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JetBlue launch Long Beach - Atlanta


because they have a new workforce working for low wages and not having to pay any substantial vacation pay (they r only 3 years old)no defined pensions etc. In a few years( I give it another 3) when the employess finally realize how hard they are working to make someone else rich you will find alpa,afa iam or amfa being called to bring fairness to the scene. I have seen this crap for 20 years and until people get some brains and guts it will continue. Go ahead and attack me...I have been reading these threads for quite awhile so I know what to expect. I am fed up with the demoralizing threats and B******T that is crammed down our throats year after year, day in and day out

Employees of JB...wish you the best...get some money for yourselves.

Hey, we're not all stupid....
You have been watching this crap for 20 years? I have an ALPA pin with more numbers than that on it and I love this job. This is bar none one of the best companies you could ever wish to work for. The workforce may be youthful if you average it out, but that doesn't make us uninformed, Koolaid drinking idiots. You may be fed up with the demoralizing B******* that you read here but we as employees of B6 are very upbeat and optimistic. You have been there - just think back to your youth. This is just a different stage of the industry. Look at the history of the business and tell me there have not been some precedent changing events. Do we work for nothing? No, but in keeping with the industry rhetoric, we are all underpaid, mindless and incompetent idiots who couldn't find a job with a 'major airline'. Simply not true. To quote an oldie, Bob Dylan once said the times they are a changin and it's true whether it is popular or not. My February schedule is worth 90 hours pay and I work 9 days. This has a bit of vacation included but the majority of my months are less than 12 days of work for a very nice compensation. I enjoy going to work and I never share the work place with disgruntled workers who are wondering if ALPA is going to save our day. As far as getting some money for ourselves, you would be totally blown away if you saw what we are getting for ourselves. We don't need to beat our chests. We're just happy campers.
jbu320 you bring up a good point.

I think a lot of people (like me) think that jetBlue is filled with a bunch of young, eager, and somewhat naive employees who don't know what they're getting themselves into. However, it is apparent by your post that there are some grey beards among the group who have seen and experienced a lot as this industry has "evolved" over the last 20-30 years. I'm sure you provide a strong voice among those who are learning the ropes and wondering what the future holds for them.
On 2/24/2003 4:27:33 PM Daedalus wrote:

jbu320 you bring up a good point.

I think a lot of people (like me) think that jetBlue is filled with a bunch of young, eager, and somewhat naive employees who don't know what they're getting themselves into. However, it is apparent by your post that there are some grey beards among the group who have seen and experienced a lot as this industry has "evolved" over the last 20-30 years. I'm sure you provide a strong voice among those who are learning the ropes and wondering what the future holds for them.

Thank you for your comments. In reality, there are a lot of grey beards on the property and we're having a ball. We are all wishing we were younger so we could enjoy more of what this industry used to be all about reincarnated in B6.
Who knows, we may be around for awhile if we're lucky.
On 2/23/2003 9:16:21 PM jbu320 wrote:


because they have a new workforce working for low wages and not having to pay any substantial vacation pay (they r only 3 years old)no defined pensions etc. In a few years( I give it another 3) when the employess finally realize how hard they are working to make someone else rich you will find alpa,afa iam or amfa being called to bring fairness to the scene. I have seen this crap for 20 years and until people get some brains and guts it will continue. Go ahead and attack me...I have been reading these threads for quite awhile so I know what to expect. I am fed up with the demoralizing threats and B******T that is crammed down our throats year after year, day in and day out

Employees of JB...wish you the best...get some money for yourselves.

Hey, we're not all stupid....
You have been watching this crap for 20 years? I have an ALPA pin with more numbers than that on it and I love this job. This is bar none one of the best companies you could ever wish to work for. The workforce may be youthful if you average it out, but that doesn't make us uninformed, Koolaid drinking idiots. You may be fed up with the demoralizing B******* that you read here but we as employees of B6 are very upbeat and optimistic. You have been there - just think back to your youth. This is just a different stage of the industry. Look at the history of the business and tell me there have not been some precedent changing events. Do we work for nothing? No, but in keeping with the industry rhetoric, we are all underpaid, mindless and incompetent idiots who couldn't find a job with a 'major airline'. Simply not true. To quote an oldie, Bob Dylan once said the times they are a changin and it's true whether it is popular or not. My February schedule is worth 90 hours pay and I work 9 days. This has a bit of vacation included but the majority of my months are less than 12 days of work for a very nice compensation. I enjoy going to work and I never share the work place with disgruntled workers who are wondering if ALPA is going to save our day. As far as getting some money for ourselves, you would be totally blown away if you saw what we are getting for ourselves. We don't need to beat our chests. We're just happy campers.

