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List all TWU accomplishments

The TWU did accomplish one thing -- avoiding a dovetail of the TWA employees.

Considering all of the outsourcing that's gone on in the past 10 years, every time you get a paycheck, you could consider that an accomplishment, too. Of course, you'll #### about the amount of the check, but the fact still remains that they've preserved a lot more jobs than either the IAM or AMFA have at the other legacy carriers, including those who avoided bankruptcy.

6. Failed to negotiate Cost of Living Allowances in contracts;

Ah! Number 6. My favorite!
The TWU did accomplish one thing -- avoiding a dovetail of the TWA employees.

Considering all of the outsourcing that's gone on in the past 10 years, every time you get a paycheck, you could consider that an accomplishment, too. Of course, you'll #### about the amount of the check, but the fact still remains that they've preserved a lot more jobs than either the IAM or AMFA have at the other legacy carriers, including those who avoided bankruptcy.

I dont recall seeing "preserving jobs through paycuts and other concessions" as one of the objects of the TWU in their Constitution. The fact is they didnt save any jobs, the company eliminated, and continues to eliminate jobs as they see fit. The overall reduction of employees that has occured at AA is similar to what has happened at other carriers, in fact percentage wise the reduction at AA, even with severe cuts in wages and benifits is much higher than at SWA where they didnt take any wage and benifit cuts. Saying that the TWU saves jobs is like saying that Delta workers still have a job because they dont have a union, because in both cases the company simply does as it sees fit.

Back to the topic.

Fifty years ago both the TWU and AFL-CIO made considerable accomplishments. However the last few generations of union bosses are nothing like those who preceeded them.

Many of the old time union leaders had Socialist beliefs and were committed to the cause of labor. They actually believed in it. Many had considerable education and easily could have earned a much easier living somewhere else. These people actually led, they provided leadership and direction with clear goals, and they were willing to keep a stake in the struggle. They had plans and they took action. The leaders of yesterday knew how important it was to fight, and they fought often.

Compare that to todays "leaders". Leaders is really not a good definition. Administrators is a more fitting term. They do not provide leadership. They have no plans other than waiting to see what moves the companies make next. They have no real stake in the struggle as they insulate themselves from the members. When the members take cuts they call for management to take cuts, even though they themselves dont take cuts. They make the speach but other than complain they do nothing, they dont even threaten to do anything. The majority of todays union administrators have no core union beliefs, as revealed by Bobby Gless' inability to define what an industrial union is (but he could probably tell you the closing price of Pokeyman Stock), instead they went in union administration as an escape from the floor. Its like being in management without accountability. Todays union leaders only care about maintaing enough dues flow to provide them with a standard of living that is more like the executives they are supposed to be challenging than the members they claim to represent. Todays unions are run by people like Jim Little who run around claiming that they posess Batchelors and Masters Degrees, even if they turn out to be fakes from a phony college. They use their positions and phony degrees to try equate themselves with corporate executives as justification for their exhorbitant salaries. They pose with these executives in smiling embraces while these same executives are raping their members.

No todays union administrators are the opposite of the leaders we had years ago. Everything that our leaders gained years ago, and thanked the members for helping them accompish, has systematically been given away by todays administrators. Years ago unions had leaders who thanked the members for allowing them to lead, today we have administrators who blame the members for not making them leaders. Maybe they are right, maybe we are to blame, we are the ones who tolerate their incompetance, hypocricy and treacherous greed. Despite the elaborate defenses they have constructed to deny us accountability we could overcome, and if we want to have a future, we shall.
The TWU did accomplish one thing -- avoiding a dovetail of the TWA employees.

Considering all of the outsourcing that's gone on in the past 10 years, every time you get a paycheck, you could consider that an accomplishment, too. Of course, you'll #### about the amount of the check, but the fact still remains that they've preserved a lot more jobs than either the IAM or AMFA have at the other legacy carriers, including those who avoided bankruptcy.

TWA AMTS got 25 percent of thier seniority. So if you had less than 5 years with AA you got bumped to the street
Another TWU screw job
Come on guys, we are represented by the biggest and best union in the industry and thats the best you can do! You are not trying hard enough, dig down and really think about it before you answer.
Um, I give up.

