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Line Premium

Since you fella's are talking premium pay we may as well request that the skill premium be increased to match the A&P pay. We're only tallking about $1.55 per hour to make us "Even Steven".... 🙂
That's fine, but you have to be willing to fight for that premium.... And since your happy with your current representation, get back in the truck and shut up!
I have worked both in the hangar and on the line over the last 24years.The line mechanic should definitely get more money than the hangar mechanic. The line mechanic has to deal with horrible weather elements and also the pressure to address squawks in a timely manner get the plane out on time on a quick turn. As a company you want experienced mechanics on the line so the extra pay will get them to bid the line. $2.55 line premium is excessive but maybe they can break it down $1hr to the line premium and $1.55 hr hour towards geo.
How many of you really work live flights, dont most work planes overnight or B checks. If im wrong thats why im asking
Since you fella's are talking premium pay we may as well request that the skill premium be increased to match the A&P pay. We're only tallking about $1.55 per hour to make us "Even Steven".... 🙂

What sucks is that 20 year plus machinist are training junior employees with A&P's in the machine shop and tooling areas.

This means the 20 year plus trainer is making $1.55 les than the trainee.

Industrial Unionism SUCKS!
Either match the skill pay or eliminate the license pay for the shop area, but one way or the other this needs to be corrected.
How many of you really work live flights, dont most work planes overnight or B checks. If im wrong thats why im asking
And I dont want to work the line I could careless how much you I hope you guys bleed there ass I just want out. Im hoping for some package to make.my leave
Funny ####, they are getting ready to take away ourPV's and not give us diddly squat, but we're worried about line premiums! That's funny. Line premiums are2 contracts away,,,,,,,,that's 16 years in twu time. Get real
What sucks is that 20 year plus machinist are training junior employees with A&P's in the machine shop and tooling areas.

This means the 20 year plus trainer is making $1.55 les than the trainee.

Industrial Unionism SUCKS!
Either match the skill pay or eliminate the license pay for the shop area, but one way or the other this needs to be corrected.

I have always said. Equalize the Skill pay to the A&P pay, never take anything away from anyone....
That's a great idea Chris, you should bring that up to your local. Now get in the truck!

Odie, If your gonna use my line use it right. Its supposed to go like this, see below....

"Dammitt Odie", go sit in the truck.... 😉
I will have my 5 PV's used this year before the vote happens! Two already down
I will have my 5 PV's used this year before the vote happens! Two already down
That's fine, but will they dock you a week next year???? Total BS, let the juge rule, and lets let the company make millions under bancruptcy. It won't take long to get a fair contract.......at least not 6 years
$2.55 is pretty good, I would be ok with that but paying it as a GEO would be better than as Line pay because Tulsa line Mechanics don't live in a high cost of living area so In my opinion shouldn't get it anymore than the Overhaul Mechanics

The company offered $2.55 line and steadily refused to consider GEO even though its much less money and more palatable to the base. I think their motive is that they want to encourage higher paid experienced base mechanics to migrate to the line so they can backfill the base spots with low paid OSMs.

IMO the company has never had a plan to lay off 4500 heads. They admitted in court that they never even put the work out for bids. Other articles cite the shortage of skilled workers that has been described as the greatest threat to the MRO industry. If they cant maintain staff to do what they have now how could they take on AA's work? While the widebodies may go away (internationally-keyword "may")and cause a few hundred riffs, if any at all once regular attrition and an Early Out kick in, I think that AAs next dilemma is how can they introduce young blood into maintenence? I think that AA plans to end up with a ratio of around the same as other legacies (which will slowly increase as companies find the most cost effective balance between insourcing and outsourcing) but the reduction in headcout will be primarily through attrition, there very well may be 4500 less of us here in 2018 but if AA does not find a way to get workers to leave faster than the work they will end up with a workforce in 2018 where the average age is around 60 years of age!!
That drives up costs and leaves the carrier in a very bad spot. They are on track to end up with an excess of older workers and a shortage of younger workers which would become extremely severe by the mid 2020s. They need to offer early outs to avoid this, its not something we should consider financing from our side of the table.
I have always said. Equalize the Skill pay to the A&P pay, never take anything away from anyone....

Hmm, I recall a move to eliminate the line premium in exchange for a couple of holidays. Sure you would have two more days off with pay but we would have lost $1144 in line pay for $264 more Holiday pay.
Hmm, I recall a move to eliminate the line premium in exchange for a couple of holidays. Sure you would have two more days off with pay but we would have lost $1144 in line pay for $264 more Holiday pay.

This is the first I've heard of this one, sure you didn't dream this one up. I don't recall ever voting on anything like this.

Must be some new "Bob Boogaloo"....lol

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