mwereplanes said:frankwasright:
You and your cohorts are why the profession is turning into a job. You equate what you do with the Home Depot. You castigate a pilot who understands the manipulation of the profession by management as a "bitter, sad ass" yet fail to understand what he has been through because guys like you who do the job for peanuts. Your handle is correct. Lorenzo was right. There are literally thousands of you who will fly for truck driver wages because you don't get it. Just like U's 320 and his buddies who inhabit the U MEC.
Let me explain: You are responsible for a 30 to 100 million dollar jet. You are responsible for 50 to 450 lives which no amount of money can replace. I could continue with the training, checkrides, physicals, etc... but it wouldn't matter. You don't get it. Never will.
U is losing 10 to 20 pilots per month who do get it. And they will be replaced by guys like you who "just want to fly." That is what the free market is all about. Fair enough. But it is truly sad that you don't unerstand what you do is worth substantially more than you are making. Maybe, someday you will get it. But in the meantime stop criticizing those who do. They have pride in the profession. They understand that's is not just a job. They should be bitter. And sad. They are the first casualties of your fly for any salary mentality.
mwereplanes said:frankwasright:
You and your cohorts are why the profession is turning into a job. You equate what you do with the Home Depot. You castigate a pilot who understands the manipulation of the profession by management as a "bitter, sad ass" yet fail to understand what he has been through because guys like you who do the job for peanuts. Your handle is correct. Lorenzo was right. There are literally thousands of you who will fly for truck driver wages because you don't get it. Just like U's 320 and his buddies who inhabit the U MEC.
Let me explain: You are responsible for a 30 to 100 million dollar jet. You are responsible for 50 to 450 lives which no amount of money can replace. I could continue with the training, checkrides, physicals, etc... but it wouldn't matter. You don't get it. Never will.
U is losing 10 to 20 pilots per month who do get it. And they will be replaced by guys like you who "just want to fly." That is what the free market is all about. Fair enough. But it is truly sad that you don't unerstand what you do is worth substantially more than you are making. Maybe, someday you will get it. But in the meantime stop criticizing those who do. They have pride in the profession. They understand that's is not just a job. They should be bitter. And sad. They are the first casualties of your fly for any salary mentality.
As long as it is not your wallet effected you don't care. That is your M.O.USA320Pilot said:Do I like this? No, of course not. Do I understand this? Yes.
TBONEJ4J said:OOOOHHHHH!!!! Proving Runs!!!! WOW!!! Just like a real airline pilot!!!
Let's see.
1. Slit your own throat by requalifying for the same airplane for less money, benefits, etc.
2. Then do Republic Holdings a huge favor by showing the Feds how ready Republic Airways is to get an Operating Certificate and E170 Authorization by using YOUR hard earned skills and experience to fly the exact same routes as you have already been flying for the past 15 months. Perhaps the proving runs might be a little risky with a 1501hr ATP celebrating his 23rd Birthday by 'commanding' the 170 in front of a Fed.
3. Then for that extra special pat-on-the-head they might let you be a Check-Airman. OOOH!!!! What a deal!
4. Don't forget the 2 year $15000 Training Contract though, just in case you think the Check-Airman qualification might let you escape the horror sooner.
USA320Pilot said:Pilot staffing and labor expense in the U.S. is simple Economics 101 -- supply and demand. The demand is low and the supply is high. Thousands of pilots are willing to work at RJ or LCC operators for wages and benefits much less than than those previously enjoyed at legacy and former legacy companies.
Do I like this? No, of course not. Do I understand this? Yes.
that is what the iam did to their fellow coworkers in 30 cities isnt?? i'm not being a smarta$$ but just the truth700UW said:As long as it is not your wallet effected you don't care. That is your M.O.
Just wait till your plane is next, then you will throw a temper tantrum like you did when your MEC gave more then the ask in the first bankrucpty after two rounds of concessions when that MEC gave your pension away without a membership vote.
Apparently you don't have the concept of a union down yet, AN INJURY TO ONE IS AN INJURY TO ALL. But the majority of ALPA does not understand that concept. A true trade unionist does not throw their fellow members under the bus.
mwereplanes said:frankwasright:
You and your cohorts are why the profession is turning into a job. You equate what you do with the Home Depot. You castigate a pilot who understands the manipulation of the profession by management as a "bitter, sad ass" yet fail to understand what he has been through because guys like you who do the job for peanuts. Your handle is correct. Lorenzo was right. There are literally thousands of you who will fly for truck driver wages because you don't get it. Just like U's 320 and his buddies who inhabit the U MEC.
U is losing 10 to 20 pilots per month who do get it. And they will be replaced by guys like you who "just want to fly." That is what the free market is all about. Fair enough. But it is truly sad that you don't unerstand what you do is worth substantially more than you are making. Maybe, someday you will get it. But in the meantime stop criticizing those who do. They have pride in the profession. They understand that's is not just a job. They should be bitter. And sad. They are the first casualties of your fly for any salary mentality.
You Dont Let The Facts Get In The Way!700UW said:Robbed,
Don't let the facts get in your way, did the IAM ramp reach a T/A with the company?
No they did not.
Did the fleet service IAM members ratify it?
Yes they did, your coworkers are the ones who ratified it.