First, it shows that B6 is not focused on the original plan. OK, plans can change, but I submit that a second hub and/or focus cities were never in the original plan. I would submit a list of carriers who deviated from their plans and failed, but that would be a long list.
Silly as this may sound, I am curious how you know this was never in their original plan.
Second, why did B6 make a big deal out of this? Its not like any other airlines were beating down the door trying to get these . By making a big deal of it, they invited attention, controversy, and legal problems.
It appears to me that B6 entered into the agreement with LGB very quietly and did not make a big deal of their entry or their plans. While there is less than 3 years track record to view, this does not appear to be their business style. Once into a market, they make their services known widely but I believe that saying they made a big deal of their entry is probably inaccurate. It would appear that the big deal was made by those other carriers who were not beating down the door to take advantage of those available 27 slots and suddenly faced a little competition in their playgrounds.
Ok. So I think LGB for JetBlue is a mistake. Will it sink the airline?Probably not. But I do think it has the potential for stunting growth in the near term, because now LGB is a problem that needs to be fixed. Rather than concentrate on what the next best opportunity for B6 is, they will be concentrating on how to fix LGB.
Let's let time tell the story on this one. The powers who be are obviously not sitting in a windowless room counting their change. In the short time of operation, B6 has built a very loyal customer base with over 60% repeat customers. Load factors are hovering in the low 90% range day in and day out. LGB is obviously another market that shows great promise for the company and without severely deviating from the 'original plan', the company is flexible enough, reality based enough and yes maybe a little aggressive in taking on a competitive market. My bet is that it was not done as a whimsical move but part of the carefully laid plan following in depth analysis and research which has allowed them to be a viable option in so short a period of time. By saying B6 is just another low cost carrier, you may be missing the full story. While seat pitch, cost, seat covers, IFE, etc. are all important, the thing that is happening here which is more than lipservice is that B6
does things a little differently. They listen to what the public wants and treat them to that with respect and not in a cattle car fashion.
Thanks for playing....[😉]