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M & R Vote For A UNION.

M & R Vote For A UNION.

  • TWU

    Votes: 3 4.6%
  • IAM

    Votes: 22 33.8%
  • AMFA

    Votes: 27 41.5%
  • Teamsters

    Votes: 4 6.2%
  • No UNION

    Votes: 9 13.8%

  • Total voters
The airtran guys passed the proposal on their side, just like swa did. It wasn't the total number voting as one, both sides had to pass it. Apparently, giving swa a 4 year boost was worth it to them for the wage/benefit improvements they got.
I see now i was wrong we thought it was one vote at both airlines. Thanks for the steak for my eye. LOL
I will pass that on to some of the AMT's I know.

1AA I know it was the union and not the members (no vote was taken), I should have made that more clear in my post sorry.The TWU and this Jim Little have got to go. Both the IAM and the TWU with low wages for AMT's has to stop. Before long minimum wage will catch up to us soon.
Have a Blessed Day. 🙂
You more than likely have already heard why the SWA membership sought after the increase, as it has been discussed in legnths here on the forums. This thread is not one to discuss it in, however I will ask you all to remember, if there is something you didn't like about the SWA/AT integration, remember this, with AMFA it is the membership that controls the union and our senoirity integration. If your gonna be mad at anyone be it us the membership, not AMFA, the union. I do understand your beliefs and thx for sharing the truth, I appreciate and respect that more than you know. Your right all unions have their querks. I just say, at least with AMFA, everything is out in the open, transparent and a true democracy union, that all positions within the union are elected and can be removed thru the re-call proccess. Everyone knows I am all for AMFA. We had the teamsters and NO THANKS. Travis if any of you guys have any questions about AMFA or teamsters pls feel free to ask. The maim reason I became involved on here was the fact that the teamsters and teamster supporters were lying about AMFA so bad that most of the mechanics out here are too lazy to do their own homework and research and would rather believe everything they hear, so I started out getting on here to rebuttle the lies and mis-truths being spread. I will be honest; I know very little about the IAM, nor have I ever been represented by them. Good luck to you in the future, this will be a long ride for you guys, but now, I think you guys can see some light at the end of the tunnel. Travis on a second note. It is true that the AA-AMFA organizers are going to file with the NMB in May and have an election. There will be a delay due to the onslought of people being added to the eligibility list. AMFA is extremely prepared for this, this time around, as last time in 2004, AMFA lost the "amount required" with the NMB as the company and union worked together to pad the eligibility list with dead, retired, supervisors, managers, and other non-eligiable employees added to the mechanics list. BTW AMFA only lost by I think 24 or 44 votes in 2004. This time around I really believe they will be able to do it, legally, truthfully, and transparently. As far as the teamsters are concerned, yes they are another union running a card drive at AA. However their original intent upon ariving at AA was to solely deflect the AMFA card drive ONLY. However, after the teamsters saw they were not deflecting as well as they thought, they (HOFFA) then kicked into full gear teamsters card drive instead. Jim Little put out a personal letter critisizing the Hoffa and teamsters crew for their betrayal. I also think there are too many negative points against the teamsters. You have read them all I am sure. But I will tell you this. Since the teamsters were fired from SWA, they will do anything and everything to do harm against AMFA. Including helping out another union against AMFA. And they will spend millions upon millions to get it done, so, never under estimate the teamsters. Good luck brother, sorry for dragging this out....
Thanks for the info. ps the IAM your not missing any thing but low pay. 🙄
Where do you get 4 Year boost? DFW SWA were given a 70% boost in DOH.

There were no DFW swa. Only DAL. And yes, it's only a 4 years boost for swa mechanics who were on property when the merger was announced. Don't know where you're getting your numbers from...
Isn't this what the TWU did to the line stations here at AA?

