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Maa (republic)

Light years and xoxox ....If you guys are ready we would love to have you at JetBlue.... I was mainline and MDA ....recalled back to mainline and made the decision that I have to move on and put USAirways in the past .. I have been at jetblue for 4 months and it has been the best decision I ever made . My first months check was more than I ever made at USAirways even flying trans atlantic, granted it was for 120 hours.... And i did not have to give up one day off to achieve that amount of time. If you worked at MDA I know you both love what you do and are not afraid to work ... Not saying Jetblue is all that but it is a GREAT company and will give you the oppurtunity to do what you love and make real money. After 4 months I will have a line... once you have a line all you have to fly is 70 hours and you are done or you can choose to fly 150 .... There are many different kinds of trip for different people . If you do decide to make the switch i would be happy to put a letter of recomendation in for you ! And dont believe the rumor that after 5 yrs they let you go <---B.S and despite what you heard the love USAirways people ...almost every trip i fly with a former crewmember
Send me a PM if you are interested
mwereplanes said:

You and your cohorts are why the profession is turning into a job. You equate what you do with the Home Depot. You castigate a pilot who understands the manipulation of the profession by management as a "bitter, sad ass" yet fail to understand what he has been through because guys like you who do the job for peanuts. Your handle is correct. Lorenzo was right. There are literally thousands of you who will fly for truck driver wages because you don't get it. Just like U's 320 and his buddies who inhabit the U MEC.

Let me explain: You are responsible for a 30 to 100 million dollar jet. You are responsible for 50 to 450 lives which no amount of money can replace. I could continue with the training, checkrides, physicals, etc... but it wouldn't matter. You don't get it. Never will.

U is losing 10 to 20 pilots per month who do get it. And they will be replaced by guys like you who "just want to fly." That is what the free market is all about. Fair enough. But it is truly sad that you don't unerstand what you do is worth substantially more than you are making. Maybe, someday you will get it. But in the meantime stop criticizing those who do. They have pride in the profession. They understand that's is not just a job. They should be bitter. And sad. They are the first casualties of your fly for any salary mentality.


I could name other labor skills where this exact same thing is happening. People in droves are signing on the doted line to work for peanuts at the same time saying stupid things like, "glad I have a job". The business owners are asking people to work 7 days a week and if employees refuse they are treated as liabilities. Outsourcing caused all this. The jobs that remain are requiring those who fill them to work constantly and most do because the wages are too low to make it on 40 hours. I see this. I live this insanity. I recently turned down a job where working 7 days was expected with the Forman in charge telling me: “Well after you work 5 or 6 weekends, I will considering giving you a day off“. The kicker: This particular company is owned by the biggest company in the world, GE. This mentality is at epidemic proportions and growing with the little guy being squeezed to death by a greedy and very wealthy corporate America. Where I am employed right now they expect at least 50 hours a week but prefer that you really work 60 or 70 hours. We are going backwards to a society of the very rich and working poor with the ones healthy enough to work 7 days a week doing ok, right now that is. This is what the kind of mentality MR is addressing is producing, yet you have morons like MR is addressing spout his insanity, and insanity it is. This promotes Corporate America to continue to push because they know fools and morons are everywhere and ready to work for peanuts 7 days a week. You get what you believe you are worth and most people have no self worth and are reaping that belief accordingly.
mwereplanes said:

You and your cohorts are why the profession is turning into a job. You equate what you do with the Home Depot. You castigate a pilot who understands the manipulation of the profession by management as a "bitter, sad ass" yet fail to understand what he has been through because guys like you who do the job for peanuts. Your handle is correct. Lorenzo was right. There are literally thousands of you who will fly for truck driver wages because you don't get it. Just like U's 320 and his buddies who inhabit the U MEC.

Let me explain: You are responsible for a 30 to 100 million dollar jet. You are responsible for 50 to 450 lives which no amount of money can replace. I could continue with the training, checkrides, physicals, etc... but it wouldn't matter. You don't get it. Never will.