But I guess an "accomplishment" given a TWU mentality to answer the question would be they have succesfully raised the pay and benefit level of non-skilled workers and job titles at the expense of the skilled.

I remember sometime back CIO, and others were claming that the jobs done by SRP/OSM classification were non-skill, non-safety related. Of course the painters are now SRP/OSM classified. And AA just recently grounded some aircraft due to paint coming off tank plate covers causing fuel filter clogs and contamination. Very lucky this was not a major incedent.

The TWU has successfully dumbed down the profession of aircraft maintenance.

The TWU has created more new slogans in organized labor that any other union.

The TWU has more appointed leaders than any other union.

Well that's about it, but those are all accomplishments that make two hours pay per month one of the best damn scams of all time.
Um, I give up.

But I guess an "accomplishment" given a TWU mentality to answer the question would be they have succesfully raised the pay and benefit level of non-skilled workers and job titles at the expense of the skilled.

Well I dont think that the non-skilled have benifited from TWU representation either. The fact is that they dont have an AMFA out there to put the TWUs feet to the flame. The fact is that unskilled people should be able to earn a living too and under the TWU thats not really possible, unless of course the unskilled becomes an International Rep.

I remember sometime back CIO, and others were claming that the jobs done by SRP/OSM classification were non-skill, non-safety related. Of course the painters are now SRP/OSM classified. And AA just recently grounded some aircraft due to paint coming off tank plate covers causing fuel filter clogs and contamination. Very lucky this was not a major incedent.

In A&P school we were taught that every job is critical and any review of airline disasters caused by mechanical malfunctions only reinforces that view.
Come on guys, we are represented by the biggest and best union in the industry and thats the best you can do! You are not trying hard enough, dig down and really think about it before you answer.

Uhm, they have a rented coffin that can be brought out at a moments notice.

They also have a SCAB on retainer for any and all events.
My personal favorite TWU accomplishment and from experience:

Free drinks at the bargaining table. :up: :up: :up:

It got so bad in 1995 that we had to redo the negotiating by-laws to ban drinking at the table.



The provisions of the A.T.D., Negotiating Committee Policy, Article IV of the American Airlines System President’s Council By-Laws and the T.W.U.A. Constitution will govern the T.W.U. Negotiating Committee.

I. Chairman
The ATD Director shall chair Negotiating committee meetings, or another International Officer assigned by the International President. The Chairman shall have a voice but no vote on committee decisions except to break a tie.

International Officers and Representatives assigned shall have a voice but no vote on negotiating committee decisions.

The Chairman of the negotiations committee can be removed from his/her position by a two-thirds majority vote of the negotiations committee. A new chairman will be appointed based on a two-thirds majority vote of the full committee, with concurrence of the International President.

II. Contracts Proposals
The Negotiating Committee will review contract proposals submitted

by the members through their respective locals. The committee shall approve a package to submit, with committee recommendations, to the membership. A vote will be taken to authorize the Negotiating Committee to take whatever action is necessary, including strike action, to achieve these goals.

Note: All reference to full committee voting will mean by simple majority unless stated otherwise

III. Committee Meetings
Wherever possible, meetings will be conducted by the full committee. However, sub-committees shall be established when there is a particular need, such as issues pertaining to a particular contract group, or a specific item.

Any sub-committee decision must have the final approval of the full committee. The full Negotiating Committee will be expected to be available and on time for all committee meetings and joint sessions.

No changes or substitutions shall be made in committee members once negotiations have commenced except in extreme circumstances, and then only by two-thirds vote of the committee.

IV. Communications
No committee member or Local Union is to release any information, publicity, postings, or mailings regarding the status of the negotiations, without prior approval by two-thirds vote of full committee.

Sub-committee meetings and/or caucuses with company representatives will be held only with the knowledge and consent of the full committee.

The chairman of the committee will be the spokes-person for the Negotiating Committee. No committee member will speak on any issue in negotiations without approval of the chairman.

Any committee member appearing under the influence of intoxicants will be ruled out of order and ineligible to participate in official business of the committee

:up: :up: :up: :up:
Come on guys, we are represented by the biggest and best union in the industry and thats the best you can do! You are not trying hard enough, dig down and really think about it before you answer.

