1) JetBlue BUYS airplanes so the low maintanance costs are more than made up for by the cost to acquire the airplanes. But this is also made up for by the high start-up costs of starting service in so many different airports...
2) You speak of "airlines irrational need to increase market share at the expense of profits." So you think the airlines are totally rational by decreasing marketshare in the hopes of decreaseing losses. BTW, JetBlue is profitable.
I wholeheartedly disagree with your responses.
1) Buying = leasing ; it's the same thing. If one was clearly better than the other then no one would lease. The only difference between buying and leasing is that leasing lets you hide an obligation so it doesn't appear on you balance sheet. Either choice has the same effect on cash flow and profts.
2) Reducing supply to meet demand is not stupid, in fact, it's a fundamental tenant of a stable economic system. Reducing price below cost to stimulate demand while not reducing capacity is suicidal. Jet Blue is doing just that in Long Beach (in fact increasing demand in intra-California where there is excess capacity already). $19 is not covering costs. It probably doesn't even cover fuel. BTW, Jet Blue said they would probably lose money in 3Q.