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Seems The Tulsa Local 514 E-board Meeting

High Speed Steel said:
Never an attempt to keep anyone out of your drive...? Then what is all the crying about the so called inflated eligability list by you, and your fellow comrades...? Sounds like you are doing just that...! Trying to be selective as to who you and AMFA choose to represent...! Keep opening up your mouth Buck...It's a hoot...!!!

AMFA: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
hss, what do you not understand about the NMB's ruling on CRAFT & CLASS?

There is no crying about the inflated eligibility list. There was defending against corruption by not allowing those not in our CRAFT & CLASS to be able to vote.

Tell me where dead people, stock clerks rampers and other airline employees should be able to vote in the upcoming election.

The twu smells fear... and it is their own!


DECISION 2007 said:
The TWU wants to eliminate the middle class and make them poor!...Hey dummie...you and the dwarf are sending the middle class to Singapore, great amfa job.
actually by lowering the bar like the twu has other companies have but two (2) options either get their unions to become lap dogs like the twu or outsource. Thanks twu for starting the outsourcing debacle all airline mechanics are facing today, via B scale, C scale, SRP/OSM, and lastly the biggest concessionary contract ever heard of.
It appears that you High Speed Steel is the one who needs a little assistance.
Decision 2004 said:
What part of there never was a "debate" dont you understand?

I notice you did not respond to the stripping of membership rights for differing views by the TWU. The same standard you wish to hold AMFA to does not bode well for the TWU, now does it?

Yeah, that cowardice claim really hurts me, and I really care that you choose to measure my bravery. SO WHAT?

You and your personal attacks have nearly single handedly stopped the movement to replace the TWU. Keep up the good work, one or two more personal attacks and I bet the NMB decides in your favor. 😛h34r:
Amfa has the same language in their constitution and uses it! I also believe they even have gone so far to have members fired!

So don't throw stones! the glass does break on both sides! The Bad Standing worked well and will in the future on both sides!

Cowards is when the organizers are afraid to step foot into a meeting! Simple truth!

Cowards = Delle! Afraid of Jim Little!!!!!

Better yet, you and the organizers! I do give credit to McCoy, Inman and the other 2 who were willing to come in and listen to Jim! You on the other hand, just plain an idiot! Are you the one who thought up the great scheme to Run from us?

Coward, Idiot, Afraid

CIO, you are really getting me now! That name calling is getting you votes daily.

Show us proof that AMFA has a member fired for wearing a t-shirt of another union?

That would by far be a legal matter, and you can direct us to the lawsuit the AMFA member has pending? Case # and Court would suffice. I think you learned much from Jim on his visit to Tulsa. Your lies have increased in both quantity and despreation.

BTW, I thought McCoy was one of your Shop Stewards? And I believe Delle offered to debate Jim Little at several stations after the election is called. It is yourself and Jim Little stating there will be NO DEBATES not Delle.
AMFA constitution states a member must have been an AMFA member for 5 years before attending AMFA convention, Do you as AMFA supporters agree to allow Delle and AMFA to BREAK their CONSTITUION and allow (if AMFA wins) new members to attend and vote at the convention?
If so, isnt this backstabing by what you claim your against TWU?
What other constituions will you allow AMFA to change to benfit themselves?
Buck said:
There has never been an attempt to keep anyone out of our drive. Using your theory, every organizer could be a "mole". I am not worried even if the chairman of the drive is a mole. If the TWU allows for democracy, AMFA will prevail.
Don't be too sure Buck!!!
BTW, I thought McCoy was one of your Shop Stewards? And I believe Delle offered to debate Jim Little at several stations after the election is called. It is yourself and Jim Little stating there will be NO DEBATES not Delle.

McCoy is not a Shop Steward he was one for a very short time, it had nothing to do with supporting or not supporting the TWU it was about making sure that the wrong guy who had 3 meeting in did not get the job until the right person could get 3 meeting in and become the Shop Steward, It was nothing more than that so now you know the rest of the story,k I hope now we can put an end to the Shop Steward thing.
McCoy has been an AMFA supporter since May 1st 2003 when he signed his first AMFA card and became an Organizer nothing has changed despite what you may hear. 😀
Dallas Air Mach said:
AMFA constitution states a member must have been an AMFA member for 5 years before attending AMFA convention,
Could you give the reference to that claim? Page number will suffice.
Show us proof that AMFA has a member fired for wearing a t-shirt of another union?

Dave your twisting, show me where either constitution says this?

Dual unions is a violation of both constitutions.

Amfa uses this to force members to pay dues more frequent than most!

As for the topic, come on down to the meetings today and see the difference in representation.

"As for the topic, come on down to the meetings today and see the difference in representation. "

We have all seen the difference in representation. Most recently with the twu's swallowing of the worse concession contract in the industry.

The twu smells fear... and it is their own!



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