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Machinists Union Merger Update

My bad.....it's in the contract........it's ok......

on them union things...get them to pay for most of your legal fees(millions) but some might say this provides a conflict of interest.like if they vote it down we got this huge legal bill??
anyone say 2nd vote? 😉 :shock:
And lets not talk about the GSE techs.. Most of the GSE techs at US are gone.. The IAM flushed
that with the last agreement..

Ok lets talk about them.Alot of them are gone,but there are still a good number of them out there.I dont think alot of people really give them credit for what they do.Maybe there job doesnt seem as important as an A/C mech,maybe it doesnt look like they help bring in a huge amout of revenue like A/C mechs do by getting the plane out on time,but trust me they are vital.

Lets look at this picture,when your out in the snow changing a tire there out changing a half dozen,when your checking the oil on 2 engines there checking it on 100 at a time.When your on the gate and cant get your push back started,who do you call,when your jet way wont move who do you call,when you get a plane stuck on a jack in the hanger who do you call.

Hr for Hr a gse mech does as much or more real work than an a/c mech.and you know thats true dont kid people here.

They gave back as much money as you did,they gave back vacation,insurance and everything else just like you did,they are and will be your union brothers sticking by your side and getting her done dispite all the people that look down on them and call them less than...a real mech.

some of them have A&P tickets and can do your job also,but choose to work were they do,some of them are ase certified and never get recocnition for it.

Maybe they shouldnt get as much as you do but then thats why you get ticket pay right.
But one thing is for damn sure they dont deserve another pay cut that they would be getting by going IBT

A mech is a mech,remember this next time its freezing ass cold and you have your winter ruler out,forget the elitest attitude,there on your side.
on them union things...get them to pay for most of your legal fees(millions) but some might say this provides a conflict of interest.like if they vote it down we got this huge legal bill??
anyone say 2nd vote? 😉 :shock:

I agree delldude.....better they pay for it than the IAM............It does look very suspicious though...
So what about the IBT getting paid by Continental Airlines for their expenses during the concessionary negotiations?
So what about the IBT getting paid by Continental Airlines for their expenses during the concessionary negotiations?
an excellent point that shows IAM isn't the only one who employs these tactics.like i said at U, alpa,afa,cwa all did this and as we see,it is an industry wide union practice.