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McCain Looking Desperate This Week

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Much like the Euro gig.....they aren't voting....200K

Big 'O' is cool......a phenomena.......will it get him to Pennsylvania Ave??

He ventured forth to bring light to the world

The annointed one


I'm glad you're able to "smile" NOW.

However, I fear you will be "beset" with MUCH Anger by(approximately) 11pm on tuesday November 4th,2008. :rant: :rant: :rant:

And since(deep down) I know your a decent guy,...........That concerns me. :mellow: :mellow:

I'm glad you're able to "smile" NOW.

However, I fear you will be "beset" with MUCH Anger by(approximately) 11pm on tuesday November 4th,2008. :rant: :rant: :rant:

And since(deep down) I know your a decent guy,...........That concerns me. :mellow: :mellow:

Like I indicated before........if it swings that way my friend...the Onus is on you and your like bound thinkers.
The sun will rise the next day,dude......
Then we will have 4-8 years of cannon fodder for the talk show circuit....unless you guys eliminate the first amendment.
Much like the Euro gig.....they aren't voting....200K

Big 'O' is cool......a phenomena.......will it get him to Pennsylvania Ave??

He ventured forth to bring light to the world

The annointed one

Fantastic column! Absolutely hysterical! LMAO!

Will those 200k people vote? No. But I believe the 70k fans of that band we've never heard of WILL vote...and it's a pretty safe bet that they're not voting for McCain.

Also...that crowd of 200k (and the whole trip) make it a lot harder for McCain to make the case that Obama can't handle himself on the world stage since the whole world just saw him look very presidential in his interactions with a host of foreign leaders - and we have the pictures to prove it.

That's a heck of a week. Sure beats releasing a Frankie Valli music video and having lunch with six people at the "Sausage Haus!"
That's a heck of a week. Sure beats releasing a Frankie Valli music video and having lunch with six people at the "Sausage Haus!"

:lol: :lol:

He really needs some new material. Maybe some more house cleaning in the McCain camp is on order.
It's funny that McCain seems to be totally off the political radar but he is still only six points behind during the Obama lovefest in Europe.
Seatacus -
You're right, it does look like it's only about a six point race right now - but all of the momentum is going in one direction...and it's not McCain's.
Yes, my logic assumes that a band that can draw 70,000 in one part of the country would be promoted (and would tour) in similar fashion in other parts of the country. I'm a capitalist. Too bad that you can't seem to understand the logic. Perhaps it's the same poor judgement that makes you think that those people somehow weren't there to see Obama...or, perhaps, you don't really believe the silly strawman argument that you threw out there in the first place. Some un-heard-of band, yeah right! Again, please show us how many other times this band has drawn 70,000.

As for your reliance on the polls, I'm not sure which one you're referring to, but I've seen polls in recent weeks showing Obama winning by as much as 16 points or as little as 3 points; most seem to be about six points. The one constant in all of them is that Obama is ahead and McCain is losing. Still, too early for them to mean much anyway; polls usually start to become good indicators after Labor Day.

As for the debates, again, Obama's people are smart - waiting until the traditional post-convention period to have them. Why would they be foolish enough to allow the candidate that is consistently losing in the polls to dictate terms of the debate? Clearly, Obama and his team have been better negotiators on this issue.

Remember, I launched this thread because, tactically, this has become a theme. Obama and his people seem to be controlling the message, dictating terms, and outcampaigning McCain and his advisers at every turn.

Yes, my logic assumes that a band that can draw 70,000 in one part of the country would be promoted (and would tour) in similar fashion in other parts of the country. I'm a capitalist. Too bad that you can't seem to understand the logic. Perhaps it's the same poor judgement that makes you think that those people somehow weren't there to see Obama...or, perhaps, you don't really believe the silly strawman argument that you threw out there in the first place. Some un-heard-of band, yeah right! Again, please show us how many other times this band has drawn 70,000.
Yes, my logic assumes that a politician that can draw 70,000 in one part of the country would be promoted (and would campaign) in similar fashion in other parts of the country. Yes TF, I do understand your logic. I’m not going to waste my time trying to determine the exact supporter / non supporter ratio at the 08 May 08 Portland rally. As you noted, the Obama Campaign is not stupid, they used this logic to establish a comfortable level of expectation as to the number of supporters expected at one of his open air rallies.

