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Management Presents "plan" To Afa

Use you head,

The guarantee IS NOT INCREASED. Am not at your pay scale, Pal. Don't tell me about your reserve system.

You have not worked our reserve. Don't give me a hx lesson, I lived the hx, and today's reserve suffer much more "quality of life "issues and living in fear of keeping their jobs than anyone on the property ever did. And I believe you "time balance system" is eminent and will go into effect March.

Here's the real world....no matter how good the plan looks, if the employees don't buy into it, it won't work. And scaring them to death, won't work again. Unfortunately, this management does not have the employees. And just to "will" a change, is dellusional.

Fix that.
I believe CCY, as a gesture of good faith, should stop the beatings NOW, prior to ANY labor group coming to the table (except ALPA, who has already approached on bended knee).

Come on Palace - we ain't in BK anymore!

Every union should demand respect, and get tangible proof of it, before we even get to 'hello.'

How? Drop the chickens**t interpretation of the contracts, the 'new and improved' interpretations, settle the grieveances, MEET THE CONTRACTUAL DEADLINES FOR THE GRIEVANCES, etc.

There, not so hard, and not so costly.

Pitbull, I love what you're doing, girl.

Would you please give some lessons to IAM and ALPA?

IAM has given me the lesson. They are holding tuff. Outsource issue is the biggest issue on the property. Until that issue is resolved, there can't be disussions. Utility jobs must be protected, too. If management has their way, they will outsource everything.

I still don't know how MESA fits into our equation. They are getting a lot of the Rj flying (8 planes recently) with "guranteed revenue". MAA is scheduled to get 85 Rjs by 2006 if all goes well. The ALG certificate still concerns me. Its just out there, and they haven't decided to do anything with it as of late.

Pressently, the main issue for our labor group, is the employees piece. We will look for changes in the absuse of our employees from "lower level" mangement. Policies need to change. A letter from this mangement needs to go out outlining a shift in their culture. If these kinds of things don't occur to demonstrate "change", there is really nothing to discuss.
PITbull said:

IAM has given me the lesson. They are holding tuff. Outsource issue is the biggest issue on the property. Until that issue is resolved, there can't be disussions. Utility jobs must be protected, too. If management has their way, they will outsource everything.

I still don't know how MESA fits into our equation. They are getting a lot of the Rj flying (8 planes recently) with "guranteed revenue". MAA is scheduled to get 85 Rjs by 2006 if all goes well. The ALG certificate still concerns me. Its just out there, and they haven't decided to do anything with it as of late.

Pressently, the main issue for our labor group, is the employees piece. We will look for changes in the absuse of our employees from "lower level" mangement. Policies need to change. A letter from this mangement needs to go out outlining a shift in their culture. If these kinds of things don't occur to demonstrate "change", there is really nothing to discuss.
Big meeting today where ALL foreman MUST attend. Hmm

Speaking of utility, as of yesterday some more utility jobs are being abolished, gone, finished. Seems they keep cutting utility every chance they get. You now need close to 20 years to hold utility. It looks like utility is a target that's not being kept a secret.
big skin meeting...very interesting...
hearing 4 utes wacked out of ssb and being added to 431....mar 1st. i believe.
756pro said:
Big meeting today where ALL foreman MUST attend. Hmm

Speaking of utility, as of yesterday some more utility jobs are being abolished, gone, finished. Seems they keep cutting utility every chance they get. You now need close to 20 years to hold utility. It looks like utility is a target that's not being kept a secret.
Yaah, everytime I turn around, more fleet are being furloughed or expressed. Anybody heard of any mechs getting the axe lately?

And that, PB, is to which I speak.

ALPA eats their young. IAM tosses fleet and ute overboard. Same thing.
PITbull said:
Art from ISP,

My friend, your issues from these boards were brought up....your wish, is mangement's command.

Thanks to you and all the U loyalists who have always stuck by the employees.

Thanks for loving us enough! :up: 😀

Thank you for your kind words. I hope that we have turned a corner here, and that true progress can be made. I hope the improvements can happen with no or minimal concessions on your part, and that you can all find a way to work smarter rather than cheaper.

