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Local 514 President Tell Members Aa Headed For Bk

Bagbelt said:
If we had no union Crandall would have got rid of everybody 15 years ago. Outside of the northeast and west coast there is no labor movement. I've picketed, marched and leafleted when they tried to repeal pro labor resolutions in my state. When the AMFA strike started we took up a collection the second day to buy the guys on line duty pizzas. There was nobody picketing! Even the detail cop was embarassed. All the wonderful talk of democracy, did anyone think of a strike fund? I know in their big stations there is more activity, but Laconia is only an hour from here, it made an impression on us.

You can't say, Unions are good one minute and then run to your nearest Walmart for groceries .

Here in the Big Apple, no Walmarts. Take a stand, before it's too late.

You can't wave Old Glory from your Toyota, either.
You can't say, Unions are good one minute and then run to your nearest Walmart for groceries .

Here in the Big Apple, no Walmarts. Take a stand, before it's too late.

You can't wave Old Glory from your Toyota, either.
I will not shop at walmart. But aren't most, if not all, toyotas, hondas, etc. sold in the US made by American workers in plants in the USA? Just like GM has some of it's cars made in Mexico by mexican workers.
aafsc said:
As far as an AA bankruptcy is concerned, would not AA disclose this possibility/probability in SEC documents? Isn't that what NW and DL did?

Never mind that. Just watch who in upper management sells their stock.
Well, a union local president says he thinks AA is gonna file for Ch 11 protection, so it must be true. 🙄

You can't say, Unions are good one minute and then run to your nearest Walmart for groceries .

Here in the Big Apple, no Walmarts. Take a stand, before it's too late.

You can't wave Old Glory from your Toyota, either.

Wal-Mart ain't my favorite store either (too many horribly fat women shopping there - it's just plane gross; every fat family here in Los Angeles must shop there) but New York's refusal to allow Wal-Marts isn't gonna make a whit of difference. It just means the poor schmucks in NY will spend more than they need to. And that will help those millions of families HOW??? Oh, by preserving some high-wage union grocery jobs. Helps prove that NY and CA (same general anti-Wal-Mart feelings) contain plenty of foolish people.

And aafsc is right - most Toyotas, Hondas, Nissans, etc. are made here in the USA by Americans in more than a dozen factories in OH, IL, IN, KY, TN and other states.
You can't wave Old Glory from your Toyota, either.

You did not really explain this comment very well so I will assume you are implying that it is a “foreignâ€￾ car and a threat to US labor. Based on that assumption, which is better: A Chrysler built in Mexico, or a Honda built in Georgia, or a GMC built here in Arlington , Texas using parts built in Mexico, China and Japan. While you are thinking of that, I assume all your TV’s in your house are US made right? OH yea, we don’t make any TV’s so I guess you do not have any since you are supporting the labor that lost their jobs building the TV’s back in the old days. Just curious, how on earth did you post on this internet www site sine you do not have a US made PC? I am also assuming that you have gone through all your clothing and tossed out any cloth not made in the US right? It must be hard researching all your purchases such as food good to make sure they were raised / harvested by legal US workers huh. I applaud your dedication. Face it, you have screwed over US labor as much as anyone else.

Mount, we are living more and more in a world with out boarders. I think that is the one thing that unions do not understand and cannot fight. Horse and buggies had their place in society before the car. Unions had their place when child labor and sweat shops were rampant in the US. Times have changed. A over whelming majority of labor in the US does not belong to a union. As a ember of that over whelming majority, I can say I do not miss it. We all seem to manage quite well with out your services. The world is changing, the horse and buggy folks are saving you a place in the history books.
FWAAA said:
Well, a union local president says he thinks AA is gonna file for Ch 11 protection, so it must be true. 🙄

Actually he is a twu Intl VP and a local president. I don't put much weight in the BK filing as I do in the beginning of another fear campaign to extract more concessions with the early contract openers in 2006.
We closed our sweatshops and sent them to countries which won't bother us about things like dumping toxic waste and human rights. Most workers in this country if given the choice would belong to a union, craft giuld or association. Due to relentless union busting, intimidation and yes, union corruption, most workers never even get the choice to begin with. It isn't enough that unions are being harassed into the ground allready. The nice RTW people will help you make it worse, free of charge. They do it because they are so civic and shucks what 12% of the workforce does seems a threat.
Bagbelt said:
We closed our sweatshops and sent them to countries which won't bother us about things like dumping toxic waste and human rights. Most workers in this country if given the choice would belong to a union, craft giuld or association. Due to relentless union busting, intimidation and yes, union corruption, most workers never even get the choice to begin with. It isn't enough that unions are being harassed into the ground allready. The nice RTW people will help you make it worse, free of charge. They do it because they are so civic and shucks what 12% of the workforce does seems a threat.

And the TWU leaders just keep padding their paychecks, accepting kickbacks and telling the members they are lucky to have a job.

I wonder how many workers at AA would stop paying dues if they could?

One of the interesting points brought out by "the four unions" that left the AFL-CIO was how corrupt unions protect companies from real unions due to laws and AFL-CIO rules. The sad fact is we probably would be better off without a union than being stuck in one where management occupies the top position in our division. The fear of us getting a real union would make the company more careful about what they take.
FWAAA said:
Wal-Mart ain't my favorite store either (too many horribly fat women shopping there - it's just plane gross; every fat family here in Los Angeles must shop there)

Sounds kinda elitist, to me.

Never been in a Wal-Mart, though for vastly different reasons. I do see lots of Yuppie SUVs in the lot, though.
Wretched Wrench said:
Back on the BK thread,

CRA International's Mark Kiefer also said that he was optimistic American and Continental could avoid bankruptcy. "I am optimistic of the prospect of American and Continental avoiding bankruptcy, certainly in the near term."


Sure American can avoid bankruptcy. All they have to do is pump out a little more fear via the union communication system (Burchette), and then hammer out another TWU leadership payout along with another cofidential look at the books using the company economist.

Throw another fade by getting a congressman involved, and then have Jim Little without further ratification steal a little more or alot more from the peasant dues payers. For good measure, send ratfication ballots to the TWA deceased, retired, and terminated. Those folks along with the Tulsa sheep will accomodate the "needs".

Whatever the company wants, the company gets.

"They can do that, brother"
People----- Keep one thing in mind! After Oct.17th., Bankrupcy will be a whole new ball game! One Arpy and Company will think twice about going into because after that the rules change! And things will not be as conducive to those who try and take advantage of the system! So if they're going to do it, they'd better get on the stick!! How do you hide $3.9 Billion in less than a month????
Wretched Wrench said:
Never mind that. Just watch who in upper management sells their stock.
Very true.
FWAAA said:
Oh, by preserving some high-wage union grocery jobs. Helps prove that NY and CA (same general anti-Wal-Mart feelings) contain plenty of foolish people.
Some are saying the same thing about the high wage union airline jobs. That is why the LCCs are becoming so popular.

What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
MCI transplant said:
People----- Keep one thing in mind! After Oct.17th., Bankrupcy will be a whole new ball game! One Arpy and Company will think twice about going into because after that the rules change! And things will not be as conducive to those who try and take advantage of the system! So if they're going to do it, they'd better get on the stick!! How do you hide $3.9 Billion in less than a month????

How do you hide it? Use 3/4 of it to bonus your management quietly while you spend millions in a fear campaign to say how the cost of fuel will put us out of business. They don't even have to hide the bonus plans this time because we knew about them before and the unions still let them have everything.

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