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Local 514 Officers - Make Fools of Themselves at AFW

On 8/3/2003 10:52:14 AM j7915 wrote:

If any employer left me that destitute I would think that it is time to quit. You are still with us, so there must be an adequate reward there.

Or are you banking on a juicy association position if and when?

The same folks will still be voting as do under the TWU.

If you are an employee of American Airlines, a mechanic or an inspector etc.. , a member of the TWU, you were sold the same concessions. The only difference would be that you are an International Officer and did not have your wages and benefits cut in the same manner. When are you quitting?
Why do you speak so lowly of your fellow employees and members?
Hey but any membership that voted not to build a new union hall in TUL, two or three times only to have the E-Board overide the membership by placing the decesion in a membership meeting minutes to be accepted as read?

If you want to produce another airline industry union "deed", then try making an attempt at producing documented proof that shows the average increase in out-of-pocket expense that each TWU member will soon pay for flex benefit medical? You know, the Pilot "me too" cap has been lifted and we are at the companies mercy now.

I hear the average out-of-pocket... er, uh paycut will exceed $100.00 per month to maintain your current level of medical coverage.
On 8/3/2003 9:48:49 PM j7915 wrote:

BUCK, repeat after me verrry sloooooooowly, j7915 is not, repeat is not a union official.

Now when is this simple message going to get thru to you??

What is j7915 then?
A supporter of industry leading concessions?
A supporter of Dictators for leaders?
Or are you a bus driver in NYC?
BUCK, repeat after me verrry sloooooooowly, j7915 is not, repeat is not a union official.

Now when is this simple message going to get thru to you??
On 8/3/2003 9:48:49 PM j7915 wrote:

BUCK, repeat after me verrry sloooooooowly, j7915 is not, repeat is not a union official.

Now when is this simple message going to get thru to you??

I got it. That just proves my point, that you also took the concessions. So you are not going to quit. That means that being the lowest compensated mechanics in the industry is ok with you?
On 8/3/2003 11:17:38 PM Buck wrote:


On 8/3/2003 9:48:49 PM j7915 wrote:

BUCK, repeat after me verrry sloooooooowly, j7915 is not, repeat is not a union official.

Now when is this simple message going to get thru to you??


I got it. That just proves my point, that you also took the concessions. So you are not going to quit. That means that being the lowest compensated mechanics in the industry is ok with you?

RV4 and Buck, last time I checked epay, we I am still ahead of the game. Now ask me again when we start dropping below the starting line of around 9/11. Besides having been there and done that, i.e. "working for the state of OK", and being in no position to move to chase contracts, I'll stay put.

Why don't you try to locate mechanics who rather took a lay off in Tulsa then to bunp an OSM?

The origional post implied that the poster had lost ALL BENEFITS, ALL PAY et.
On 8/4/2003 10:34:52 AM j7915 wrote:

RV4 and Buck, last time I checked epay, we I am still ahead of the game. Now ask me again when we start dropping below the starting line of around 9/11. Besides having been there and done that, i.e. "working for the state of OK", and being in no position to move to chase contracts, I'll stay put.

Why don't you try to locate mechanics who rather took a lay off in Tulsa then to bunp an OSM?

The origional post implied that the poster had lost ALL BENEFITS, ALL PAY et.

The fact is that the rate we were earning on Sept 11 legally started on March 1, 2001, but we had to wait for the retro til November so we are already way behind what we were making on Sept 11 2001.

There is more to compensation than just pay. You also have to figure in the cost of losing one weeks vacation ($1400@pre-concession,the loss of 5 holidays,the reduction of the 5 remaining holidays to half pay and at least one full day of pay due to the half paid sick days and the elimination of seven sick days.

By the time Jim Littles deal has run its course we will be way way behind where we were prior to Sept 11 2001 and even further behind where we were on april 30, 2001. We will almost double the gap to the CPI adjusted rate of what mechanics made in 1983. Our rate will be approximately $14/hr below the CPI adjusted 1983 rate, not counting the loss of company provided LTD, company provided retirement health benifits, company provided health benifits,loss of double time and on and on and on.

For your information we had three crew chiefs leave the company and not demote. Two quit and the third took the street through a layoff.
On 8/3/2003 10:52:14 AM j7915 wrote:

The same folks will still be voting as do under the TWU.


Are you saying that AMFA will not let Crew Chiefs and Peurto Ricans vote either?

Are you saying that AMFA will use consecutive pin numbers that can be revealed as long as you had one pin number and the companies seniority list? And then allow people to change their votes?
Has the Local 514 Membership and Officers taken the oath to uphold the Constitution also?

Where are the charges against Local Tulsa Organizers? What about the numerous violations for dual unionism across the Tulsa Maintenance Base?

Or is the Constitution enoforcement for selective removal of political enemies and to supress change, rather than protection of the membership?
On 8/4/2003 3:50:48 PM Bob Owens wrote:


On 8/3/2003 10:52:14 AM j7915 wrote:

The same folks will still be voting as do under the TWU.


Are you saying that AMFA will not let Crew Chiefs and Peurto Ricans vote either?

Are you saying that AMFA will use consecutive pin numbers that can be revealed as long as you had one pin number and the companies seniority list? And then allow people to change their votes?


No Bob what I meant was that the same 60% will vote. Sorry it was not clear.

For curiosity's sake I tried to change my vote, it did not work.
At SWA local for amfa the participation in the officers elections were so low the International stepped in and had the Local hold elections over for some of the positions.

851 members eligible to vote+/- out of this 321 voted both times+/- the one who received the most, 189+/- , this is great participation. I believe the percentages at NW was about the same. Or how about amfa with 28%+/- at United.

The TWU had the highest percentage of turnout this year and the judge ruled on the issue.

Is Kevin Hammack and Les Howard going to testify at the Line Presidents and Bob Owens' International Kangaroo Court Hearing?

Will it be an open hearing for members to observe?
On 8/7/2003 12:54:13 AM j7915 wrote:

For curiosity's sake I tried to change my vote, it did not work.

To a Yes or a No?