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McCain Looking Desperate This Week

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Obama drew 200,000 people today in Berlin. Meanwhile, McCain's at the Sausage Haus! (with a slightly smaller crowd). Must have been the band...

It’s unfortunate that Baroque scratched a planned 5 hour visit with the injured American warriors who have sacrificed so much. I feel sure the Army medical ward at Landstuhi Regional Medical Center would have welcomed a visit from Obama anytime.

The day after the Berlin blitz, Obama boards his AeroChange and flies off for a quick 5 hour cameo / photo op stop in Paris. Nobody showed up, nobody told France the Messiah was coming.
Anybody watching The Obama on Meet The Press?

Tom Brokaw is busting Obama’s jewels. Obama looks like a tool!

The questions are very tough and Obama seems frustrated while stumbling around for an answer.

Brokaw questioned Obama on his Pakistan plan. Damn, wait to you hear Obama’s reply!!

I stated several months ago that given enough time, Obama will end up saying incredible stupid things.

The kid gloves are coming off!

He must not have that small,clear piece of nylon tubing going from his ear to his shirt collar that he wore while sweet Katie interviewed him last week. :lol:
Anybody watching The Obama on Meet The Press?

Tom Brokaw is busting Obama’s jewels. Obama looks like a tool!

The questions are very tough and Obama seems frustrated while stumbling around for an answer.

Brokaw questioned Obama on his Pakistan plan. Damn, wait to you hear Obama’s reply!!

I stated several months ago that given enough time, Obama will end up saying incredible stupid things.

The kid gloves are coming off!

I watched the interview and I thought O'bama did a brilliant job answering Tom's questions. I guess it is all about perception. He gave very intelligent answers unlike GW's shoot from the cowboy hip answers. McCain just doesnt seem to think very fast on his feet. I beleive McCain is a very brave man and he has served our country well, but I do not feel he has what it takes to lead this nation on the world stage. Also McCain would be a continuation of the same policies of the last 7+ years. I for one have had enough and am willing to try O'bama even if he does not have a long history. The conservatives who have been in control of this country until the '06 elections have only lead out country into more war, a worsening economy with no answers to issues such as healthcare,education, and our energy crisis. We need leadership that will give corporate america incentives to keep jobs here. Our middle class is shrinking. The number of millionaires and billiionaires are increasing but that is not leading to more middle class jobs. The trickle down economics of Reagan are still not working. The rich are getting richer and they are spending thier capital over seas. At the same time with the dollar so devalued we are selling the assets of this nation to the highest bidder over seas. What will we do when these foreign owners of our industires decided maybe because of political pressure in thier own countries to tare down these industries. Globilization is inevidable but it is happening too rapidly and with no regard to effects on the people of our nation. Ok sorry I am getting off subject but just my thoughts.
NONE of you "coolers"..will ever catch me sayin', that .BO is the "brightest bulb on the tree",................BUT..............IT...DOESN'T............M A T T E R. !!!

Al Sharpton could be running, and get Elected !

WHY, you ask ???

Because....... :blink: ..EL-CHIMPO/DIRTY..Dead Eye..DICK, have DECIMATED the GOP, in terms of "INDY'S and perhaps a 1/3 of REPUGS, as far as the present condition of the country.

I believe a LOT of the (aforementioned) folks gave those two CLOWNS a pass in their first term, because of 911, but NOT SO their second term.

IT IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE...............(GOP) "coolers" !!!!
The big hurdle for Obama is the problem of the white vote......I don't think he can carry a majority of them.....he will carry the black vote....no doubt there but.....
The big hurdle for Obama is the problem of the white vote......I don't think he can carry a majority of them.....he will carry the black vote....no doubt there but.....
There's a lot of white guys in the heart of redstateland that are sporting Obama bumper stickers.
There's a lot of white guys in the heart of redstateland that are sporting Obama bumper stickers.

That doesn't surprise me.....but carry a majority.....especially southern areas....Unfortunately
I hear lots of grumbling about race.....I don't know......we may not be where we think we are.
Yes, my logic assumes that a politician that can draw 70,000 in one part of the country would be promoted (and would campaign) in similar fashion in other parts of the country. Yes TF, I do understand your logic. I’m not going to waste my time trying to determine the exact supporter / non supporter ratio at the 08 May 08 Portland rally. As you noted, the Obama Campaign is not stupid, they used this logic to establish a comfortable level of expectation as to the number of supporters expected at one of his open air rallies.