I remain firmly in the corner of the finest employees in the business.

My best to you all
delldude said:
big skin meeting...very interesting...
hearing 4 utes wacked out of ssb and being added to 431....mar 1st. i believe.

I know from my time in PIT 431-001 (Hangar 5)....and 435-001 (Hanagrs 1 and 2) We were gosh awefully short on utility during last winter and spring.

CLT 431-001 has the same issues...but the lack of actual mechanics , especially on the weekends is very damning in regards to making any progress.

I'n not sure what's at hand here?...but if clean airplanes are of any concern to this management group? They sure have a strange way of showing it. 🙁
PITbull said:
Use you head,

The guarantee IS NOT INCREASED. Am not at your pay scale, Pal. Don't tell me about your reserve system.

You have not worked our reserve. Don't give me a hx lesson, I lived the hx, and today's reserve suffer much more "quality of life "issues and living in fear of keeping their jobs than anyone on the property ever did. And I believe you "time balance system" is eminent and will go into effect March.

Here's the real world....no matter how good the plan looks, if the employees don't buy into it, it won't work. And scaring them to death, won't work again. Unfortunately, this management does not have the employees. And just to "will" a change, is dellusional.

Fix that.

The time balancing reserve system is in effect now for the pilots, it began in Feb.

You are correct, the reserve guarantee is too low; I suggested that if raised, it would do much to correct the issue of people who used to get a full paycheck and no longer can based upon a time balance system.

Quality of life issues for reserves have changed? How? You have to be in base, you are on call, and that is what a large percentage of people have had to do for years, myself included. I live in TPA and I am on call in PHL, have spent 7 years in PIT, some time in DCA, BWI, CLT, LAX, and BOS. So I am well versed in the "lifestyle".

I do not fear for my job, I am in base when required, and fulfill my obligation as a reliable employee. What do I have to fear?

Under the new system, barring sick calls I can much better predict when I will fly and it has created much stability in my life.


1) What quality life issues have been introduced as a result of the new system verses the old, and

2) Why does anyone fear for their job if they are where they are supposed to be?

Again, the BIG downside here is the monetary hit that not getting your time introduced, which is why I suggested the increase in minimum guarantee.
PITbull said:
Use you head,

The guarantee IS NOT INCREASED. Am not at your pay scale, Pal. Don't tell me about your reserve system.

You have not worked our reserve. Don't give me a hx lesson, I lived the hx, and today's reserve suffer much more "quality of life "issues and living in fear of keeping their jobs than anyone on the property ever did. And I believe you "time balance system" is eminent and will go into effect March.

Here's the real world....no matter how good the plan looks, if the employees don't buy into it, it won't work. And scaring them to death, won't work again. Unfortunately, this management does not have the employees. And just to "will" a change, is dellusional.

Fix that.
I can't wait to hear this fella when he really experiences the new reserve system. If he thought the last was bad, wait until he pulls up the reserve screens of every base and sees that only three or four are even hitting 71 hours. He will be praising the old sytem quickly.

Pitbull, I have a question. Why is the plan so secret? We have used that competitve line for years. It always means there's no viable plan or plan at all. If the plan is so good, let us laymembers see it so we can make our own assessment. Of what you are saying, I like alot I hear, BUT....what's the catch? Or in this teams case, the threat?

I want to help this company. I know I can do other things but I really like my job and it's carefree lifestyle, BUT...I don't trust a word that management tells us. I feel they will just lie again. Nothing they do seems to be in good faith. What DO they want from the F/A's?

BTW, thanks for the hard work. Hang in tough with these guys.

UseYour Head

Just a question. Have you gotten your first 71 hour paycheck? Brace yourself. It IS about money. Let me give you an example. If I were on reserve and only got my 71 hrs and didn't fly a trip, I would be looking at a $1000, or more paycut. When you consider I make $3000 now, that 's a hell of a percentage difference. Plus, the new system sounds great when you hear "balancing", as if it's about being fair, but everyone loses now. The most senior reserve went from bad to worst. At least in the pass, they could have a life. Now they are skipped over. This is about the company not having to pay overtime...period. When you take a thousand dollar cut in pay, hotel cost for commuters becomes more costly AND more often on this sytem. One f/a I know has paid over $500 a month in hotels thanks to this system.

