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Long Day Shaping Up At Phl

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Those who live by treachery should be prepared to die at the hands of treachery.

Forgive me for being an anachronism and old fashioned and naive enough to think that people failing to live up to contracts to which they have agreed constitutes treachery.

There are no new marketplace realities.

There is a failed business plan. Actually, quite a few of them.

I don't know what the lesser of all the evils is for USAirways employees.

I do know that I would be reluctant to bend over and offer up ANY concessions...to people who will stop at nothing to get what they want.

Don't like senior employees? Abrogate the contracts and lay off people for no reason other than we don't like the way they look.

Want to outsource maintenance? Don't worry about the contract, just send it to Bud's Auto Body and Aircraft Maintenance down in Pigfart, Alabama. If the union squawks, we'll just file a chapter bankruptcy and get them decertified too.

People who value security over liberty will soon have neither. If the management with whom you have entered into contracts has demonstrated that they cannot be trusted, then I would say it is not in your best interests to keep doing business with them.

PB has a dog in this fight. He doesn't want his dividend miles to go away. I don't even own a dog. I own no WN stock, my RR credits will not be impaired whether U flies or doesn't fly. And whether U continues to operate will have no impact on the price of tea in china or the cost of a cheap ticket from ELP to PHX.

My gut feeling, as an outsider looking in, is the management you have ought to be ashamed...very ashamed. But they aren't. That ought to tell you everything you need to know.

Thanks. Being a long time poster, your insight, accurate perception and validation means a lot to us.

Really...get a life.

I must truly admit myself, being also a long time poster on this board...I don't believe I have ever seen a more "self serving agenda " from any poster, than yourself.

You are no savior, for your group or ours.

What you fail again to realize is that the majority of the employees who are unionized, SUPPORT their union. And never more then right now, in this present environment of Corporate greed.

I won't apologize for this opinion...as I have stated before, whether you are a customer, employee, management or stakeholder....all is fair on these Boards.
This thread has drifted into the usual discussion. Please get back to discussing PHL on this thread or it will be closed down.
Hey Piney, you need to reasses the republican play book, brother. Demonization works VERY well...just ask Karl Rove about Gavin...
See Bob you don't know everything, at my station dues were lowered during concessions.

Gotta love it when a poster who is not an employee nor a union member thinks he knows it all.
Same with ALPA...their dues are based on their earnings. Lower earnings is lower dues.
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