[/blockquote]UMMMM..Yes...U are the happy Camper...as a Pilot you guys always are...as long as someone else is putting up with the extra work and taking the hits on pay....U all sing the same mantra ..what is good for me is good for me....when the other employees get out of the fog...and they will (of course you dread that day) the fog will clear and then they will have to deal with MGT...which has always been ...oh so fuzzy and warm...and then it will be wake up time...sorry... we LUV you but....we don't LUV you that much...been in it long enough to see all the clues...People Express...now that sounds familiar...to the REST of the JB employees..take care of yourselves ..cause I PROMISE YOU...You are on your own..

I'm a little unsure of your logic...Let's re-evaluate, shall we?

ALL employees of JetBlue receive employee stock option purchase protection (earning an immediate 10% if not more on the transaction), profit sharing (hmm...13.5% of 2001's wage, 15.5% of 2002's wage), full benefits from the get-go, 401K (ok, the matching % could be better but hey--at least it's a start for a 3 yr. old company)and overall pretty fair pay to begin with. Top it off iwth a management team that actually listens and you have a happy group of employees.

Here's an example. For the past two years, the company hired a professional survey team to poll the employees for areas of improvement. In 2001, pay was an issue. The company made plans for a pay increase effective Oct, only to place that pay raise on hold in the aftermath of 9-11. Then, in late November when we realized that we were going to survive the fallout from the attacks, management made the pay raise RETROACTIVE to the original Oct date. And this happened without a union on campus, no negotiated contract, no antagonistic dealings with management.

This year's issues were similarly handled with aplomb and speed. Can you think of many other corporations that offer direct feedback to the bosses with immediate results?

This only scratches the surface of the proud corporate culture JetBlue has managed to cultivate. I'm not on Kool-Aid, but I do like this organization a lot.

I hope for the best for all of us in the industry, but I will not idly submit to whiny drivel from those who stand on the sidelines wishing us ill.
[/blockquote]UMMMM..Yes...U are the happy Camper...as a Pilot you guys always are...as long as someone else is putting up with the extra work and taking the hits on pay....U all sing the same mantra ..what is good for me is good for me....when the other employees get out of the fog...and they will (of course you dread that day) the fog will clear and then they will have to deal with MGT...which has always been ...oh so fuzzy and warm...and then it will be wake up time...sorry... we LUV you but....we don't LUV you that much...been in it long enough to see all the clues...People Express...now that sounds familiar...to the REST of the JB employees..take care of yourselves ..cause I PROMISE YOU...You are on your own..

And you are not on your own? Wake up. This is a new day and the rules have all changed. Embrace it, fight it but you don't have to be so 'all knowing' and wise about things. I don't think anyone is able to see where this is all going with the industry. IMHO that we are not seeing a repeat of the historical cycles this industry has been through so many times. It is like the deregulation of the industry...nothing was the same afterwards. You are placing blame in the wrong place. My recommendation is less starch in your BVDs.
On 2/25/2003 8:37:40 AM jbu320 wrote:

[/blockquote]UMMMM..Yes...U are the happy Camper...as a Pilot you guys always are...as long as someone else is putting up with the extra work and taking the hits on pay....U all sing the same mantra ..what is good for me is good for me....when the other employees get out of the fog...and they will (of course you dread that day) the fog will clear and then they will have to deal with MGT...which has always been ...oh so fuzzy and warm...and then it will be wake up time...sorry... we LUV you but....we don't LUV you that much...been in it long enough to see all the clues...People Express...now that sounds familiar...to the REST of the JB employees..take care of yourselves ..cause I PROMISE YOU...You are on your own..

