B737 MECHANIC said:
"I have leveled issues as opposed to open insults" as you say if calling anyone a IAM HACK is an insult i am so sorry for hurting any grown adults feelings, ijust wondering what drives him to think the IAM is the only why to go and the rest of us are crap, he must have a big stake in the IAM, and you need to stick up for him, let him do it for himself i would have a lot more respect if he call me a self serving person than hear it from some message boy, anyway i am done causing so much negative issues i am putting an end to this as with 700u most people dont want to even think about giving IBT a chance, i doesnt matter which union wins i will be laid off anyways, all for what. a bunch of high senority people can keep their jobs a little longer in a company that was finished if doug and awa and the investers he got together to save usair.
i hope i did hurt anyones feelings bye
I'm not going to apologize for defending a co-worker...no matter how much I too tend to disagree with him at times. Your approach and attempts at tanking or high-jacking this thread tweeked me but good
Blast me all you want ...but you Sir have stirred the pot to a boil without even using an outside heat source. I'm refering to your attempts to getting a Board Member and fellow worker to OUT himself...as if his job has a damn thing to do with anything. Is anyone asking you to OUT yourself?
AS for your comments about being furloughed....How do you know this to be true , unless a Union Contract is accepted that allows for further outsourcing of what is and should remain your and my collective work.
Lets take this another POSITIVE step further.
HP's current fleet required todays numbers of HP Mechanics to keep the ball rolling...am I correct so far?
US has had to maintain a certain headcount to make it work too...and lots of that is driven by the need to make the current levels "In-House" work per the binding agreement between US and the IAM.
This agreement keeps a lot of things solvent for a lot of people...it also provides stability for a large number of individuals..whom would other wise be exercising bumping rights to Line Stations..thus creating a "shock-wave" of the very furloughs you are obviously expecting.
I'm willing to believe and its just a guess , that your fears are driven by senority intergration...Valid? Maybe , Maybe not?
Just to give you an insight as to whats going on in the East. CLT Base Maintenance which is a 5 Bay Facility...has 2 B-737 Q-Checks taking place...and 2 C-Check Tracks...Bay 4 of the facility is being used for "Drop-In' work that is usually beyond the scope of Overnight Maintenance that the purpose built Line Hangar handles. That's a lot of Jobs that are in the present form...No threat to your position anywhere within the current HP Maintenance chain. PIT is much the same..only that involves the Airbus Narrow Body S-Checks.
FYI...CLT has been re-calling Furloughees over the last few weeks due to a lot of retirements and some simply hauling butt out of this industry. The Junior most returnees have a DOH of June/July of 1989 that I've spoken to.
Something else to ease your anxiety...of all the Ex-PSA Mechanics I've spoken to..whom started in SAN or LAX so many many years ago...not one that I've encountered has any desire to up-root you in PHX for a return to the West.
Most at US fear being transfered to PHX..as the cost of living from a housing standpoint alone is far far out of whack when you compare it to that of either the PIT or CLT markets. Hell Man...we are already working for less as it is...and nothing else in life is getting cheaper...who the hell needs to wantingly move to PHX and make the burden even greater?
The biggest concerns period are the scope clause...that insures more favorable numbers being retained on both sides of this story. The real job losses will stim from areas where true duplication of effort are...and that's at the HQ's level , Support levels and that of the Operations Dept. These folks from the U side are going to get the bath of a lifetime when RIDC Park in PIT is closed...and they can't afford to move to PHX , if in fact a job offer is extended to them? CLT will have a few areas affected in an alike manner...but it will be limited as opposed to what will take place in PIT and the curent U HQ in CCY.
By and large...You need to temper your tantrum until all the facts meet the light of day...but one fact is for certain..the loss of any additional Heavy Maintenance in the EAST by you getting your way..is going to BY-GOD have an impact on who's still working or not in the WEST at some point.