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Maa (republic)

Dog Wonder:

Dog Wonder: "'Too bad you aren't eligible. Maybe it would keep you off of reserve."

Dog, I am actually considering bidding reserve. I'm thinking about bidding the B757 because I am only 165 numbers away from holding a Captain’s position. With US Airways losing about 20 pilots per month the bid award could happen in the not-so-distant future, with the B737s being reduced. This would be a large hourly pay increase and I would work about half of the days that I do now.

Another good option would be to bid right seat on the A330. With the international override and no commuting expenses, I would take a minimal pay loss, significantly improve my quality of life, have more days off, and enjoy long European over nights.



P.S. It appears that quit a few LGA Captains senior to me do not like flying out of LGA and are going to bid out of the base, so that may create another opportunity too.
The f/a's are not guaranteed to work on the 170 when these birds are sent over to Republic. They are not even guaranteed a job. Each F/a will go through an intereview process. Flight attendants wishing to go over to Republic and offered a job, will be placed on the 135/145/170. Anyone that is over 5'9 and ends up placed on the 135/145 will probably end up with scoliosis before years end
I can not beleive this is all happening to us again. I feel kinda like I did back in 2003 when we were furloughed from mainline. I just hope I dont go into a the depressed mode again like I did then. I just feel so betrayed by U.
xoxo said:
I can not beleive this is all happening to us again. I feel kinda like I did back in 2003 when we were furloughed from mainline. I just hope I dont go into a the depressed mode again like I did then. I just feel so betrayed by U.

🙁 I know exactly what you're talking about. I never, ever want to go through that again. Ever.
With US Airways losing about 20 pilots per month the bid award could happen in the not-so-distant future, with the B737s being reduced.

The trouble is, most of those leaving seem to be in the bottom half of the list, and are leaving for much greener pastures. Upward movement is just about nil, at least in my case (and I think we are within a few hundred numbers.) Greeter.

I have gone down a little bid-over-bid, with a greater drop on bid 05-03. The A330 is a very attractive option when you eliminate commuting expenses, add international override pay, per diem, and working conditions. The B757 is an attractive option too, probably available sometime next year.

In regard to LGA, I know of 4 pilots senior to me who want to bid out of the base but cannot find an opening. The LGA commuting challenge is that hotel rooms are very expensive and "crash pads" are not very good. The Ramada is charging crews $139 per night and almost all entry level crash pads cost $200 per month, have about 20 people per unit, "hot beds", and are co-ed. Again, I'm extremely fortunate in this area too.

US Airways pilots will lose 5.4 B737 Captain positions per aircraft and the September bid has been rolled into October. According to an ALPA Bid Closing Committee member the September bid has accounted for all of the recent September aircraft reduction announcements.

From the bankruptcy court filing, US Airways will lose 20 B737s from October through February, which is another 108 Captain positions. In addition, there are no further aircraft reductions until 2009, however, GECAS could take out 11 more aircraft starting about 2 years from now and reducing the B737 fleet by 1 aircraft per month down to 210 jets.

Age 60 retirements, early retirements, and LTD attrition is fairly high with the average Captain age 55, the average F/O age 52, and the average pilot age 54. I suspect resignations for those below the age of 50 that cannot retire will moderate with pilots now believing they have more job security.

I'm sure you're faily close to my age, which is 49, thus we are relatively lucky in comparision to many of our colleagues who are age challenged with the current events.



This is MEC Chairman Bill Pollock with a US Airways MEC update for Saturday, July 9th.

US Airways Senior Director—Flight Operations Lyle Hogg has notified ALPA that the US Airways and Republic Airways managements have reached agreements on several MDA transaction issues. These are not provisions that ALPA has agreed to, and ALPA still has a grievance pending seeking to have the Republic acquisition of MDA declared an affiliate event. However, these provisions are improvements on the J4Js provisions that Republic was initially planning to implement with the MDA pilots.

Republic management has agreed that the first 140 MDA pilots accepting pilot positions at Republic will all be treated as though they have started class on July 18th, regardless of when they actually accept a Republic class date. Under Republic Airlines’ staffing formula, these 140 pilot positions match the number of J4J positions, allocated to the MDA pilots, for the aircraft being acquired from MDA by Republic.

This will allow MDA pilots to be ranked according to their US Airways seniority. LOA #91 requires US Airways relative seniority to be honored among MDA pilots, unless such a provision becomes cost prohibitive. This provision will also make these MDA pilots senior to any non-MDA pilots hired at Republic after July 18th.

The International Brotherhood of Teamsters has also agreed to this concept. However, their MEC will not be meeting until August 18th to formally ratify the agreement.

Management has resolved two additional issues with Republic. Republic has cut the MDA training contract in half. The new training contract for the MDA pilots will be a one-year commitment that is subject to being prorated at $7,500. For example, half of that amount would be due if a pilot only stayed with Republic's operation for six months. Also, since Republic does not provide for medical coverage for pilots during their first thirty days on the property, US Airways has agreed to cover this cost for the MDA pilots for their first 30 days at Republic, under the same terms presently in place at MDA.


Well. Clearly from the tone of that Code-a-Phone the MEC is holding Managements feet to the fire. NOT.

It seems the Code-a-Phone is now to be used as a propaganda tool for Management to parade the 'improvements' they have made to get the MDA pilots off the property. Kinda smacks of racketeering to me. The collusion of supposed adversaries to secure a particular outcome.

