On 2/18/2003 12:09:06 PM Speedbird wrote:
Since I'm getting somewhat fatigued (writer's cramp) this morning. This is a paste from another posting (from another site) I made earlier today in response to someone else:
"I think your post repressents what conventional wisdom has believed for many years, based primarily on past actions by majors responding to smaller start-up airlines.
However, since 9/11 the old rules and expectations have changed significantly. For example, jetBlue has been flying JFK-OAK against two majors (AA & UAL) and making money hand over fist. Despite AA's superior product it announced last month that it would be dropping this route because it was unsustainable for them. Meanwhile UAL continues to fly into OAK, but at a big cost to their "loyal" customers who have dropped SFO and driven to the other side of the bay to fly UAL and keep adding to their FF cards. Not only that, but B6 has been able to compete against these two majors and still maintain a yield premium and significantly higher load factors.
Back on the east coast, B6 started up JFK-SJU service last spring against AA, who had a monopoly on this route. Once the service was announced, the experts chimed in that AA would smother B6 with its frequent widebody service and superior service. Besides, AA's FF loyalty program would put to shame the puny FF offering that jetBlue had recently put up. As of this month, jetBlue has announced that SJU service from JFK will grow by 60% to five flights/day.
This route hasn't put AA out of business, but it has made jetBlue a lot of money at their expense. I believe this is the best example of what will happen with Delta on this newly announced route service by B6. There are other examples I could use, but I think it addresses your statements as a counterpoint.
Also, Delta's passenger loyalty out of Atlanta may be high, but as a former Georgian, I know there are plenty of disgruntled former Delta passengers who'd be more than happy to try jetBlue. Remember, jetBlue doesn't need to convert the entire Atlanta population, just about 450/day. Besides, I've read many posts on these boards (many by Delta pilots) that have unequivocally stated that passengers are only interested in price when choosing an airline.
I don't happen to believe it, since I think great customer service is what brings them back again and again. It'll be fun to watch an airline from New York show Delta how to provide flawless customer service, and (god forbid) a little hospitality."
"making money hand over fist....yes they probably are because they have a new workforce working for low wages and not having to pay any substantial vacation pay (they r only 3 years old)no defined pensions etc. In a few years( I give it another 3) when the employess finally realize how hard they are working to make someone else rich you will find alpa,afa iam or amfa being called to bring fairness to the scene. I have seen this crap for 20 years and until people get some brains and guts it will continue. Go ahead and attack me...I have been reading these threads for quite awhile so I know what to expect. I am fed up with the demoralizing threats and B******T that is crammed down our throats year after year, day in and day out
Employees of JB...wish you the best...get some money for yourselves.