Within a 200 mile radius of Columbia, SC, the population is only slightly lower than the combined state population of Oregon and Washington (12M). Obama’s December 07 open air rally at Columbia’s William Brice Stadium drew 29,000 supports.

Within a 200 mile radius of Philadelphia, the population easily exceeds the combined state population of Oregon and Washington. Obama’s April 08 open air rally at Philadelphia’s Independence Park drew 35,000 supporters.

Within a 200 mile radius of Portland, the population is roughly 6 million people. Obama’s May 08 open air rally at Portland’s Waterfront Park drew 75,000 supporters!

It’s blatantly obvious that there were major changes in the marketing strategy used to plan Obama’s May 08 open air rally in Portland. I don’t mean to minimize their efforts; I actually admire the genius marketing strategy used to inflate the number of attendants at the rally. I challenge your assertion that all in attendance were there for the sole purpose of hearing Obama speak.

The Obama Campaign used value added and smooth marketing tactics, along with the carnival atmosphere, to double his open air rally record crowd of 35K. One major change in their marketing strategy was the addition of a 45 minute opening act by a regionally popular, native Portland “indy†band.

The Obama campaign used the new marketing strategies to target and promote the rally at 23 Colleges and Universities across Oregon and Washington. They provided free bus transportation, strategically placed at numerous locations around Oregon and Washington. They expanded the free distribution of numerous electronic devises and hard cold cash.

The new marketing strategy, the “surgeâ€, worked very well and the event went off as planned. The Obama Campaign captured that much needed image, the one that portrays Obama as the great “unifierâ€, able to attract the masses with his sheer elegance, graceful oration and divine persona. Job well done!

Looking back, the Obama Campaign should have added a locally popular band as opening act in the Philadelphia and Columbia open air rallies.

As for your reliance on the polls, I'm not sure which one you're referring to, but I've seen polls in recent weeks showing Obama winning by as much as 16 points or as little as 3 points; most seem to be about six points. The one constant in all of them is that Obama is ahead and McCain is losing. Still, too early for them to mean much anyway; polls usually start to become good indicators after Labor Day.
Since polls aren’t good indicators until after Labor Day, why do you offer current poll results as proof positive of Obama’s lead over McCain?


As I’m sure you’re aware, campaigns continually monitor poll results throughout the election process. Poll results allow a candidate to tailor their message and effectively address issues and concerns that are of the utmost concern to the general public. Polls are the fuel that powers campaigns.

As to the polls I reference, I find the website realclearpolitics to be a good, single point resource.

In a related story, CNN reports John McCain has narrowed the gap in four crucial battleground states. McCain overcame a 5 point deficient in Colorado to move ahead of Obama by 2 points. In Minnesota, McCain has overcome a 15 point deficient and now trails Obama by 2 points. It’s halftime at the campaign game and Obama holds a slim 4.5 point lead.


The final run to Election Day will be full of pitfalls and surprises. Despite all the Obama hype, he is not a shoe in for POTUS. This race will be close and it’s way too early to declare Obama the winner.

As for the debates, again, Obama's people are smart - waiting until the traditional post-convention period to have them. Why would they be foolish enough to allow the candidate that is consistently losing in the polls to dictate terms of the debate? Clearly, Obama and his team have been better negotiators on this issue.
“ the traditional post-convention period..†?? During the race to win the DNC nomination, Obama frequently debated his position with Senator Clinton at numerous town hall style meetings as well as national debates. Why the digressive “change†in strategy by the progressive thinking Senator. If Obama is what you say he is, a couple of town hall duels with McCain should easily seal the deal. What’s Obama waiting for? You really think Obama believes his 4.8% lead in the election polls grant him the authority to dictate the terms and conditions of all town hall meetings and national debates? Obama come across as arrogant at times.

