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Another Winter Storm Affects Ne


Nov 9, 2003
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It looks like Mother Nature is going to deal US the third blow in a week. Another winter storm is starting to affect the NE with delays.

"Due to WEATHER, SNOW, WIND, there is a Traffic Management Program in effect for traffic arriving Philadelphia International Airport, Philadelphia, PA (PHL). This is causing some arriving flights to be delayed an average of 3 hours and 2 minutes. To see if you may be affected, select your departure airport and check "Delays by Destination"."

One week ago today, mainline DOT on-time performance was 33.1% and Express was 31.2%. Last Thursday mainline DOT on-time performance was 38.0% and Express was 36.3%.

Let me tell you what feels REAL good. Every day is a day off! Retired at 49 and loving life! Winter weather used to be a pain, not anymore.
As of the last PHL specific advisory, the arrival rate is down to a ghastly 22 AAR. Gonna be a long night. Wonder if any of the transatlantics spend the night in PIT...
Saw FLL starting out with ATC early on today, too.

Snowing there, too? :lol: :lol:
Just pulled this up on the FAA website. Another snowy day in paradise!!!

Due to WEATHER, SNOW, there is a Traffic Management Program in effect for traffic arriving Philadelphia International Airport, Philadelphia, PA (PHL). This is causing some arriving flights to be delayed an average of 5 hours and 20 minutes. To see if you may be affected, select your departure airport and check "Delays by Destination".
diogenes said:
Saw FLL starting out with ATC early on today, too.

Snowing there, too? :lol: :lol:

Most mornings have delays into FLL. Traffic volume with only one "real" runway.

Another nasty night in PHL and the NE. Was skd off at 830pm, asked to work overtime 930pm-2am. Last flight made it in from PHL at 4am and I just got home.

1pm, 220pm and 4pm all left between 5 and 530. 615 canx. 715 left about 915, 905 left about 945p. When are they dropping the TPA-PHL flights cause it aint soon enough for us! 😛 On the other hand I can reissue invol in about 1 minute now per ticket with all the practice. :up:

Anyone know how the mechanic from the deicing truck is doing? Tipped over onto the wing of a 330 (flight 98 to LGW) and canx the flight. Showed in the maint roll call as a mechanic injury as well. Capt on one of the inbounds said it looked pretty bad. Hope hes doing ok.
PSA1979 said:
Just pulled this up on the FAA website. Another snowy day in paradise!!!

Due to WEATHER, SNOW, there is a Traffic Management Program in effect for traffic arriving Philadelphia International Airport, Philadelphia, PA (PHL). This is causing some arriving flights to be delayed an average of 5 hours and 20 minutes. To see if you may be affected, select your departure airport and check "Delays by Destination".
I know this is a late post but these same weather delays at PHL has to be affecting Southwest the same, wouldn't it?
FM2436 said:
I know this is a late post but these same weather delays at PHL has to be affecting Southwest the same, wouldn't it?

Sure but they're so spread out acrosss the country that unlike PHL affecting 40% of their operation as it does U, PHL only affects 1% of their total operation.
EWR, LGA, BOS, BDL, etc are all affected too (CO, AA, DL,).
You can't blame mgmnt for this too!
As of this afternoon, PHL has a ground delay program, average delay is 101 minutes, arrival rate is 44/hr. LGA has a ground delay program, average delay is 72 minutes, arrival rate is 37/hr.