Within a 200 mile radius of Columbia, SC, the population is only slightly lower than the combined state population of Oregon and Washington (12M). Obama’s December 07 open air rally at Columbia’s William Brice Stadium drew 29,000 supports.

Within a 200 mile radius of Philadelphia, the population easily exceeds the combined state population of Oregon and Washington. Obama’s April 08 open air rally at Philadelphia’s Independence Park drew 35,000 supporters.

Within a 200 mile radius of Portland, the population is roughly 6 million people. Obama’s May 08 open air rally at Portland’s Waterfront Park drew 75,000 supporters!

It’s blatantly obvious that there were major changes in the marketing strategy used to plan Obama’s May 08 open air rally in Portland. I don’t mean to minimize their efforts; I actually admire the genius marketing strategy used to inflate the number of attendants at the rally. I challenge your assertion that all in attendance were there for the sole purpose of hearing Obama speak.

The Obama Campaign used value added and smooth marketing tactics, along with the carnival atmosphere, to double his open air rally record crowd of 35K. One major change in their marketing strategy was the addition of a 45 minute opening act by a regionally popular, native Portland “indy†band.

The Obama campaign used the new marketing strategies to target and promote the rally at 23 Colleges and Universities across Oregon and Washington. They provided free bus transportation, strategically placed at numerous locations around Oregon and Washington. They expanded the free distribution of numerous electronic devises and hard cold cash.

The new marketing strategy, the “surgeâ€, worked very well and the event went off as planned. The Obama Campaign captured that much needed image, the one that portrays Obama as the great “unifierâ€, able to attract the masses with his sheer elegance, graceful oration and divine persona. Job well done!

Looking back, the Obama Campaign should have added a locally popular band as opening act in the Philadelphia and Columbia open air rallies.

Since polls aren’t good indicators until after Labor Day, why do you offer current poll results as proof positive of Obama’s lead over McCain?


As I’m sure you’re aware, campaigns continually monitor poll results throughout the election process. Poll results allow a candidate to tailor their message and effectively address issues and concerns that are of the utmost concern to the general public. Polls are the fuel that powers campaigns.

As to the polls I reference, I find the website realclearpolitics to be a good, single point resource.

In a related story, CNN reports John McCain has narrowed the gap in four crucial battleground states. McCain overcame a 5 point deficient in Colorado to move ahead of Obama by 2 points. In Minnesota, McCain has overcome a 15 point deficient and now trails Obama by 2 points. It’s halftime at the campaign game and Obama holds a slim 4.5 point lead.


The final run to Election Day will be full of pitfalls and surprises. Despite all the Obama hype, he is not a shoe in for POTUS. This race will be close and it’s way too early to declare Obama the winner.

“ the traditional post-convention period..†?? During the race to win the DNC nomination, Obama frequently debated his position with Senator Clinton at numerous town hall style meetings as well as national debates. Why the digressive “change†in strategy by the progressive thinking Senator. If Obama is what you say he is, a couple of town hall duels with McCain should easily seal the deal. What’s Obama waiting for? You really think Obama believes his 4.8% lead in the election polls grant him the authority to dictate the terms and conditions of all town hall meetings and national debates? Obama come across as arrogant at times.

The media has long since adopted a kid glove approach when interviewing or questioning Obama. Watch any television, listen to any radio and browse the internet and you will quickly conclude that Obama is outspending McCain with his massive media blitz. It’s easy to understand why you think Obama is controlling the message. The MSM became biased after they allowed Obama to exercise a measured amount of control over them.

Tug -
Good post. Sorry I haven't had time to sit down an answer and am heading of on vacation for a week. I'm sure I'll take some time to respond when I return.
Ahh...what did it cost to see Obama?

Oh,it was FREE just like the concert with the no name group..... :lol:

And two of Germany's most popular bands did a free concert with free brauts and der beer before the messiah spoke.....did you know that?

