NHBB, you forgot to mention the name El Chimpo. You're not getting soft on this guy are you?
NHBB, you forgot to mention the name El Chimpo. You're not getting soft on this guy are you?
Terrorists after WWII
You may not like the source but it's the first one I could find on short notice.
Speaking of Terrorists,..............we have a derivative of terrorism right here in the USA.
It's called Social Terrorism.
Millions of Americans, walking around with ZERO possibility of EVER having access to Health Care/Medications.
Whats that you say ?
Who's saying that, you say ?
Oh. Just ask ANY Hospital Administrator !
He'll give you..."Two ear's Full", about the condition of his/her...."ER" on any given day.
Whats that you say ?
Who's responsible for this NATIONAL DISGRACE ?
Why the INSURANCE Companies of Course !!(With a BIG Dose of help, from GREEDY employers)
Should I continue ????????????????
Should WE follow the $$Money, back to the SOURCE ?
The SOURCE, meaning, who has ENABLED the Ins. Co's/Employers with a FERTILE Environment to (STILL) Conduct BUSINESS as USUAL ?
The Government has !
A Congress in TOTAL control for 6 full years,......Bolstered by a PRESIDENT :blink: , who STILL carries a VETO pen, until 1/20/09 !
In summary, the American "strain" of TERRORISM, is the Republican Party :down: :down:
I have NEVER met ANY Individual/family, who said they would OBJECT to paying a portion of the cost of a decent health plan.
(I just figured I'd put that lil' TIDBIT in there, to save (perhaps) someone from suggesting that the Average American is looking for a 100% FREE RIDE, as far as Health Care is concerned)
And here's the quality of care that the Chimp is providing. And you're right...American's pay more per person for health care than any other country in the far. Yet, we rank #37 - behind Costa Rica and Dominica in health care rankings (according to the World Health Organization). Pretty darn good return on investment, doncha think?We already pay Dude.......they're in the ER for free care if they can't afford it.
This ones on the Chimp
And here's the quality of care that the Chimp is providing. And you're right...American's pay more per person for health care than any other country in the far. Yet, we rank #37 - behind Costa Rica and Dominica in health care rankings (according to the World Health Organization). Pretty darn good return on investment, doncha think?
How wide do I need to open my wallet if I no longer have to pay out health insurance costs to a private insurer??Well my friend.....get ready to open that wallet even further as our elected officials decide how you're going to pay them to probe our private parts.
Bingo....countries with "socialized medicine" emphasize wellness. Here in the US, we throw a pill at a symptom and "treat" that.If what ever plan that get implemented manages to get people out of the emergency room and into clinics that treat illnesses before they become critical, that may manage to save money.
The way it boils down now is people are using hospitals as doctors office visits. That is vastly more expensive than a regular doc in the box.
Besides, it's not like the system we have in place now works worth a crap.
Bingo....countries with "socialized medicine" emphasize wellness. Here in the US, we throw a pill at a symptom and "treat" that.
Bingo....countries with "socialized medicine" emphasize wellness. Here in the US, we throw a pill at a symptom and "treat" that.
Tuggy....anybody here say that we want to be just like Canada? Nope....we should be BETTER. If someone wants to buy private insurance, by all means let them. Here's something from the ariticle to ponder :“countries with "socialized medicine" emphasize wellnessâ€
Try a health care system so overburdened that hundreds of thousands in need of medical attention wait for care, any care; a system where people in towns like Norwalk, Ontario, participate in lotteries to win appointments with the local family doctor.
Claude Castonguay fathered the single-payer system in Quebec that locked out private insurance companies. Castonguay has realized that socializing medicine creates a shortage-management system, limits available resources and drives down level and quality of service. Without free-market competition and under a burdensome regulatory scheme, there are no incentives for investment. Not even massive amounts of government spending can solve those core problems.
What does Castonguay suggest for Canada? He wants the immediate legalization of private insurance.
Sounds so inept and heartless. It is much better to avoid deaths door, then find from your insurance company that they weren't going to pay for your avoiding deaths door because of a "pre-existing condition" or some other past event that made them "higher risk". So...they avoided deaths door, but headed straight on over to the bankruptcy courts door. THAT'S a great, humane "health care system"...ain't it? Or how about thisThe Canadian government pays for U.S. medical care in some circumstances, but it declined to do so in de Vires' case for a bureaucratically perfect, but inhumane, reason: She hadn't properly filled out a form. At death's door, de Vires should have done her paperwork better.
Wow...if the Hays Kansas Memorial Hospital can't treat your cancer, is your insurer willing to send you to the MD Anderson clinic in Houston? What the article doesn't mention is that when Canada has to send someone to the US...they pay for the costs incurred as well. Would Cigna cover that trip to Houston for the Hays resident? Better hope he fills out his forms properly...Canadian bureaucrats aren't the only ones who are picky about those kinds of things. Oh...BTW, according to the World Health Organization, Canada has more hospital beds per 10,000 residents than the US does.Since the spring of 2006, Ontario's government has sent at least 164 patients to New York and Michigan for neurosurgery emergencies — defined by the Globe and Mail newspaper as "broken necks, burst aneurysms and other types of bleeding in or around the brain." Other provinces have followed Ontario's example.
As long as profits are put ahead of medical care, Capitalism can only save Health Care for rich Americans. Capitalism has resulted in airlines charging for baggage, cokes, blankets and pillows because they've cut all other costs to the bone. If capitalism resulted in doctors (labor) costs being slashed to keep costs down and maintain a profit for the insurer, would doctors still feel that it's a great system? IMHO, US doctors (and patients) are going to get screwed by capitalism....already some insurance companies are seriously considering "offshoring" health care needs - it costs them less to pay airfare, hospital, surgery and doctors fees for a client to fly to India for bypass surgery than it costs to have the same thing done here. Capitalism = profit at all costs...will American doctors be asked to cut their pay to "compete on a global level" with foreign medical care?The Cure: How Capitalism Can Save American Health Care,"
They live longer than us, but that's because they are better drivers I guess. Only reason I mention that is because when you cite that, the righties tend to start arguing that we have more auto wrecks or violent crime (hooray for the USA) than those countries that live longer than us, but have "socialized medicine".You would think with the Canadian medical system being as dangerous as some claim that Canadians would be dropping like flys eh?
They live longer than us, but that's because they are better drivers I guess. Only reason I mention that is because when you cite that, the righties tend to start arguing that we have more auto wrecks or violent crime (hooray for the USA) than those countries that live longer than us, but have "socialized medicine".