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Maa Flight Attendant Question


Aug 27, 2002
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With so many PIT MAA flight attendants resigning, will the airline schedule any new classes to cover those leaving? I know several folks waiting for classes... a couple of them specifically requested October training.

If a mainline F/A decides he or she wants to go to MAA, do they have to wait until all furloughed F/A's have passed before applying or can they effectively bump furloughees from the training que? I know they can't bump people on the line.

Any updates would be appreciated.
5 F/As from each mainline base (PHL, PIT, CLT, DCA, LGA, BOS, PHW, CLW, PIW) can bid into MAA if they so desire. That said they would have to be an active smoker of crack to do so.

The only attraction for a mainline F/A might be MAA's PIT base due to the inability to hold PIT at mainline. Now that the MAA PIT domicile is being downsized, that is not an option. You bring your seniority, but you can not bump anyone out of thier base. And the MAA folks in PIT who don't get displaced aren't going anywhere. If you aren't there now, you won't be.

The only other reason a ML person might want MAA is to hold a block. If anyone from ML went to MAA tomorrow they would be number one in the division. But if they can't make it financially sitting at home on call at ML, they aren't going to make it working full months of 15 hour 4 days for the same pay at MAA. Maybe in DC, there's someone who's not financially dependent on the airline who would bid into MAA for a block. PHL, I can't see anyone wanting to be in PHL for less money, block or not.

They do not have to wait for all of the recalls as far as I know, for the 5 from each base, but after that they would have to be furloughed. It will go mainline furloughed, offer to wholly-owned subsidiary F/As, and then new hires.

As for recalls, I think they would really have to lose a significant amount to have another class. I haven't heard a concrete number of people leaving, but I'll ask my friend who works there. She did say some people were leaving too because thier commitment is up (you have to stay for either 3 or 6 months to keep your recall rights, can't remember which). I do know that there are currently 250 F/As. 160 or so are in PHL, and only 80 of those are blockholders, so they have a lot of reserves that arent flying in PHL. that may change when DCA opens in Dec, because those positions will pretty much all come from PHL.

Before the planes stopped coming they were doing two recall classes of 25 a month. Maybe if they do lose at least that amount they might have a class. I hope that helps!
Yep I am one of those who put in Oct. as first option. If not I would of fall into the very last class that started in Sept. My buddy went there in that class and he already resigned. Now I don't know If that affects his recall to mainline (If it does, he doesn't know about it). I called myself first hand and talked to one of the inflight supervisors and he told me that until the E70 don't start coming in again that it is likely that they won't put up another class. If light years or anyone can confirm this i would also appriciate it. Thanks.
If he went to MAA in September and then resigned, he lost his recall rights. He is considered resigned from US Airways and will be removed from the seniority list.

No offense to your friend, but he should have looked into it a little better before choosing to go. There are many, many people that could have gone in his place and will now have to wait.
I know I am one of them. Don't even remember why I put Oct. as my first option. Ohh well let call him tomorrow to break him the news.
Light Years said:
As for recalls, I think they would really have to lose a significant amount to have another class. I haven't heard a concrete number of people leaving, but I'll ask my friend who works there. She did say some people were leaving too because thier commitment is up (you have to stay for either 3 or 6 months to keep your recall rights, can't remember which). I do know that there are currently 250 F/As. 160 or so are in PHL, and only 80 of those are blockholders, so they have a lot of reserves that arent flying in PHL. that may change when DCA opens in Dec, because those positions will pretty much all come from PHL.

Before the planes stopped coming they were doing two recall classes of 25 a month. Maybe if they do lose at least that amount they might have a class. I hope that helps!

light years did you fine out about the recalls. you said you were asking your freind about it. there are still people that wnat to come back so maybe it could still happen. will they need more people now that dca is open>? i only say that because it seems there will be a lot more flights and there dont seem to be enough flight attednants. am i wrong.>? thanks
GroundedBoricua said:
I know I am one of them. Don't even remember why I put Oct. as my first option. Ohh well let call him tomorrow to break him the news.

dont feel bad lots of people feel the same way. maybe it was a blessing in disguise. it might still work out for you so dont feel bad.

can i ask what a groundedboricus is>?
Boriqua means Puerto Rican, so they are probably from there. The Grounded part is in reference to not being able to fly... am I right?

From what people are saying there likely will not be another class until more aircraft arrive. Most of the reserves in PHL are just sitting, and PIT is losing flying and positions so they have more than enough F/As, even with DCA opening in December. DCA is opening with about 20 F/As, 2 came from PIT, the rest from PHL. The list is posted on theHub.

It's a shame, because a few more classes would have likely gotten everyone back that wanted to be there. It seemed like they were getting towards the end of a complete sweep of the seniority list. I believe there are people there now with 2001 hires dates (Some of them apparently didn't know they even had travel benefits while they were furloughed! He-llo!)

Someone told me that there are either three or five US Airways E170s sitting in Brazil ready for delivery. I'm not sure how true that is or if they've been converted to LOT or Alitalia.
Light Years said:
Boriqua means Puerto Rican, so they are probably from there. The Grounded part is in reference to not being able to fly... am I right?

From what people are saying there likely will not be another class until more aircraft arrive. Most of the reserves in PHL are just sitting, and PIT is losing flying and positions so they have more than enough F/As, even with DCA opening in December. DCA is opening with about 20 F/As, 2 came from PIT, the rest from PHL. The list is posted on theHub.

It's a shame, because a few more classes would have likely gotten everyone back that wanted to be there. It seemed like they were getting towards the end of a complete sweep of the seniority list. I believe there are people there now with 2001 hires dates (Some of them apparently didn't know they even had travel benefits while they were furloughed! He-llo!)

Someone told me that there are either three or five US Airways E170s sitting in Brazil ready for delivery. I'm not sure how true that is or if they've been converted to LOT or Alitalia.

It seems to me that if they are going to significantly implement "the plan" before emergence from C-11, something will have to break in terms of financing for a decent number of the E-170's. Maybe once all the labor groups ratify guttification of the contracts something will happen. Perhaps Bronner can put his money where his mouth is and finance those planes. I just can't believe that for the two years or so that we'll be in bankruptcy that our regional jet plan will be at a complete standstill.
I sure hope so. They have a great product, scope relief for the 90's, and as you can see here a willing and ready group of professionals eager to return to work.
Light Years said:
It's a shame, because a few more classes would have likely gotten everyone back that wanted to be there. It seemed like they were getting towards the end of a complete sweep of the seniority list. I believe there are people there now with 2001 hires dates

Someone told me that there are either three or five US Airways E170s sitting in Brazil ready for delivery. I'm not sure how true that is or if they've been converted to LOT or Alitalia.

Light Years,

I think you are right. A few more classes and everyone that wanted to return would have been able to. Several of my friends were in the last September class and they have 2001 seniority. All of them transferred to DCA. They have been sitting idly by in PHL and one hasn't flown even once.
Many folks had put down October and November as their first choice of transition class dates, so now they have been left out in the cold. :down:

Man, it is a shame about those three/five Embraers sitting there in Brazil. Too bad something couldn't have been worked out. Sigh. Who knows. 🙁 :unsure:
DCAflyer said:
It seems to me that if they are going to significantly implement "the plan" before emergence from C-11, something will have to break in terms of financing for a decent number of the E-170's.

Ditto what Light Years said.
That would be great. I say the sooner the better before everyone that wanted to return throws their hands up in disgust and never looks back. Sooo many already have.
MAA F/As got some sort of mail confirming that staffing is healthy through December and therefore there will be no recall classes in November. There will also not be any displacements because of the DCA base.