And you are not on your own? Wake up. This is a new day and the rules have all changed. Embrace it, fight it but you don't have to be so 'all knowing' and wise about things. I don't think anyone is able to see where this is all going with the industry. IMHO that we are not seeing a repeat of the historical cycles this industry has been through so many times. It is like the deregulation of the industry...nothing was the same afterwards. You are placing blame in the wrong place. My recommendation is less starch in your BVDs.
My Advice to you is admit I am speaking the truth..Just as a TWA crew told us many years ago when they were going through Hell...Don't worry...You'll get your turn. I am amazed at your naievete'...enjoy it man..while it lasts. BTW..I wear Joe Boxers...BVDs?...isn't that low rent underwear?...Just wondering? BTW..I don't wish anyone of you bad times...I understand your enthusiasm... I just like some banter. Take Care
On 2/19/2003 1:23:18 PM aislehopper wrote:

I welcome B6's entrance into the Atlanta market because it should have an unintended positive effect on Delta.

B6 is a well run company with a killer business plan. Up to now, B6 has been a carnivore, moving into markets and eating the other carrier's lunch at will.

Delta employees see what has happened to our network carrier peers that have LCC competition. We see that smaller yields, shrinking market share, and high costs lead to bankruptcy. As these boards show, bankruptcy is not good for employees.

The entry of B6 into Atlanta might be the wakeup call to ALPA and the rest of the Delta employees. We will need to focus on the challenge at hand if we are to survive. The enemy is not management, it is the free market. The market rewards the most efficient provider. B6 will help provide the motivation for us to become that efficient provider.

The next couple of years will show if we are up to the challenge.

I think we are.

Welcome to ATL, JetBlue.
uMMM...I DON'T GET IT...Reading your post I assume you work for Delta. Why whould you encourage and promote another LCC into your market? You work for a very fine employer that has had a reputation for many years of treating it's employees well. Have you ever lived in Kew Gardens with a bunch of new hires? If so maybe the Trailer Park living is OK for you...I'm sure south of ATL in the new SONG "mobile" experience you'll be Happy when JB forces your MGT to lower your salary...I still don't get your thinking.

BTW..I wear Joe Boxers...BVDs?...isn't that low rent underwear?...Just wondering? BTW..I don't wish anyone of you bad times...I understand your enthusiasm... I just like some banter. Take Care

Right then, Have a nice day amigo!!!!!
Delta issued their response by adding 5 ATL/LAX roundtrips, yes 5, and they upgraded a 75 to a 764 adding an additional 60 seats on another flight. I guess B6 is going to find out how hard DL is going to fight now with "SONG" being added to the ATL-JFK market. Good luck to B6.
On 3/6/2003 1:57:46 PM coolflyingfool wrote:

Delta issued their response by adding 5 ATL/LAX roundtrips, yes 5, and they upgraded a 75 to a 764 adding an additional 60 seats on another flight. I guess B6 is going to find out how hard DL is going to fight now with "SONG" being added to the ATL-JFK market. Good luck to B6.

Isn't it interesting how the response is always the same predictable counterattack. Is the traveling public so stupid that they don't realize that these 'great offerings' of the king of ATL are just carrots? If DL should prevail do these folks not realize they will be paying the same old
'bend over and take it with a smile' prices as before?
Seems like a very strong reaction to a small insignificant carrier treading on their monopolized turf.
According to JetBlue.com, ATL-LGB will be reduced from 3x daily to 1x daily (redeye only) on Sept 8.

So what happened? Is JBLU finding more appealing uses for their LGB slots or is the route really performing poorly?
On 7/20/2003 9:49:25 AM DLFlyer31 wrote:

According to JetBlue.com, ATL-LGB will be reduced from 3x daily to 1x daily (redeye only) on Sept 8.

So what happened? Is JBLU finding more appealing uses for their LGB slots or is the route really performing poorly?


A combo of both. FLL-LGB has been outperforming all expectations. 90%+ loads and very good yields. Needless to say, it goes double-daily on 8 Sept. when ATL goes to one daily redeye. ATL-LGB has been doing decent, but not well enough to warrant three dailies. Loads are okay, but yields are weak. The other slot? It''s up in the air as to where it will go, but will likely go to SLC/OAK/LAS in the short-term until a use is found.
On 7/20/2003 9:49:25 AM DLFlyer31 wrote:

According to JetBlue.com, ATL-LGB will be reduced from 3x daily to 1x daily (redeye only) on Sept 8.

So what happened? Is JBLU finding more appealing uses for their LGB slots or is the route really performing poorly?

I think Neeleman needed to see for himself how much fun it is flying into another airlines hub.

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