Well Chuck, I dug down pretty deep thinking about this and all I got was a TWU "BOOGER".
Well Chuck, I dug down pretty deep thinking about this and all I got was a TWU "BOOGER".
Dadgum PK, that thar ain't very lady like. Does the twu have a Meany school fer bein' all lady like an such?? I wuz a figgurin' they might havta.

The $100k twu International spokesmodel/stockclerk Linda Dill got them fancy speakin' n' fibbin' skills an such from somewhere's. Sure wern't the Stalag 514 on Pine St. Now if she would just stop dippin' Cope she would really be fetchin'. 🙄 :lol:
TWA AMTS got 25 percent of thier seniority. So if you had less than 5 years with AA you got bumped to the street
Another TWU screw job

TWA AMT's recieved 25% of their senority if TWA's ASM's at that particular station was greater that 10% of the total AA/TWA ASM's. I fall in the category you described and I have never been bumped to the street by an ex TWAer.

< http://www.twu565.org/letters/SENIORITY%20DECISION.htm >
Dadgum PK, that thar ain't very lady like. Does the twu have a Meany school fer bein' all lady like an such?? I wuz a figgurin' they might havta.

The $100k twu International spokesmodel/stockclerk Linda Dill got them fancy speakin' n' fibbin' skills an such from somewhere's. Sure wern't the Stalag 514 on Pine St. Now if she would just stop dippin' Cope she would really be fetchin'. 🙄 :lol:

Hackman, Your message board name fits you. I have not looked at this sight in a long time and did not know AMFA guys would still show their face in public after Alaska United and Northwest. What was the saying top pay till the last day or was it you will do better off in bankruptcy. Yep, AMFA saw the last day at Northwest. So how much do you make now 30+ an hour? Damn nice to still have a job in heavy maintenance isn’t it. If you guys could have convinced enough people at A.A. to vote for you, you could be on the street too. But I guess it is pretty nice making all that money and having the luxury of sitting on your butt crying about how mistreated you are. I see you do not have any real issues to use against the TWU so you make some up like Linda Dill making 100 K a year. Not even close to six figures would be my guess. But since you are the guy that is in the know about such things prove it. You can’t, I know but you will probably just run with it anyway to get some attention. It is just like you to attack one of the hardest workers at your ATD office with bull crap and then sit back and see if it hurts her. I think you underestimate her character. But I guess that’s what it is like when you are overcome with hate towards a person that is a real winner. Sore losers are like that.
Hackman, Your message board name fits you. I have not looked at this sight in a long time and did not know AMFA guys would still show their face in public after Alaska United and Northwest. What was the saying top pay till the last day or was it you will do better off in bankruptcy. Yep, AMFA saw the last day at Northwest. So how much do you make now 30+ an hour? Damn nice to still have a job in heavy maintenance isn’t it. If you guys could have convinced enough people at A.A. to vote for you, you could be on the street too. But I guess it is pretty nice making all that money and having the luxury of sitting on your butt crying about how mistreated you are. I see you do not have any real issues to use against the TWU so you make some up like Linda Dill making 100 K a year. Not even close to six figures would be my guess. But since you are the guy that is in the know about such things prove it. You can’t, I know but you will probably just run with it anyway to get some attention. It is just like you to attack one of the hardest workers at your ATD office with bull crap and then sit back and see if it hurts her. I think you underestimate her character. But I guess that’s what it is like when you are overcome with hate towards a person that is a real winner. Sore losers are like that.
Jeez, there coming out of the woodwork!!! That you Linda?? So what the iam did (cower, scab, assist management) at Alaska, UAL, and NWA is ok??? Give away the farm, and then blame AMFA for fighting. Typical industrial unionist action, duck, cover, run, then blame someone else. All unions lost with the latest union busting. All the twu has done is cower for the past 25 years. Hardly anything to laugh at.

As far as Linda's pay goes, I'm sure with her AA stockclerk salary and twu International, its likely 100K or more, I'll have to check if its listed or its a secret. She did nothing but bash AMFA during the card drive, and she isn't even in the craft and class. I didn't vote for her as twu International officer, and of course, neither did the twu membership. She doesn't speak for me or most of my coworkers. Just because I made a little fun of Linda doesn't mean I hate her, that's the twu's department....hate. The only losers here is the twu membership, stuck with a worthless union. Lighten up Francis. 🙄

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