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Long Day Shaping Up At Phl

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N513AU said:
I think it needs to happen tonight, when the people are stressed, pissed and packed in the terminal. When the hotels are full, the flights are cancelled - then, we walk. Straight out the door and don't come back until Monday. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂


Don't come back at all. We don't need you, we don't want you. Your a drag and a drag on the operation. Hasta la vista baby.
N513AU said:
I think it needs to happen tonight, when the people are stressed, pissed and packed in the terminal. When the hotels are full, the flights are cancelled - then, we walk. Straight out the door and don't come back until Monday. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

What part of "we" do you include yourself with?
To all the US workers, especially the ones working the next few days, I praise you for any and all poitive efforts that you guys are putting forth. I know that there are still many of you out there that put 100% forth everyday even though the odds are stacked up against you and are probably working throughout the entire holiday season to make things go as smooth as possible.

And for that I give my deepest thanks and will continue to fly US.

Heck, let me know where the hardest workers are at and I'll even bring some turkey down to PHL...

BoeingBoy said:
I should have added this:

General Departure Delays: Due to MIT, traffic is experiencing Gate Hold and Taxi delays between 31 minutes and 45 minutes in length and increasing.


MIT = Miles In Trail - increased separation between departing flights.

Phl not the only terminal getting nailed...
EWR..Lo Cigs, rain and fog..grd delays for CAL
ORD...Lo Cigs, rain changing over to snow, heavy atc delays..AAL/UAL
ATL...Lo cigs, heavy rain, Heavy atc delays...DAL/Air Tran
CVG..Lo cigs, heavy rain, severe thunderstom developments...DAL
IAD..Lo cigs, heavy rain, threat severe thunderstoms..UAL/Indy Air
BWI/MDW..see iad/dca/ord..SWA
Everybody will be running late tonight on the eastern seaboard
AtlanticBeach said:
Picking someone up who is on US 1101. Pushed back on time at 0800. Computer says take-off was supposed to be at 0823. They were wheels up at 0914.

try US 1616 from ABE to PHL wheels up was supposed to be 928a locaL we pushed it back at 850 this morning it taxied down to where fed ex and airborne/dhl are and waited and waited and waited it took off finally at something like 1015 to 1030. i guess the wex was relly bad/worse in phll then say ewr and abe i dont know though
I was supposed to be on 502 PHL-MHT, it just cancelled and now they have to figure out what to do with 126 PAX. I've been rebooked PHL-LGA-LEB.
Believe it or not I have had good luck going in and out of PHL the last few days, I go out again tonight. Agents are doing a good job, all of my flight attendents are doing a great job with no talk of slow down or CHAOS nor will they participate in one. Some other crews have had problems with PHL I have talked to. Flying around the system PHL is the only sore spot. Have a good Thankgiving!!!
Weather channel is reporting the delays in PHL are running between 3 and 4 hrs. 1700 pm est. All other airports on the eastern seaboard are running around an 1+. Gotta love PHL. I'm just glad I finished yesterday. Weather wasn't to bad and we were STILL getting 2 hr ground stops at times during the afternoon.

I make my self feel a little better when I think of Southwest and there 30 minute turns. :up: -Cape
Capecod said:
Weather channel is reporting the delays in PHL are running between 3 and 4 hrs. 1700 pm est. All other airports on the eastern seaboard are running around an 1+. Gotta love PHL. I'm just glad I finished yesterday. Weather wasn't to bad and we were STILL getting 2 hr ground stops at times during the afternoon.

I make my self feel a little better when I think of Southwest and there 30 minute turns. :up: -Cape

Hmmm. Any delays in PIT? Heard the weather was not so great there today either. Ooops, I forgot it's just a "Focus City" these days.
N513AU said:
I think it needs to happen tonight, when the people are stressed, pissed and packed in the terminal. When the hotels are full, the flights are cancelled - then, we walk. Straight out the door and don't come back until Monday. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

you, madam, it is time... for you... to resign from your current job and, perhaps, find another adventure.. one in which you may find your true path and enjoy the fruits of your labor and prosper. do not waste another second of your time....quickly resign ,now , before it is too late! good luck.
The headline in tomorrow's Greensburg Tribune-Review. "Unions make it rain, US Airways flights delayed."

A 320Pilot is of the opinion if the unions want it to rain they should find another job.
ORD got creamed today with about 5 inches of snow. Does PHL have its troubles? Yesm it does, but we as employees can make a big differfence. It's called personal pride regardless of the company's circumstances.

Thanks to all of the company's employees who worked hard for US Airways' most important people -- our customers.

Best regards,

And while they are working hard, you are not. I am not either, but at least I don't spend all of my limited spare time telling them they aren't worth their pay.
PineyBob said:
You know JC, they ALL work hard. The real shame right now it that the media is doing it's level best to destroy US Airways and its time to take a stand. For once in all of this there is common ground amongst ALL parties. Somehow between us at FFOCUS, Labor & Management we must find a way to coordinate activities against these unwarranted attacks from the media. It is a far greater danger IMO than any action by the courts, company of labor to ensure the demise of US Airways.

They all work hard? In PHL? Really? :huh:

Is football season over already? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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