even except in Germany, France, and Belgium where Barack has a commanding lead. :lol:
Yeah, but when push comes to shove, and the American people are still looking to get out of Iraq (like they were two years ago), the choice is going to be much easier...do you vote for the candidate who wants to do what YOU said you wanted done, or the candidate who says we may be there for 100 years.
Yeah, but when push comes to shove, and the American people are still looking to get out of Iraq (like they were two years ago), the choice is going to be much easier...do you vote for the candidate who wants to do what YOU said you wanted done, or the candidate who says we may be there for 100 years.
Do you think it's time we pulled out of Germany, South Korea, and Japan? I don't think McCain meant we would be fighting in Iraq for 100 years.
Do you think it's time we pulled out of Germany, South Korea, and Japan? I don't think McCain meant we would be fighting in Iraq for 100 years.

Really? Perhaps I missed something in the history books but I do not recall the Japanese or the Germans trying to kill American soldiers after the war was over and the surrenders were signed.

The Europeans wanted US troops in Europe due to the big bad Russians, the South Koreans wanted the US there to stave off the North Koreans and the Japanese wanted us there to stave off the Chinese. Why exactly do the Iraqis want us there? And which Iraqis want us there to save them from what other Iraqis?

I am sure McCain does not think we will be fighting in Iraq for 100 years. Considering that they have been fighting each other for 4,000 years off and on, he cannot be sure that we will not be fighting for 100 years either?

BTW, you are aware that we are still at war with the North Koreans right? So that's been what, 50 plus years? I be no one counted on that one either huh?
Really? Perhaps I missed something in the history books but I do not recall the Japanese or the Germans trying to kill American soldiers after the war was over and the surrenders were signed.
Amen. Considering we shouldn't be in Iraq in the first place, I wonder how well our troops will be received as we protect the Iraqi oil fields...the ones that "would pay for the war" (that they didn't want in the first place)
Speaking of Terrorists,..............we have a derivative of terrorism right here in the USA.
It's called Social Terrorism.

Millions of Americans, walking around with ZERO possibility of EVER having access to Health Care/Medications.

Whats that you say ?
Who's saying that, you say ?

Oh. Just ask ANY Hospital Administrator !

He'll give you..."Two ear's Full", about the condition of his/her...."ER" on any given day.

Whats that you say ?
Who's responsible for this NATIONAL DISGRACE ?

Why the INSURANCE Companies of Course !!(With a BIG Dose of help, from GREEDY employers)

Should I continue ????????????????

Should WE follow the $$Money, back to the SOURCE ?
The SOURCE, meaning, who has ENABLED the Ins. Co's/Employers with a FERTILE Environment to (STILL) Conduct BUSINESS as USUAL ?

The Government has !
A Congress in TOTAL control for 6 full years,......Bolstered by a PRESIDENT :blink: , who STILL carries a VETO pen, until 1/20/09 !

In summary, the American "strain" of TERRORISM, is the Republican Party :down: :down:


I have NEVER met ANY Individual/family, who said they would OBJECT to paying a portion of the cost of a decent health plan.

(I just figured I'd put that lil' TIDBIT in there, to save (perhaps) someone from suggesting that the Average American is looking for a 100% FREE RIDE, as far as Health Care is concerned)
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