That's a hell of a fight you're putting up ALPA! With friends like you who needs management. :up:

It's just as well the MDA pilots are taking the matter of representation into their own hands. 😉
Well, I have stayed quiet for a bit, so here are some observations.

Seems to me that is is kinda silly for anyone to want to move over to Republic from MDA right now. Despite the slow drip of little changes added/promises made to "sweeten" the appeal of such a thing, it still remains a far better thing to remain at MDA for now... So why leave...?

Republic senority...? That is not much of a draw.

IF things are done under "JFJ protocal" over there, then that means every MDA pilot will be junior to the most junior CHQ or Shuttle America Pilot now there. Sure, you might hold a Captain position, but you will be reserve forever. And from what I understand of CHQ, there is no real difference in who gets called out or long call/short call times or anything else that coming over to Republic to get a JUL18 DOH would really gain ya over the other reserve pilots...

It seems kinda pretty ball-sy of them to ask for the help of the experienced MDA guys with the resumes needed to placate a planeful of FAA Certification Feds for proving runs... While at the same time not supplying per-diem or your own hotel room for training... Basically treating you like "new hires", but expecting you to be the token experts they need to get the operation off the ground.

And I understand, the MDA guys are not being trained as "New Hires", only a 2 week indoc and then 2 sims rides to transition you to Republic. So what's the deal with treating the MDA guys differently than current CHQ pilots transitiioning to the E-170...? Do they "share rooms", or forgo pay...?

Plus none of the info really means anything yet. For example, bases are "supposed to also be in PIT, DCA, and PHL, but in reality until Republic gets enough aircraft online, chances are far better that you will have to instead enjoy a fun commute to IND (without the ability to list for a jumpseat anymore too). So the draw to some that just want to be based at/near home might not turn out the way they planned.

Plus, it seems kinda dumb to me to "leave the property" now, when the merger is moving forward, and a snapshot upon the PID will probably be taken in the future of which US Airways Inc pilots are active. Why go to all the effort to set ALPA straight only to fufill their wishes and leave...?

I have a feeling that once again US Airways management will find themselves surprised regarding MDA staffing when what they assume will be a stampede into Republic will instead turn out to be a trickle.

If they (Company + Republic) realize this and make an effrort to improve the deal offered, they might get the results they expect, but otherwise, MDA remains a better choice now.

Just my opinion...
Frankly most pilots at CHQ would love to just staple all MAA pilots to the bottom of the list. Getting J4J is an accidental gain for all MAA pilots. When the J4J deal was signed, we were doing it for additional E145 aircraft. All furloughed were then offered the J4J deal... Those that turned it down for MAA are now getting a deal that frankly shouldn't even be on the table. It is just a "happened to work that way" deal.

So, take your time comming over. We can't wait to have a group that was too good to work at CHQ before, but want to come over now.

If you turned CHQ J4J deal down before YOU SHOULD BE STAPLED!!!
You people have have lost sight if what trade unionism is all about.

Just remember Karma.
Well, it would suit me fine if we never shared flight decks Embpilot.

Especially later on in the future, when you and your selfish attitude all of the sudden find yourself wanting a job behind me at US Airways.

Your flawed reasoning and misunderstanding of the entire issue does not cover up your plain ol' naked greed driving your motivations. Sp give it a rest and mind your own business...

Like 700UW said, Karma.
Rico said:
Well, it would suit me fine if we never shared flight decks Embpilot.

Especially later on in the future, when you and your selfish attitude all of the sudden find yourself wanting a job behind me at US Airways.

Your flawed reasoning and misunderstanding of the entire issue does not cover up your plain ol' naked greed driving your motivations. Sp give it a rest and mind your own business...
Like 700UW said, Karma.

You see, this IS my business. You speak of "selfish attitudes" and "flawed reasoning" and "Karma". Your anger is misdirected. CHQ is not the enemy of US Airways. What CHQ did was strictly a business decision. We bought your aircraft, plain and simple. The anger at CHQ is simply because we now HAVE to fly with a group of pilots that 2 yrs. ago didn't think CHQ was worth working for. You know it, and we know it. Your MEC comes to meet with us and starts to make demands like original US Airways seniority, and Super Seniority. They wouldn't even listen to any offers from CHQ MEC. You don't call that hostile? CHQ MEC was willing to discuss the entire situation, however; ALPA was to self-rightious to even talk. So please don't tell me i don't understand. MAA pilots are simply doing what anyone in your shoes would do... fight like crazy to stay employeed. I bet CHQ/REP will have NO PROBLEM finding MAA pilots to take the J4J jobs now.

As far as "Transfer of flying" not an argument now. Had U accepted the additional cash from REP, then you might have an argument. REP has no stake in U. We tried, but were turned down. Thus how can it be a tranfer? REP/CHQ/S5 flies for United, American, Delta and U. We are not simply a service strickly for U so it was an Asset Purchase. We paid money for gates, slots and aircraft. But I don't blame you for trying. It has no merit, but what the heck, might as well try i suppose.

I understand your anger. you have worked at an airline that has been unable to find good managment for over 15yrs. Yes you have "paid your dues" and I hope that a fair and equitable merger is achieved with HP, but CHQ is a business as well, and it will continue to make choices and decisions that best fit present and future. We do not all sit around and think "Wow, I wish I could fly for a Major airline". Many of us a happy right where we are, working for a diversified airline.

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