The provisions of the A.T.D., Negotiating Committee Policy, Article IV of the American Airlines System President’s Council By-Laws and the T.W.U.A. Constitution will govern the T.W.U. Negotiating Committee.
I. Chairman
The ATD Director shall chair Negotiating committee meetings, or another International Officer assigned by the International President. The Chairman shall have a voice but no vote on committee decisions except to break a tie.
International Officers and Representatives assigned shall have a voice but no vote on negotiating committee decisions.
The Chairman of the negotiations committee can be removed from his/her position by a two-thirds majority vote of the negotiations committee. A new chairman will be appointed based on a two-thirds majority vote of the full committee, with concurrence of the International President.
II. Contracts Proposals
The Negotiating Committee will review contract proposals submitted
by the members through their respective locals. The committee shall approve a package to submit, with committee recommendations, to the membership. A vote will be taken to authorize the Negotiating Committee to take whatever action is necessary, including strike action, to achieve these goals.
Note: All reference to full committee voting will mean by simple majority unless stated otherwise
III. Committee Meetings
Wherever possible, meetings will be conducted by the full committee. However, sub-committees shall be established when there is a particular need, such as issues pertaining to a particular contract group, or a specific item.
Any sub-committee decision must have the final approval of the full committee. The full Negotiating Committee will be expected to be available and on time for all committee meetings and joint sessions.
No changes or substitutions shall be made in committee members once negotiations have commenced except in extreme circumstances, and then only by two-thirds vote of the committee.
IV. Communications
No committee member or Local Union is to release any information, publicity, postings, or mailings regarding the status of the negotiations, without prior approval by two-thirds vote of full committee.
Sub-committee meetings and/or caucuses with company representatives will be held only with the knowledge and consent of the full committee.
The chairman of the committee will be the spokes-person for the Negotiating Committee. No committee member will speak on any issue in negotiations without approval of the chairman.
Any committee member appearing under the influence of intoxicants will be ruled out of order and ineligible to participate in official business of the committee