You just changed subjects. We are talking about the issue at hand, not what happened with Legend. I was not in a position back then to know what happened behind the courtains back then, but I do now. So even if AA pumped money back then does not imply that it is doing it today. Call me naive but past events prove nothing. Today AA does not have the money to spend on wild goose chases, but it seems that Southwest has because we see them spending it left and right.
Regarding your point of anti-competitve practices please give me some examples, again without facts your points are not useful.
I liked your last paragraph. It clearly represents the hypocrisy of Southwest and any other 'supporters' of the Wright repeal like yourself. They claim that Southwest cannot offer its low fares out of DFW, because DFW is too expensive to operate. So I ask you a question, if that is true how is any airline operating at DFW supposed to match Southwest (and lower fares systemwide as it claims) if it can not do it itself? Pure hypocrisy. They know it can't be done. So they want to push for Love Field, knowing that any other competitors won't be able to match them because as you are admitting it can not be done out of DFW. So anyone at DFW gets screwed flying only people west of DFW or anyone East that is leftover of Southwest, while Southwest enjoys a monopoly at Love and lower costs that anybody else. Do you call that fair? That is pure B.S.
Finally don't give me your evil AA's track record at DFW. Come on AA was nothing at DFW when Wright was created. American at least has the pride to say that it has been able to suceed at DFW without help form anyone, competing head to head with bigger carriers, and not hidding at some downtown airport, exploiting some ambiguity in the agreements between Dallas and Fort Worth to build DFW.