Your hero draws 20,000/200,000 screaming socialists,you should be proud of your fav'.

Your 200,000 estimate is all bull merde my friend.More like 20,000...shoulda had the Decemberists there... :lol:


Bush wins again:

Maybe Veritas should change this to Obama supporters?

Looks like the Obama/Dem controlled media cooked the numbers.... :lol:

200,000?? :lol:

Dell -
Didn't realize that Germany was now on the list of SOCIALIST countries (ooooohhhh, boogey, boogey, boogey!). Perhaps you should give us your complete list.

As for the 200,000 figure...I didn't realize that you were now counting the Berlin Police among the liberal media elite. I'm sure they're very proud.
That doesn't surprise me.....but carry a majority.....especially southern areas....Unfortunately
I hear lots of grumbling about race.....I don't know......we may not be where we think we are.

I am pretty sure that Dems who walk in the booth are not going to go for McCain merely due to skin tone. I am sure there will be indy's who are raciest but I doubt they make up any thing close to a majority. I think it will come down to who they think is more fit for the job. Right now that seems to be leaning toward Obama.
Dell -
Didn't realize that Germany was now on the list of SOCIALIST countries (ooooohhhh, boogey, boogey, boogey!). Perhaps you should give us your complete list.

As for the 200,000 figure...I didn't realize that you were now counting the Berlin Police among the liberal media elite. I'm sure they're very proud.

Check mit ze AP for they ballyhooed all over the world..... :lol:

Various musings from many internet intellectuals:


It’s simple...the 20,000 figure was the size of the crowd of Germans. The 200,000 figure was the total after the American press showed up.

Let’s not forget, in the past the Leftists have wildly exaggerated crowd sizes for other such public gatherings, especially in DC and New York. I seem to recall one rally on the Mall where the organizers claimed 200,000; the National Park Service debunked that and said it was many times smaller.

How many left (after the two concerts, free Beer & Brauts), as soon as the messiah started speaking?

I’d love to see video of crowds streaming out of there.

It’s not generally known, but the overwhelming majority of the German crowd was struggling to hold their right arm down with their left arm.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Hey, Delldude. Who did you say is getting shrill? Maybe it's your own voice ringing in your ears. :lol: I know. Since the Frankie Valli ad didn't work, maybe you McSame supporters could set something to a McGuire Sisters hit. That's bound to draw in the crowds. The next Sausage Hut meeting might even get 10 or 12 McSame supporters. Oh, but think of the gas. :shock: :lol:
Hey, Delldude. Who did you say is getting shrill? Maybe it's your own voice ringing in your ears. :lol: I know. Since the Frankie Valli ad didn't work, maybe you McSame supporters could set something to a McGuire Sisters hit. That's bound to draw in the crowds. The next Sausage Hut meeting might even get 10 or 12 McSame supporters. Oh, but think of the gas. :shock: :lol:

Who says I'm a McShame supporter? :lol:
That doesn't surprise me.....but carry a majority.....especially southern areas....Unfortunately
I hear lots of grumbling about race.....I don't know......we may not be where we think we are.



It's time for me to "call a Spade a Spade", and in this case I'm refering to YOU(my friend) !

Meaning that;

Most times,...you are a Very logical thinker, even though we may not agree.

But then there are "the other times" :unsure:

(Elaborating Further),..........the "Pale people" your not so sure about(meaning majority),....your "logic" leaves me In doubt because I KNOW,..You see the YOUTH in their faces, and guess what Dude,................those faces are NOT just Democrats or Indy's :shock:

I SWEAR,..........(and it's NOT just you..Dell),.........."What...T-F...ELSE do I have to do,.....to CONVINCE you non-BO supporters here on the "cooler",....that this Election is "99%" about the ECONOMY, and the association with :blink: ..EL-CHIMPO.. :blink: , (WHICH equates to the Republican Party), that will have the "MAJORITY" of Indy's, and perhaps a 1/3 of REPUGS...either voting for BO,.......OR..staying HOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They say in life that there .."Is NO Sure Thing"(and maybe that ol' saying is correct),...............B U T................(I gotta' tell ya')...............11/04/08...is about to become the "CLOSEST-THING" !
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