Well then....explain the older Americans alive and born in the 30's and 40's who grew up under racial stigma...whose parents and grandparents came to the US and were brought up looking down upon other ethnic cultures....My friend they are much alive today and their instilled upbringing lingers on today....you know whom I talk about.....the older ones who look down upon interracial marriage,who don't feel socially at ease with "them"...you get it now? Well they are casting a formidable vote and 'O' is acutely aware of this.
The 'spade a spade' thing is a racial dig......sublimely of course.
Boy DELL, your talking about MY Era.(Somewhat racist parents).
I made sure I BROKE that "nasty" chain, saw my Kids(3), become better than me, and see my Grandchildren looking upon Race as secondary(oldest is of Voting age)
So now, allow me to extrapolate "it" out even further.
A Zillion of those young fresh faces who are supporting BO, come from the VERY situations that you've described.
These "young ens' ", it's the FIRST time they've Ever Registered and Voted,.............and City hall/Town hall clerks Nationwide, are telling ALL of US, that they're coming out in droves, and registering..."D", and voting for.."BO" !!!!
Fairly or Unfairly,...........there is a Natural DISCONNECT between the new young voters I've talked about, above,............and "methuselah"..Johnny Mac !