U is losing 10 to 20 pilots per month who do get it. And they will be replaced by guys like you who "just want to fly." That is what the free market is all about. Fair enough. But it is truly sad that you don't unerstand what you do is worth substantially more than you are making. Maybe, someday you will get it. But in the meantime stop criticizing those who do. They have pride in the profession. They understand that's is not just a job. They should be bitter. And sad. They are the first casualties of your fly for any salary mentality.


Lemme see,where to begin...First of all,wrong "Frank"-it's a Trans States thing.I am not a guy "who just wants to fly"-I'm all for making a better wage and will walk the picket line if it requires it.The MDA guys were thrown under the bus by their ALPA brothers-I guess this defines "defending the profession" ? More like defending their own pay and to heck with anybody else-"I got mine,now you get yours".After years on the line,I understand precisely what my job is worth.
Pilot staffing and labor expense in the U.S. is simple Economics 101 -- supply and demand. The demand is low and the supply is high. Thousands of pilots are willing to work at RJ or LCC operators for wages and benefits much less than than those previously enjoyed at legacy and former legacy companies.

Do I like this? No, of course not. Do I understand this? Yes.


USA320Pilot said:
Do I like this? No, of course not. Do I understand this? Yes.
As long as it is not your wallet effected you don't care. That is your M.O.

Just wait till your plane is next, then you will throw a temper tantrum like you did when your MEC gave more then the ask in the first bankrucpty after two rounds of concessions when that MEC gave your pension away without a membership vote.

Apparently you don't have the concept of a union down yet, AN INJURY TO ONE IS AN INJURY TO ALL. But the majority of ALPA does not understand that concept. A true trade unionist does not throw their fellow members under the bus.
TBONEJ4J said:
OOOOHHHHH!!!! Proving Runs!!!! WOW!!! Just like a real airline pilot!!!

Let's see.

1. Slit your own throat by requalifying for the same airplane for less money, benefits, etc.

2. Then do Republic Holdings a huge favor by showing the Feds how ready Republic Airways is to get an Operating Certificate and E170 Authorization by using YOUR hard earned skills and experience to fly the exact same routes as you have already been flying for the past 15 months. Perhaps the proving runs might be a little risky with a 1501hr ATP celebrating his 23rd Birthday by 'commanding' the 170 in front of a Fed.

3. Then for that extra special pat-on-the-head they might let you be a Check-Airman. OOOH!!!! What a deal!

4. Don't forget the 2 year $15000 Training Contract though, just in case you think the Check-Airman qualification might let you escape the horror sooner. :up:

I'll try to answer this with a LITTLE less venom than "Frank was right", but responses like this are pretty inflaming.

1: If you are a captain, you'll make BETTER money here than at MDA. I think, but am not sure, that the insurance bennies are better. Admittedly, the FO payrates stink.

2: Try doing some research before being a smart-ass. No "1501 hour" ATPs here, company upgrade reqs. are higher. BTW when I got hired here I had more hours and experience than many new-hires at the majors in the late 90s. Thanks Osama. Also, we somehow managed to get 23 170s running on the CHQ cert. without your all-knowing wisdom.

3: No comment necessary. Attitudes like yours are entirely unsuitable for Check-Airman positions anyway.

4: The training contract is not applicable to those above a certain experience level. Anyone from the APL is well above that threshold.

We already have several J4J captains on the 145 fleet, who have been the epitome of professionalism and class. Quite the opposite of resonses like yours.
USA320Pilot said:
Pilot staffing and labor expense in the U.S. is simple Economics 101 -- supply and demand. The demand is low and the supply is high. Thousands of pilots are willing to work at RJ or LCC operators for wages and benefits much less than than those previously enjoyed at legacy and former legacy companies.

Do I like this? No, of course not. Do I understand this? Yes.



A true master at stating the obvious.

You forgot to add a few more sentences: Do I accept this? Yes, I have no choice. Am I one of the thousands I mentioned? Yes, I have no choice. Am I willing to give more to keep flying? Yes, I have no choice. Am I about to become a copilot? Yes, I have no choice.