If you Don't want the same ole stuff from a different Jimmy, then DON"T sign those Teamsters cards.
Find a AMFA organizer at your station, sign a AMFA card, and have others read the info on this web site so that they as well can see that the Teamsters are NOT what we here at AA want. We are tired of the dictatorship from above.
The TWU finds or creates the same loop holes in deals/agreements/contract to insure we get what they want us to have. lay off rules, station protection, system protection, fences for bumping.
Members Denied Vote on Local 82 Merger

January 5, 2012: Hoffa has denied Boston Teamsters their Right to Vote and forcibly merged them into Local 25.
Boston Local 82, a proud union of Teamsters in the Trade Show and Commercial Moving & Storage industries, is no more. Hoffa has forcibly merged the union into Boston Local 25, the home local of new International Vice President Sean O’Brien. Local 82 members were given no vote and no say in the matter.

The Teamster Constitution guarantees members the right to vote on the merger of their local union. TDU fought for and won this right. But Hoffa inserted a loophole into the language that allows the International Union to deny members their Right to Vote if the local is “incapable of performing its representational functions due to its financial condition or where an emergency situation exists.”

Hoffa ignored the true “emergency situation” in Local 82 for many years. Corruption was rampant in the local under the leadership of John Perry, a Hoffa appointee as the IBT’s Trade Show Director.
Local 82 members braved goons, threats and even violent assault to blow the lid on embezzlement, sweetheart contracts, rigged contract votes, and elaborate schemes to steer jobs to friends and political allies of local officers and their enforcers.

Members documented and reported these violations to Hoffa but he refused to take any action. Finally, the Independent Review Board forced Hoffa’s hand and he put Local 82 into trusteeship.
Local 82 members cleaned up their local and earned the right to determine their own future, not to have their local union taken away from them.

Many of the AA twu Line locals are being forced into one, Local 591, many twu officers at each line station will loose positions they were voted into by their memebers. The AMT's will loose voting power by this as well.
This is just another reason we want the TWU gone so we can get prepared when it comes time to renegotiate with AA.
Where do you get 4 Year boost? DFW SWA were given a 70% boost in DOH.

The final agreement was a 4 yr boost for the SWA membership across the board. 2 seperate ballot voting occured on both sides. Both SWA and AT passed the agreement by well over 84% and 86% (give or take).
70% was something that was discussed early on in the beginning, but final numbers were a 4 yr boost @ SWA.
Propagnada fliers.

Still doesnt address why UA mechancis are on layoff and CO is hiring off the street.
Propagnada fliers.

Still doesnt address why UA mechancis are on layoff and CO is hiring off the street.

You have to ask the almighty teamsters 1.4 million member strong.
So whats the IAM getting the US AMT's I see the IBT got UAL This.

• A $75,000 buyout and an $11,500 signing bonus
• Regained over 80% of what was lost under concessionary bankruptcy language and back at
the table to achieve further improvements
• Stronger scope language:
• No-Furlough clause for the duration of the agreement
• No outsourcing that would result in a furlough
• Average 15% all in rate increase
• Increase in line premium, longevity pay and shift pay
• Double time rate for OT implemented
• 1.5 times paid for training before and after shift and for travel outside of shift to attend training
• Strengthened grievance process
• Hours of Service improvements
• Missed paid lunch at OT rate
• Moving expenses with $12,000 cap
• Increased longevity pay to maximum $1.00 after 12 years
• Run-taxi premium of $1.00 per hour paid for each shift where
tech does this work
• Cost of Living Committee formed to study the cost-of-living for SFO, SEA, ORD, DEN, DCA
• Per diem $1.95 domestic; $2.50 international
• Lead and Inspector premium of 5% above technician rate
• Field trip hours paid at 1.75 times the rate for all time-away-from-base/station
Propagnada fliers.

Still doesnt address why UA mechancis are on layoff and CO is hiring off the street.
US has AMT;S on layoff in LAS and other MX stations and we have too hire off the street in PHL.
The merger is not complete at UAL. US we cant get our crews to play in the same sandbox after how many years. LOL
The mechanics who are on layoff, chose not to go to PHL, big difference that CO is not offering UA's AMTs on layoff jobs.
The mechanics who are on layoff, chose not to go to PHL, big difference that CO is not offering UA's AMTs on layoff jobs.
You can try to IAM spin this all you want but here is the answer: As I SAID: The merger is not complete at UAL.

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