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Maa (republic)

where will republic put the new fleet of emb170s that they are acquirin from usair and when will the shuttle america be replaced with--the sabbs for the emb170s?
Once Republic has the E170's they can fly them for whomever and wherever they want. I would think Air Wisconsin will have a thing or two to say about who the new HP/U's affiliates are and what proportion of flying they will get.
Without digging through the agreements again, I think the one with Republic pretty much requires them to fly the 25/28 Emb-170's for US unless US decides they aren't needed (which would probably be dumb so could happen). As I recall, it also opens the possibility of additional planes.

The AirWis agreement guarantees them a place for their 70 CRJ's (and guarantees US will pay the ownership costs of the Bae's), but doesn't give them any say about other affiliate arrangements as I recall. I frankly don't remember if the possibility of additional planes are covered or not.

Of course, if you're talking about specific airframes you're right. Nothing prevents Republic from using any of the US 170's for someone elses express service and using one's that they've ordered for the US express service.

Do you think the F/A's that are furloughed when the whole merger actually happens will also slot in under DOH?
BoeingBoy said:
Without digging through the agreements again, I think the one with Republic pretty much requires them to fly the 25/28 Emb-170's for US unless US decides they aren't needed (which would probably be dumb so could happen).

Yes, I think the agreement with Republic obligates them to operate the 170s as US Airways Express if that's what US wants. If US doesn't want the birds in the US system, then Republic can operate them for someone else, and that's fine per LOA 91, and I don't believe it would require any J4J positions at Republic, even the 50% for an asset sale.

BoeingBoy said:
The AirWis agreement guarantees them a place for their 70 CRJ's (and guarantees US will pay the ownership costs of the Bae's), but doesn't give them any say about other affiliate arrangements as I recall.

It lets them sub in CRJ-700s and/or CRJ-900s for the CRJ-200s on a 1-for-1 basis, but I think you're right in that it doesn't provide for more than 70 total airframes. That being said, with Air Wis calling a lot of the shots around here, one has to imagine that they'll be given first crack at additional CRJs, even ahead of PSA.
xoxo said:
Do you think the F/A's that are furloughed when the whole merger actually happens will also slot in under DOH?

When and if the new entity begins to expand (speculation) or attrition through retirement and resignation are such that the Co. needs to "recall", the furloughees will slot in DOH.
SpinDoc said:
SpinDoc replies:
Dude. Shut up.
Silence dumbo.

When it becomes US Aviation owned by spin doc then you can tell me what to do, in the mean time if you don't like what I have to say ignore, and your insults show your lack of intelligence.
SpinDoc said:
SpinDoc Replies:

Sure there was. The majority of the IAM
members voted "YES" on the company's
last offer.

De facto, they reached an agreement with
the company. Grow up and get a life.

Thank You.
Funny I was there and did not see you at negotiations and never saw a T/A, and why don't you take you own advice and grow up and get a life.
PITbull said:
When and if the new entity begins to expand (speculation) or attrition through retirement and resignation are such that the Co. needs to "recall", the furloughees will slot in DOH.
Thank you pitbull, some of us were concerned that the furloughed f/a's might get stapled because we were not on property when the actual transitions begin. Thanks for clearing this up. :up:

I am sure you agree that AW will put up AT LEAST a 2-3 year fence and insist on a "NO FLUSH" provision. So, what happens when the airlines are one company but operated separately and AW might need F/A's? Do they hire off the street or call one of our 1,900 INVOL furloughs back? Where do they go?....do they get DOH and to what base? It's a WHOLE can of worms if you ask me. I don't think we should be able to throw any AW flight attendant out on the street (for a few years) just to call back someone else on furlough but I do think furloughs should retain DOH. I think it's going to be a mess to be honest.
USAirBoyA330 said:

I am sure you agree that AW will put up AT LEAST a 2-3 year fence and insist on a "NO FLUSH" provision.  So, what happens when the airlines are one company but operated separately and AW might need F/A's?  Do they hire off the street or call one of our 1,900 INVOL furloughs back?  Where do they go?....do they get DOH and to what base?  It's a WHOLE can of worms if you ask me.  I don't think we should be able to throw any AW flight attendant out on the street (for a few years) just to call back someone else on furlough but I do think furloughs should retain DOH.  I think it's going to be a mess to be honest.


I don't see it as a mess like you think.

DOH will remain, and the furloughees will accrue seniority while on furlough for bidding purposes and recall return. AWA will not be able to hire off the street until they have returned the furloughees.

The AWA folks have to get use to the idea that a merger is taking place with a legacy carrier. You can't fire all the folks from USAirways because AWA has 40% junior folks to USAirways.

Their most junior would be junior at any airline. Keep in mind that their Co. was looking for a partner for a full year now. So, a merger or some kind of transaction was bound to happen.

AWA can not be so arrogant to think that we would just stick to the bottom our 1,700 furloughees because they are on furlough. Doesn't work like that. AWA will not be furloughed to allow for U furloughees to return either.

The fence will remain up for a couple of years while the new entity positions itself to move forward and expand. If expansion occurs (which is the idea) than recalls will take place and folks will slot in. In the meantime, on the other end, f/as are retiring monthly and the attrition rate is historically high.

Again, it will fall into place the way it should and the way our AFA policy guides us as time moves forward.
USAirBoyA330 said:
I don't think we should be able to throw any AW flight attendant out on the street (or a few years) just to call back someone else on furlough but I do think furloughs should retain DOH. I think it's going to be a mess to be honest.

Bolding is mine.

You wonder why the AWA people are probably hating this process?

Why should the junior FA on the AWA side ever have to take a furlough to accomodate a U furloughee at the time of the merger? The former had a job.

I like a lot of things about AFA. This straight "DOH" in merger situations is, to put it kindly, nuts. Career expectations should be taken into account.
The F/As at MAA don't "have a job"? That's where 1/3 of the furloughees are. Many of them have been flying for US in whatever form for all but one of the last five years... including displacements, base closures, furloughs, MAA and other headaches. Why should someone who's been flying for a month get priority over that? Did the US F/As expect half a decade ago that this airline with 100 new F/As a month, new airplane deliveries, expanding international service and a fleet of 400 would chop itself in half? No.

Career expectations are silly because they change constantly in the airline industry. Should we fence those HP F/As off the widebodies because they never expected to fly them? That's silly.

The only expectation you can ever have is your seniority, your hire date. Last in, first out.

I think PITbull is right about the two operations. On the US side, there'a alot of attritition, so the furloughees will not be furloughees in two years or sooner. When the fence comes down, US will not be bringing any furloughees, have a lot less senior people, a smaller list, and more varied seniority.
I agree with Light Years. Noone knew when we were being hired that 9/11 was gonna happen. If we did, I surely would have stayed where I was before mainline. Atleast I would have a job that pays well. It has been 5 1/2 years since I left my job and went to mainline. I make less now. Those AWA f/a started their carreer actually knowing what the future may hold because of the problems with the airline industry since 9/11. They knew that there is no real job security. So, why should we as mainline furloughees be punished and just pushed to the bottom of someone who has 2 months over there.? :down: