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Maa (republic)

Rico said:
Well, I have stayed quiet for a bit, so here are some observations.

Seems to me that is is kinda silly for anyone to want to move over to Republic from MDA right now. Despite the slow drip of little changes added/promises made to "sweeten" the appeal of such a thing, it still remains a far better thing to remain at MDA for now...  So why leave...?

Republic senority...?  That is not much of a draw.

IF things are done under "JFJ protocal" over there, then that means every MDA pilot will be junior to the most junior CHQ or Shuttle America Pilot now there. Sure, you might hold a Captain position, but you will be reserve forever.  And from what I understand of CHQ, there is no real difference in who gets called out or long call/short call times or anything else that coming over to Republic to get a JUL18 DOH would really gain ya over the other reserve pilots...

It seems kinda pretty ball-sy of them to ask for the help of the experienced MDA guys with the resumes needed to placate a planeful of FAA Certification Feds for proving runs... While at the same time not supplying per-diem or your own hotel room for training... Basically treating you like "new hires", but expecting you to be the token experts they need to get the operation off the ground.

And I understand, the MDA guys are not being trained as "New Hires", only a 2 week indoc and then 2 sims rides to transition you to Republic. So what's the deal with treating the MDA guys differently than current CHQ pilots transitiioning to the E-170...? Do they "share rooms", or forgo pay...?

Plus none of the info really means anything yet. For example, bases are "supposed to also be in PIT, DCA, and PHL, but in reality until Republic gets enough aircraft online, chances are far better that you will have to instead enjoy a fun commute to IND (without the ability to list for a jumpseat anymore too). So the draw to some that just want to be based at/near home might not turn out the way they planned.

Plus, it seems kinda dumb to me to "leave the property" now, when the merger is moving forward, and a snapshot upon the PID will probably be taken in the future of which US Airways Inc pilots are active.  Why go to all the effort to set ALPA straight only to fufill their wishes and leave...?

I have a feeling that once again US Airways management will find themselves surprised regarding MDA staffing when what they assume will be a stampede into Republic will instead turn out to be a trickle.

If they (Company + Republic) realize this and make an effrort to improve the deal offered, they might get the results they expect, but otherwise, MDA remains a better choice now.

Just my opinion...

If I were working MAA for the past year, I would rather take a furlough than work at Republic for third world wages. You can make as much or more on unemployment benefits and take your time to look for a real job, perhaps get the heck out of this crazy race-to-the-bottom industry.

Even for those who just went through requal at MAA, if you came from another job, and get furloughed from MAA, you can collect unemployment benefits because you worked at least 6 months at another job to base your benefit on.

As long as people take these kinds of low paying jobs, wages and conditions will remain as is.
I agree. I am almost 100% sure that none of the MAA f/a's will be going to Republic or should I say "interveiwing" (since we really do not have a job over there)
Pitbull is, as usual, on target. I especially would echo her comments on finding a career outside of flying. It irks me to hear pilots say things like "all I can do is fly". If you have what it takes to earn an ATP you have what it takes to make a solid living outside of flying. If you have the ablility to successfully become a flight attendant with all that training you can do better outside of this industry too.

Free will being the backbone of this country, everyone has a right to make a choice they feel is in their best interest. But I can tell you that with a strong will and work ethic ANYONE can do better than what is being offered at Republic. It is being offered because of the inability of folks to realize they do not have to work at ridiculous wages to subsidize incompetent and immoral management.

If anyone feels all they can do is fly, whether a pilot or flight attendant, I can tell you without a doubt, you are wrong.

Now if all you want to do is fly, then that is a whole different subject. And you deserve the wages you accept. As is your right. Supply and demand dictate wages and work rules. And there is apparently an oversupply of people willing to work for peanuts in order to fly for a living. And that is truly a shame.

Over 300 Embraer 170 "MDA" pilots turned down the offer to work at Republic this week. The entire list of pilots were called, and not even a class of 20 could be filled....

Now thats unity, and it didn't cost 1.95% of anything.....

SoldWholeSale said:
Over 300 Embraer 170 "MDA" pilots turned down the offer to work at Republic this week. The entire list of pilots were called, and not even a class of 20 could be filled....

