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Long Day Shaping Up At Phl

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What a challenging day all over the system. The FAA ATC website looked like a competition to see how's delay stats could be the highest. PHL delays approached 3-4 hours, ORD delays in excess of 4 hours, ATL delays in excess of 2 hours, LGA, EWR, IAD, CLE all had delays in excess of 1-2 hours. Then there were delays into MCO, PBI and FLL due to traffic saturation (due to a high number of general aviation traffic).

System wide we were booked to 90% capacity today and our employees throughout the system more then rose to the challenge. With the high load factor there were very few flights that could be canceled and the customer protected in a reasonable amount of time. So it was nearly impossible to improve the slot times in any of these airports.

Hats off to the Customer Service and Fleet Serivce group for putting forth awesome efforts on our customers behalf. Knowing that station staffing levels are stretched paper thin, the added pressures and stresses of having nearly every PHL flight run late must have been horrendous. Working and reworking connections, moviong customers and bags where every you could find a seat, juggling gates and keepig customers informed would be especially difficult.

Kudos go out to the flight crews also. Doing their best to take care of the customers in the face of long onborad delays when flights had to push off gates to make room for the next arrivals. Hustling through airports to make quick aircraft changes and doing their best to get our customers home safely.

I espeically want to say Thank You to all the hard working men and women in PHL. While the station may get a bad wrap due to it's operational challenges, the vast majority of the employees give much more then 100% on nights like this. Each and every one of you shined tonight and hopefully our customers will take notice.

May each and every one of you have a very Safe and Happy Thanksgiving (either today or when every you are able to celebrate with your own families). Thank you for making a difference yesterday.
usfliboi said:
Good to hear about the sick calls. Maybe people are practicing the golden rule, even though its hard!
What golden rule? Bend over on comand because you never know when you might land in prison.
I ended up working from 2 in the afternoon til 3 AM the day before Thanksgiving. Some flights were delayed up to 5 or 6 hours. It was a complete mess. The last MDA flight pushed at 2:30 AM to Allentown of all places!!!! Why the hell they didn't just bus these people is beyond me.
Jonnyd said:
Why the hell they didn't just bus these people is beyond me.

Because that would make more sense than to have those folks setting for hours. This company is not known for its forward thinking or customer care. Its the MONEY. Dont want to have to ferry a plane ...but that happens from the west coast a lot. Empty planes flying cross country...AMAZIN... <_<
Jonnyd said:
I ended up working from 2 in the afternoon til 3 AM the day before Thanksgiving. Some flights were delayed up to 5 or 6 hours. It was a complete mess. The last MDA flight pushed at 2:30 AM to Allentown of all places!!!! Why the hell they didn't just bus these people is beyond me.

The bus company wanted cash, and USAirways PHL wouldn't (couldn't?) pay it!
There now....there was no "staged sick out" as you all thought.

Try to tell you, but you just wanted to spout off as usual and condem the employee every single chance you get with your pesitmestic attitude towards employees.

Little late to give kudos, fella, you already laid the condemnation damage. And Bob, you sure added your 1 cent worth in that equation as well. :down:
Jonnyd said:
I ended up working from 2 in the afternoon til 3 AM the day before Thanksgiving. Some flights were delayed up to 5 or 6 hours. It was a complete mess. The last MDA flight pushed at 2:30 AM to Allentown of all places!!!! Why the hell they didn't just bus these people is beyond me.
Once upon a time there a nice little airline called Piedmont

Usairways is NOT a customer friendly airline or an employee friendly airline!!
Its all about the golden parachute!!!!! :rant:
N513AU said:
I think it needs to happen tonight, when the people are stressed, pissed and packed in the terminal. When the hotels are full, the flights are cancelled - then, we walk. Straight out the door and don't come back until Monday. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

I have a better idea. Do it, but don't ever come back.
Hey Bob,

Just curious.

When one of the players at the table starts playing hardball, then YOU, if you stay at the table, are playing hardball as well, regardless of what the game was called when you first sat at the table.

There is no question the Palace is playing hardball.

So exactly what leverage does labor have, except the possibility of withholding their services?

I certainly don't want it to come to that, but the possibility is real.

Yes, it may mean the demise of U. All the players at the table need to factor that into their calculations.

I hope it works out, but am prepared for it not to.

What I do know is, many will not work for the latest proffer from CCY.
Yea real smart to decertify and let the company do as they please.

And your comment being Pope of unions is another jab at unions, they are Presidents, not Popes.

And you cant negotiate with people that dont honor the very same contracts they signed.
Your anti-union bias shows, dont you have an office to break into?

And lets see two rounds of concessions for a total of $300 Million per year from the IAM for two years is being creative. And so is $80 Million in cost savings, only to have US throw them in the trash.

Why be creative when the work was all ready owned by the IAM mechanic and related, and a federal judge and arbiter agreed. Why bother having a contract if the company can change it at their whim?

This company violated the very concessionary contracts they negotiated in 2002 and 2003, and it cost US $15 million to pay the IAM over the stolen Airbus work, you can't trust a band of thieves, but hey you admitted you did a B&E, so maybe that is why you like them so much. You got scared after you posted a thread critical of management, did CCY scare you about your precious DMs?

See someone who backed down like you is not a man of principal. Stand up for what you believe.

And go ask the non-union people in this company how well the company treated them in 1992.

Once again I would not expect a non-US Airways employee to know anything about the reality that is going on at this company nor its history, all you care about is your DMs.

Learn the history and reality and then come back and post.
USA320Pilot said:
ORD got creamed today with about 5 inches of snow. Does PHL have its troubles? Yesm it does, but we as employees can make a big differfence. It's called personal pride regardless of the company's circumstances.

Thanks to all of the company's employees who worked hard for US Airways' most important people -- our customers.

Best regards,


I flew through ORD on Thursday (on AA) and was scheduled to depart from ORD about one hour after the snow started there. We pushed back about an hour late and deicing was started. The pilot then announced that the deicing truck ran dry and had to go for a refill. Well, it was about 2 1/2 hours later before we saw that truck again. There are problems everywhere, not just in PHL.

Bottom line is Bob, this is NOT your battle, you are not living it everyday and how dare you try to tell the hard working people who have devoted their lives to this company what to do.
For the love of God people!!!

Whiney Bob has more than shown what he's all about on these boards.

I remember a point in the not so distant past where he supported the employee's here yet never missed a chance to throw a jab the unions way. That's fine. , but who needs half-hearted support from a person that fails to grasp to the majority of this company is unionized? 😛

I also remember Bob speaking out against our management at one point...but when he got PM'd with threats to his dividend miles and access to private BULL sessions with management he shut his face and threatened to stop posting here. Too damn bad he couldn't live up to that promise any better than he did with his support comments. 🙄

Folks....You are dealing with yet another "Self-Serving" clown whom rates right up there with USA320Pilot in a foot race to low-lifedom. I suggest for your own peace of mind to utilize the ignore feature and allow the courts , the unions and the company to sort it all out.

Frankly the best day we can hope for is the day that all of USA320Pilots crap blows up in his face ..and he too is reduced to being a pedestrian in life...and maybe Bob's FFFM's are canned for good too. Maybe just maybe the world can be a better place with a clean slate leading to a fresh start in life.

Until things are resolved?..or until the Courts and the Company finally wreck this place as a profession? , which ever comes first? Let it go with arguing with fools whom are totally out for the single minded good of their own hides.
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