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McCain Looking Desperate This Week

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So your logic assumes that a band that is popular in the Northwest would draw crowds over 70,000 across the country? Interesting.

Based on the amount of money spent by the Obama campaign and the “hugeâ€￾ crowds showing up at his rallies, I wonder if Obama has concerns over his small 4 point lead over McCain. I also wonder why it is that Obama refuses to debate McCain at townhall meetings. Could it be Obama is lost without a teleprompter?

Yes, my logic assumes that a band that can draw 70,000 in one part of the country would be promoted (and would tour) in similar fashion in other parts of the country. I'm a capitalist. Too bad that you can't seem to understand the logic. Perhaps it's the same poor judgement that makes you think that those people somehow weren't there to see Obama...or, perhaps, you don't really believe the silly strawman argument that you threw out there in the first place. Some un-heard-of band, yeah right! Again, please show us how many other times this band has drawn 70,000.

As for your reliance on the polls, I'm not sure which one you're referring to, but I've seen polls in recent weeks showing Obama winning by as much as 16 points or as little as 3 points; most seem to be about six points. The one constant in all of them is that Obama is ahead and McCain is losing. Still, too early for them to mean much anyway; polls usually start to become good indicators after Labor Day.

As for the debates, again, Obama's people are smart - waiting until the traditional post-convention period to have them. Why would they be foolish enough to allow the candidate that is consistently losing in the polls to dictate terms of the debate? Clearly, Obama and his team have been better negotiators on this issue.

Remember, I launched this thread because, tactically, this has become a theme. Obama and his people seem to be controlling the message, dictating terms, and outcampaigning McCain and his advisers at every turn.
Obama does not want to debate for the same reason GW did not want to debate when he was running. The person who is in the lead never wants to debate because they do not have to. The person behind in the poll has nothing to loose by debating.

As for financing. If I were Obama and was hauling that amount of cash on a regular basis, I'd tell public financing to take a hike as well. I doubt McCain would do any different were he in the same situation which he is not. Given McCain's draw I fear that is a scenario we will never know.

Obama is a better speaker and has personality. Obama has cash to do what ever he wants. McCain is dry. He is on the wrong side of the Iraq/Afagan situation. He has admitted to having limited economic understanding. He is a horrible public speaker.

Is it any wonder Obama can control the issues?
Plus....(Don't forget the .."KISS of DEATH"),..there's that Picture of johnny Mac giving .. :blink: .EL-CHIMPO. :blink: ...that famous BIG ol'....LOVE HUG :shock: :shock:
Obama drew 200,000 people today in Berlin. Meanwhile, McCain's at the Sausage Haus! (with a slightly smaller crowd). Must have been the band...
Tug....didn't he campaign about using only public monies?

Wonder why he did a flip flop?
If the McSame campaign wants to play the flip flop game, Obama most likely has an ad that says "I never voted against a bill I sponsored", as McSame has....a couple of times. Unless McSame is totally senile, they won't be playing the "flip flop" card this election....he has way too much to lose.
It's beginning to look more and more, that poor OLD johnny Mac is going to suffer a MAJOR LEAGUE...ARSE Kickin' in Nov.

Because I(seriously) like the man, more than dislike him,.............I feel (somewhat) Sorry for Him.

He belongs to a political party who the Majority of it's members..HATE HIM.

He WILL go down(on record) for being the GOP Candidate, that will turn some states.."BLUE".
The kicker is,that..said..states, NEVER knew that ...."That Color" existed.

ALL of THIS can be traced BACK to the SOURCE,........................ of these (upcoming) anomalies,.........................(Drum Roll Please)......................... :blink: .EL-CHIMPO. :blink: ,......and :unsure: "DEAD EYE"........D I C K !!!
Well, if that band is what drew 70,000 people, then why aren't McCain's people coming up with ideas that will fill some stadiums??? Are Obama's advisers really that much smarter?

You, like many other Dems. always seem to miss the point which is..............Nobama did not draw 70,000 people to an arena !
You, like many other Dems. always seem to miss the point which is..............Nobama did not draw 70,000 people to an arena !


Last year, the Decemberists (the same band that "opened" for Obama) played a FREE show here in Chicago at Grant/Millinium Park. This park is right in the middle of Chicago. It is estimated that 10,000-12000 people were drawn to the free concert.

While I agree that Obama did not draw all 70,000 people to his event, I would suggest that he likely drew a significant number of the 70,000+ people (Maybe even a significant majority). Of course, Obama was in Portland (the hometown of the Decemberists), thus it is very likely that more than 10,000 people were there to see the Decemberists, but maybe not that much more. Earlier this year, they played a concert with a more famous band, in Oregon, and they only booked an 8,000 capacity venue.
Who the heck are the Decemberists,................Never heard of them !

Saaaaay,................wait a minute.

Hey KCFlyer.

Maybe we can form a Band...called the .."NOVEMBERISTS". :up:

We can give our First concert on 11/ "05", right in front of FOX(TV) Studio's :angry:
We can give a Second one,..on 11/06, right in front of..RUSH BIMBO's Studio :angry:

Both concerts will be Free of Charge(for everyone making under 200K), and EVERYONE gets a Free President OBAMA..tee Shirt :up:

And though he doesn't need it, ALL Proceeds will be sent as a token of appreciation, to.. :blink: EL-CHIMPO. :blink: , for the OBVIOUS "romp" on 11/04
McCain is starting to look like Bob Dole...the desperate war hero trying to convince the American public that he is entitled to be Prez because he was a war hero and a POW. AND, to make foolish statements saying Obama would rather win an election than a war are not only foolish, but lies.
The more McCain stumbles, the more shrill his USAviation supporters get.

Desperation time?
You, like many other Dems. always seem to miss the point which is..............Nobama did not draw 70,000 people to an arena !

I'll pose the same question to you that I asked earlier... How many other times has this band (that so few people out of that region have heard of) drawn 70,000??? By the lack of response earlier, it seems safe to guess that the answer is...never.

Again, if by some loony chance that it was the band, not the candidate, then Obama's staff is clearly MUCH smarter than the people that McCain has chosen to advise him. Why can't McCain's staff manage to put him in a setting with 40- 50- 70- or 200,000 people??? After all, by your logic, it's not like they would be there because of the candidate.
I'll pose the same question to you that I asked earlier... How many other times has this band (that so few people out of that region have heard of) drawn 70,000??? By the lack of response earlier, it seems safe to guess that the answer is...never.

Again, if by some loony chance that it was the band, not the candidate, then Obama's staff is clearly MUCH smarter than the people that McCain has chosen to advise him. Why can't McCain's staff manage to put him in a setting with 40- 50- 70- or 200,000 people??? After all, by your logic, it's not like they would be there because of the candidate.

Much like the Euro gig.....they aren't voting....200K

Big 'O' is cool......a phenomena.......will it get him to Pennsylvania Ave??

He ventured forth to bring light to the world

The annointed one
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