Remember, I launched this thread because, tactically, this has become a theme. Obama and his people seem to be controlling the message, dictating terms, and outcampaigning McCain and his advisers at every turn.
The media has long since adopted a kid glove approach when interviewing or questioning Obama. Watch any television, listen to any radio and browse the internet and you will quickly conclude that Obama is outspending McCain with his massive media blitz. It’s easy to understand why you think Obama is controlling the message. The MSM became biased after they allowed Obama to exercise a measured amount of control over them.
Obama drew 200,000 people today in Berlin. Meanwhile, McCain's at the Sausage Haus! (with a slightly smaller crowd). Must have been the band...
Ahh...what did it cost to see Obama?

Oh,it was FREE just like the concert with the no name group..... :lol:

And two of Germany's most popular bands did a free concert with free brauts and der beer before the messiah spoke.....did you know that?

Your hero draws 20,000/200,000 screaming socialists,you should be proud of your fav'.

Your 200,000 estimate is all bull merde my friend.More like 20,000...shoulda had the Decemberists there... :lol:


The estimates given by German public television ZDF actually during the event, however, were as little as one-tenth of that number. ZDF began its special "Obama in Berlin" coverage [German video] at 6:45 p.m. Central European Time: only 15 minutes before the candidate's speech was scheduled to start. At the time, ZDF reporter Susanne Gelhard was out and about on the so-called "Fan Mile" between the Victory Column and the Brandenburg Gate. "The expectations were highly varied," she said in her live report, "from a few thousand up to a million. Those were the estimates. But, now, several tens of thousands have turned out." Barely five minutes before the speech was supposed to start, ZDF Berlin studio chief Peter Frey added, "We do estimate that 20,000 [literally, "a couple of ten thousand"] people have turned out."

Bush wins again:

As the Berlin-based writer Christian J. Heinrich notes: "During the big anti-Bush demonstration after the fall of Baghdad, there were 250,000 people. And it looked totally different from yesterday. Then, you couldn't move all the way from the Brandenburg Gate to the Technical University [on the western side of Tiergarten park, another kilometer beyond the Siegessäule]."

Maybe Veritas should change this to Obama supporters?

post Jul 25 2008, 02:24 PM
Post #27

The more McCain stumbles, the more shrill his USAviation supporters get.

Desperation time?

Looks like the Obama/Dem controlled media cooked the numbers.... :lol:

200,000?? :lol:
"Polls/Shmolls".............Media events........SAUSAGE factory's........"Who did what to whom",........................IT'S in the middle of SUMMER, for Christs sake.

90% of the USA is ON VACATION, ...meaning...Most people(now) Don't GIVE-A-SHET !!

Once the kids are back to school/college, around the 3rd week in September.............THEN things will HEAT UP !

So, in the meantime,..............."pass the relish pleae, and save me a bite of that Potatoe salad" :up: :up:
"Polls/Shmolls".............Media events........SAUSAGE factory's........"Who did what to whom",........................IT'S in the middle of SUMMER, for Christs sake.

90% of the USA is ON VACATION, ...meaning...Most people(now) Don't GIVE-A-SHET !!

Once the kids are back to school/college, around the 3rd week in September.............THEN things will HEAT UP !

So, in the meantime,..............."pass the relish pleae, and save me a bite of that Potatoe salad" :up: :up:

Looks like you read that dudes article....he said the same thing.
Its early....way too early....
Big turd coming over Obama's birth certificate and whether he's really eligible. :down:

Hillary at the convention...... 😱
Anybody watching The Obama on Meet The Press?

Tom Brokaw is busting Obama’s jewels. Obama looks like a tool!

The questions are very tough and Obama seems frustrated while stumbling around for an answer.

Brokaw questioned Obama on his Pakistan plan. Damn, wait to you hear Obama’s reply!!

I stated several months ago that given enough time, Obama will end up saying incredible stupid things.

The kid gloves are coming off!
Ahh...what did it cost to see Obama?

Oh,it was FREE just like the concert with the no name group..... :lol:

And two of Germany's most popular bands did a free concert with free brauts and der beer before the messiah spoke.....did you know that?

Your hero draws 20,000/200,000 screaming socialists,you should be proud of your fav'.

Your 200,000 estimate is all bull merde my friend.More like 20,000...shoulda had the Decemberists there... :lol:


Bush wins again:

Maybe Veritas should change this to Obama supporters?

Looks like the Obama/Dem controlled media cooked the numbers.... :lol:

Stuck In The Moment
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