I just don't think you will ever see an 80 guarantee.
UseYourHead said:

Are you on reserve? Have you been on reserve for say 10-15 years? Do you understand how bad the old reserve system was too, especially for junior reserves?

I have been on reserve (as a reserve Captain) since 1989. Most of that time a very junior reserve. The old system was also terrible; hell, reserve is terrible!

The new system, with a higher guarantee would be far better than the old system. EVERYONE on reserve has a reasonable quality of life, with predictability, and so on (that is assuming all of your co-workers do not call in sick). This observation is from a long-term reserve.

BTW, thank you for the update of the meeting....
UseYourHead come on! It's different in the back of the plane vs. the front. No sense comparing. Keep in mind crew sched works with pilots a whole lot more than the fa's. The new reserve system has been in place what 12 days? Lets face it you are sitting in Tampa right now looking at Catcrew and getting an idea when or if you are gonna get called. Much nicer than flying up to philly and sitting in some rat trap hotel waiting to be called. Sure, time balancing is great. The problem lies with the sky whores who want to fly 95 hours a month at the expense of the junior pukes. Can you say the f word? Furlough.
First Amendment: I agree with both of your posts. I too want to know what is the "catch". Why the meeting at all and why all the secrecy. Why can't the employees be told of this Grand Plan???

Also, you are right on with the Reserve Time Balancing. As a Senior reserve it stinks. I am living on Ramen noodles now. But at least I still have a job, Right???

Once, again, we are kept in the dark about the future of this Company. I guess we will find out when we come to work and the name has been changed and the planes repainted and the logo is stripped. Sound familiar?????

Reading Pitbulls initial post. I applaud our AFA but something is making my stomach queazy.....I am not getting a warm, cozy feeling. 🙁
Use your head asks:


1) What quality life issues have been introduced as a result of the new system verses the old, and

2) Why does anyone fear for their job if they are where they are supposed to be?

Again, the BIG downside here is the monetary hit that not getting your time introduced, which is why I suggested the increase in minimum guarantee.

PITbull responds:

Some of our option flyers have taken upwards of an additional 30% pay cut that commenced with the implementation of the new reserve system Nov. 1. Where commuters use to be able to be in base and pay additonal expenses for commuting and having a "pad", is no longer affordable. The job acutally costs them money at their pay rate. At your pay rate, you still make way above average wages. Therefore, commuting is still affordable and condusive. Many of our reserves have child care issues as we are 82% female and many have given birth. Those expenses to be paid to care givers just for f/as to remain on call but not be used, isexpensive. Some just can't afford it and risk not calling a sitter in. Many of our f/as use to work additional jobs to subsidize the concessions, the reserve system has cut that ability or puts f/as in jeopardy when they try to work the same way to replace the income, but get caught out of base. Flight attendants are being called to work into their OFF days on a regular basis instead of occasionally like in the past. The anxiety is high and fear of being terminated in anticipation that something "might" go wrong places employees in "distress. In addition, because of "displacements" of our f/as in LGA and DCA, at their pay level, it has become an impossible "feat", even to the point that the f/as call in tears to their union reps for these debts and in fear of losing everything. Couple those expenses with additonal medical expenses for those f/as who have chronic illnesses, and pay penalities for sick, and you are an employee heading for disaster. And God forbid, you are a single parent.

If the resign, they get basically nothing, no unemployement, nothing.
One really bad thing about this Reserve Time Balancing is that if you are a commuter, you can come to base as per required, get a hotel room or rattrap, spend $$$ on room and board and sit for your days on duty and STILL NOT FLY. I have known many who have come to base sat for 4-6 days and go home without one trip. This is absurd!!!! This whole charade has only help to provide the junior most people with and extra trip or 2 a month at best.

Heck, I could live easily on a Pilots Monthly Guarantee. No Sweat. :angry:

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