Now thats unity, and it didn't cost 1.95% of anything.....


Nice!! I love it. Let the planes rot.
ALPA MEC code-a-phone update - July 11, 2005

This is Jack Stephan with a US Airways MEC update for Monday, July 11th.

We wish to make it clear to all MDA pilots that neither ALPA nor the US Airways MEC have taken a position on whether or not pilots should accept jobs at Republic. This is strictly an individual choice, and there will be no union actions as to a pilot who does, or does not, accept a Republic position. Further, our grievance seeking to have the sale of MDA declared an affiliate event does not reflect any ALPA policy on whether or not a pilot should accept a job at Republic under the current Republic employment terms. ALPA has not agreed to these current terms, and we have not modified our position in the pending grievance. But we cannot know at this time when the grievance will be decided or what terms will apply to MDA pilots at Republic if the grievance succeeds. Pilots should therefore not relate their decision on whether to take a job at Republic to the potential disposition of the pending grievance.

We are however, continuing to compile as much information as we can to assist you in your decision making. The MDA working group held a conference call today with Company representatives to obtain more information on the transaction as it pertains to employment at Republic Airlines. The Company stated that they will get back to us soon with answers to our specific questions. In the meantime, ALPA is compiling a list of questions and answers on this issue that will be announced shortly on the code a phone, posted on the website, and emailed to all MDA pilots. This information will be about the employment terms as they are currently structured and is without prejudice to ALPA's position in the grievance. But, we do not know whether the grievance will succeed, so we can only provide information about the current situation. We urge you to use that information, any other information that you obtain, and your knowledge of your own personal and family situation to make your personal decision concerning a Republic job opportunity.


ClueByFour said:
What's the over/under on the DFR suit?

Seems like the pilots of MDA are doing what's right for their famlies and are considering walking. I don't blame them. Not at all.
SoldWholeSale said:
Over 300 Embraer 170 "MDA" pilots turned down the offer to work at Republic this week. The entire list of pilots were called, and not even a class of 20 could be filled....

Now thats unity, and it didn't cost 1.95% of anything.....


Maybe AAA ALPA and National ALPA will finally get the message and take it to court. If not then hopefully the MDA folks will do it on their own. There are many outsiders who would like to help with funds if they go to court. If anyone knows where we can send funds to assist these folks with court cost. Please post it here on the forum.
I can tell you this. The MDA pilots have more guts and pride than 57% of the pilots at mainline US Airways. And subtantially more than the vast majority of the sitting members of the U MEC.

Bravo MDA. You have earned a substantial amount of respect.

BottomFeeder said:
Maybe AAA ALPA and National ALPA will finally get the message and take it to court. If not then hopefully the MDA folks will do it on their own. There are many outsiders who would like to help with funds if they go to court. If anyone knows where we can send funds to assist these folks with court cost. Please post it here on the forum.

Email me directly and I'll get you in touch with the right people. Thanks for the support.

All or None!!!!
EmbPilot said:
The anger at CHQ is simply because we now HAVE to fly with a group of pilots that 2 yrs. ago didn't think CHQ was worth working for.

It wasn't worth working for then and it ain't now... except under two conditions...

1. You are building time to make it to the majors(a pipe dream)... or...

2. You are so addicted to flying that you don't care about pay or quality of life.

Don't be offended. You know it is true and so do I.

1800 pilots on furlough and only 300-some took the job. That says it all...

Pilots can overcome their addiction to flying.
USA320Pilot said:
Pilot staffing and labor expense in the U.S. is simple Economics 101 -- supply and demand. The demand is low and the supply is high. Thousands of pilots are willing to work at RJ or LCC operators for wages and benefits much less than than those previously enjoyed at legacy and former legacy companies.

Do I like this? No, of course not. Do I understand this? Yes.



Is this the soft landing you spoke so highly of not so very long ago?
Looks like someone is posting ALPA Pilot Information Again and you have the gall to accuse Jim!

This is Jack Stephan with a US Airways MEC update for Wednesday, July 13th, with one new item.

An MDA-Republic Q&A document has been posted on the pilots only website under MEC Chairman Information, and the MDA/J4Js home page. It has also been emailed to all MDA pilots who have an email address on file with ALPA.

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