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Management Raises


I consider pilots highly skilled, continually training, many with degrees, a limited time to earn their lifes retirement, and worth every penny. I don't however, feel that way about every position in the company. Or rather tired of the mentality of some that just because I have to take concessions everyone equally has to including every mgmt position each and every time proportionally....or any and every bonus is an insult to labor. Just weary of the its mgmt, always mgmt's fault mantra.
Why is it that we go through the same things everytime non union employees are given raises? Dave explained all last time around. The unions have built in retention due to seniority, non union employees only have cash.

The non union raises are in line with the afa and iam raises currently on the books...

Your damn straight.... if labor takes concessions...so better managment. Tuff beans if you don't like it... You may make the blueprint, Charlie Brown, but without the contractors to build the product, your skill ain't worth squat!

Like management states to labor, "you don't like it; leave!"
Why is it that we go through the same things everytime non union employees are given raises? Dave explained it all last time around. The unions have built in retention due to seniority, non union employees only have cash.

The non union raises are in line with the afa and iam raises currently on the books...

I'm sure it will be one of those, we'll give you 4% now, and take 5% later type deals.
ktflyhome said:
Coachrowsey: That cracked me up :up: :up: :up: Go for it Flyboi!!!!!!!!
Now your all cracked up any ideas? Coachrowsey, my first idea would be to force (force) certain posters to see the gravity of the situation, ie i dont think people who constantly BLAME DAVE have a real clue about the depth of this company's problems let alone the industry. For some one to continue to blame Dave and co and not see that at this point and time not willing to face reality is truely sickening. I hope for the eeveryones sake, those who focus on Dave and Dave only, will be proven DEAD WRONG. Why ? If your not its over for you.
Dave said he would take consessions...plus forgo his 4.5 million golden parachute.

Has the afa considered lowering its membership dues? Are they a fixed price, or a percent of wage?
jack mama,

Seniority does not mean nothing around here anymore. Folks with over 20 years are getting laid off. Go look at the Mechanics. The average one has to be in their 50's.
Hey Jack,

He hasn't taken quat yet and its all lip service.

Management took care of lowering the dues by eliminating 5,400 of us in 18 months.

Dave's shpill about his "walking away" from $4.5 mil is laughable. There was no way he was leaving here.

If this place sells, he will be looking at probably upwards of 4 times as much. LOL..

Give me a break with all the "boo hoo hoo" sacrificing of the CEO.
I think that Dave will cash in and leave. Maybe the pilots will make it part of the deal for concessions...like they did with Carty at AMR.

I did love how he said he would be willing to forgo his cash and his contract...notice he hasn't done it yet. And he said he wanted the contract of money making LCCs, but he doesn't work for a money making company. I think he should get paid $1 until we show a profit.

I feel like Dave has done a good job here, but maybe his time is up. He has kept up afloat for this long, and maybe has even turned the ship around. Sadly, he may of burned too many bridges along the way. The contract violations, and all the dancin around are not helping. But he did what he could at the time. Surely, he couldn't of asked for all they needed in one shot, no sane union member would of voted that in. But in 3 or 4 tries, it gets more manageable.

I also think it is very sad that some employees would rather see the place shut down than take part in the going forward plan. We all know the unionized employees have the most to lose here, and hopefully the majority doesn't feel they should shut it down before they make anymore changes.

We ALL have alot to lose here, union and non- union. Make no mistake.

I hear more desperation in mangement's voice than in unionized labor's voice. Who wants to continue to give concessions to a management team that view employees as "necessary nusiances", violates all contracts, and looks to terminate the people. Blame Labor Relations for all of it. I blame Dave for not seeing this early enough to make a difference. He could have.

Again, if these jobs turn into a "bad jobs", they are a dime a dozen.

Found out htat SW "no out of pocket" medical is $40 per mnth for single employee. Far cry from the medical premium U sets for the employees, cause you know they are self-insured.

Siegel even said that he will take more concessions and see what benefits the co. can offer. And whatever benefits would be offered, he will take it out of our "hides". Personally, majority rules. If our employees have had enough, than management will have to make a decision to sell now rather than later.

As far as a "good job", the employees have kept this place afloat for the past two years from their conceding to the sacrifices necessary to keep the doors open. Mangment has NOT done their part to take the cost savings and have a "viable plan" to hit the competition and protect the employees and franchise.

NO siree, they have failed horribly on both fronts.

I blame the biggest failure on the "Labor Relations" dept that has killed the morale of labor, that not even Dave's plea can resurrect any interest from the vast majority of employees. U and Dave may have had a fighting chance, if he would have recognized the huge grand canyon gap between labor and management that Labor Relations created. Dave did not "watch that ball". JMO.
jack mama above states: "I also think it is very sad that some employees would rather see the place shut down than take part in the going forward plan. We all know the unionized employees have the most to lose here, and hopefully the majority doesn't feel they should shut it down before they make anymore changes."


How much more can folks give? Mechanics with over 16 years have 3 weeks of vacation. Allot of them can not get even one week of vacation of in the summer. The have days off in the middle of the week. They work steady afternoon shift or midnight shift. They deal with weather and they climb, crawl, do heavy lifting, work with dangerous chemicals and even suspend from cables to work at heights. Remember all the young guys are gone. These are old Mechanics at the height of their career. After all of this crummy work they are rewarding with being able to take two paid twelve minute breaks per day to sit at picnic table benches in the break rooms. They are hard on your back and your bottom. I believe you will find these guys have had enough of their crummy job and will bring you all down with them if you want them to vote yes for any plan that involves them giving anything.
openview said:

I consider pilots highly skilled, continually training, many with degrees, a limited time to earn their lifes retirement, and worth every penny. I don't however, feel that way about every position in the company. Or rather tired of the mentality of some that just because I have to take concessions everyone equally has to including every mgmt position each and every time proportionally....or any and every bonus is an insult to labor. Just weary of the its mgmt, always mgmt's fault mantra.
Understand your point, but labor has grown weary of Seigel's "labor, always labor's fault mantra". To ask employees making under $40,000/year to take a 25 percent cut in pay is ludicrous. Actually it sounds as if there are no creative ideas from the think team and this is all they could come up with. Employees are willing to give all day long with productivity changes...but leave the salaries alone for those making under 40,000. We need creativity at the top.
jack mama said:
How does one have amicable labor relations while asking for cuts?

C'mon. You born here at U yesterday?????

U employees have taken concessions before. This is not new business. WE have also had fierce competition and beat their butts.

Please, much Labor Relations could do to keep peace with labor while labor sacrifices their lives. Instead, Labor Relations bagers employees harrasses them when their sick, and looks to terminate employees.

Nope. Labor Relations blew it with me, B-I-G. And from my perch, I gage everything by that department.

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