On 8/23/2002 7

44 PM
[1) JetBlue BUYS airplanes so the low maintanance costs are more than made up for by the cost to acquire the airplanes.
Buying only affects cash flow. In other words, if you buy a 50 million dollar airplane in the first Q, there is not a 50 million dollar expense on the 1st Q balance sheet, although you just went through 50 mill in cash. On the same topic, I think JBlu recently sold 2 A320s to a japanese firm and leased them back to get some positive cash flow.
"But this is also made up for by the high start-up costs of starting service in so many different airports. There breakeven load factor right now is 78%. Fortunately they are running a load factor of 86%. So, in a few years B6's maintenance cost will go up, but will be more than offset by lower start-up costs."
What? You lease services at many of your new services (FRNT in DEN). Do you think they are expensing 12% of cost to "startup cost"? Maybe, but I doubt it.
"BTW, JetBlue is profitable."
Believe it or not, it is quite possible to go bankrupt while posting a profit.