Do I have a backbone? no.


You stated: "After years on the line,I understand precisely what my job is worth".

If that is the case, why are you still doing it?

700UW said:
As long as it is not your wallet effected you don't care. That is your M.O.

Just wait till your plane is next, then you will throw a temper tantrum like you did when your MEC gave more then the ask in the first bankrucpty after two rounds of concessions when that MEC gave your pension away without a membership vote.

Apparently you don't have the concept of a union down yet, AN INJURY TO ONE IS AN INJURY TO ALL. But the majority of ALPA does not understand that concept. A true trade unionist does not throw their fellow members under the bus.
that is what the iam did to their fellow coworkers in 30 cities isnt?? i'm not being a smarta$$ but just the truth
Don't let the facts get in your way, did the IAM ramp reach a T/A with the company?

No they did not.

Did the fleet service IAM members ratify it?

Yes they did, your coworkers are the ones who ratified it.
[quote=700UW,Jul 3 2005, 05:49 PM

Did the fleet service IAM members ratify it?

Yes they did, your coworkers are the ones who ratified it.

In other words his fellow IAM members are no better than 320? "As long as it does not affect his wallet" he does not care?

A question a little off the subject but being a good union member you should know the answer....If AMFA strikes NW will the IAM honor the picket lines after losing representation to AMFA? B)
It is water under the bridge, and I don't speak for the International, I would hope they would at UAL they said they would.

And I voted no, the Yes voters are just as bad as 320. The sad thing is 2,000 of the yes voters, voted themselves out of a job.
mwereplanes said:

You and your cohorts are why the profession is turning into a job. You equate what you do with the Home Depot. You castigate a pilot who understands the manipulation of the profession by management as a "bitter, sad ass" yet fail to understand what he has been through because guys like you who do the job for peanuts. Your handle is correct. Lorenzo was right. There are literally thousands of you who will fly for truck driver wages because you don't get it. Just like U's 320 and his buddies who inhabit the U MEC.

U is losing 10 to 20 pilots per month who do get it. And they will be replaced by guys like you who "just want to fly." That is what the free market is all about. Fair enough. But it is truly sad that you don't unerstand what you do is worth substantially more than you are making. Maybe, someday you will get it. But in the meantime stop criticizing those who do. They have pride in the profession. They understand that's is not just a job. They should be bitter. And sad. They are the first casualties of your fly for any salary mentality.


Hold the phone a second. Before you try to shame someone into quitting their job on the bottom (or middle) so as to protect the profession, what about the entire pilot group at USAir. And HP for that matter.

Using your rationale, USAir should be a ghost town with no one still reporting for work. Abandoning an industry leading contract under the guise of "half a loaf is better than none" (which implies it wasn't your loaf to begin with) is no better than the CHQ guy who takes the low paying F/O job. And the same applies at HP, where the pilots showed up for class knowing they were going to fly for 60% of the prevailing wages and benefits. And they smiled for their ID photo.

Now with the help of airline industry management, a union that wants to go around thinking like management and a rank and file who gladly has their expectations managed, the salary skyscrapers have been razed and the little old shack that was HP is one of the tallest buildings in town.

I agree with alot of what you are saying, but it is directed at the wrong people. Go down to Embry-Riddle and stand on a milkcrate on the corner and scream this stuff, and you may have more positive influence.
700UW said:
Don't let the facts get in your way, did the IAM ramp reach a T/A with the company?

No they did not.

Did the fleet service IAM members ratify it?

Yes they did, your coworkers are the ones who ratified it.
You Dont Let The Facts Get In The Way!

It Was The Big Cities such as PHL, CLT, DCA, PIT, etc that got the votes in; why was PVD and BDL put into the class one cities prior to the vote--to pass the stupid vote period. my fellow coworkers and I all voted NO to the Contract and the Strike. And when the iam sent that cohort rep into our city, he couldnt even answer a dam question. so why waste money on something like that when he'd been better off staying put. The IAM sold us out compared to the deal they reached at UAL