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Letter from Jim LittleRE:JudgeLane’s Ruling /APAContract

Wrong, plenty of Unions have used the strike threat after abrogation to make the company be more reasonable, even airline unions have in the past such as the pilots at Continental in 1983, what the court did say was that for airline workers, and only airline workers, abrogation alone in BK does not free the union to self help, that they had to follow Sect 6 as if there was never a contract to get to self help. It was a bad ruling that the Unions never appealed to the Supreme Court. Now we are still paying the price. maybe the Pilots will do it.
Bob why do you keep posting misinformation when you know better?

There was no section 1113 when CO filed chapter 11, Lorenzo had the CBAs and union certification tossed out in court.

Different laws and different times and you know better, why do you post mistruths when you know better?
Wrong, plenty of Unions have used the strike threat after abrogation to make the company be more reasonable, even airline unions have in the past such as the pilots at Continental in 1983, what the court did say was that for airline workers, and only airline workers, abrogation alone in BK does not free the union to self help, that they had to follow Sect 6 as if there was never a contract to get to self help. It was a bad ruling that the Unions never appealed to the Supreme Court. Now we are still paying the price. maybe the Pilots will do it.
In various posts, you have mentioned that the NW flight attendant decision of the second circuit wasn't appealed to the Supreme Court. You realize that there's no manadatory right to an appeal to the US Supreme Court, right? With the Supreme Court deciding, at most, 80-100 cases each year, out of thousands of petitions it receives, an appeal is very unlikely. And let's face it - a petition for cert requires that four of the nine justices agree to hear the case, and although you don't like the result in that case, it was decided by the Second Circuit (not the more frequently overturned Ninth) and is a pro-business decision. With five conservatives on the Court, your chances of success in overturning it are practically zero. I haven't looked, but are you certain that the NW FAs decided not to appeal or is it possible that they did appeal and the Court refused to hear their appeal?

Besides, what do you care whether there's a legal right to strike if the contract is abrogated? In several posts since Nov 29, you have openly called for a wildcat walkout if a contract is abrogated, so it's not like you're constrained by the NW FA decision anyway.
I agree with Little in a way, if your a TWU local president then be a TWU president and stick to the facts, and if you are a die hard AMFA guy then you shouldn't be a TWU local president and stick to organizing an AMFA vote.

That said, I don't think the TWU is really representing the mechs to well. 75% of mechs from each station from around the USA vote no, and one station votes yes, now we all have to live with this, didn't the TWU work out a deal so guys from this one station can all go to DFW during the last layoffs we had?

I have a feeling if the TWU concentrated on making us the highest paid mechs and don't worry so much about protecting Tulsa, maybe other airline workers would try to organize with the TWU. Instead what other mechs see is the lowest paid mechs and the highest paid FSC'S with the largest mechanic local being run by a FSC.

Just so everybody is clear most Tulsa mechs don't want regional Pay, their attitude is why should you make more then me, if you don't like it move to Tulsa.
Enjoy your one more line of overhaul buddy. At least our deal keeps 65% of our maintenance spend in house which assures we will have more the four lines of overhaul. AA would have loved the AMFA SWA contract at AA. They could have outsourced all of TUL and AFW and only had to have kept DWH at the most. The AA/TWU contract at SWA would drive an explosion of hiring at SWA.

Face it, AMFA had the perfect opportunity to strike for more work in-house but they caved and gave SWA management the contract it wanted. The ability to keep outsourcing at the same rate and send work to El Salvador is a win? No way. You guys should have cowboy'd up and threatened a job action against the most consistently profitable airline in the world with the lowest debt to equity ratio. AMFA is the original all talk, no guts union.

Thanks to this t/a you voted yes for AA can and will outsource Tulsa.

When you say cowboy'd up is that anything like "fight like Hell"?
I agree with Little in a way, if your a TWU local president then be a TWU president and stick to the facts, and if you are a die hard AMFA guy then you shouldn't be a TWU local president and stick to organizing an AMFA vote.

So only people who don't support change should be elected to the TWU. That would leave some stations with no one to elect. What about judging them by how well they represent their members. Larry has done a great job for us here.
What about the outright lies and distortions the Presidents created and passed on to their members? That's okay right? I hope Little holds them accountable. Those no vote coalition idiots cost us all over $20K on the low side by convincing people to vote no on the May 2010 TA. I guess you are fine with that. They also cost us full pay sick pay, three more holidays, and a week of vacation. They should have their asses kicked for that and it's about time Little stomps the down. The vote no coalition cost the membership millions in compensation due to their lies.


"They should have their asses kicked for that..." Wow, strong words coming from a coward behind an alias. Are you the APPOINTED "ass kicker" in the twu? When did that position get created? Are you making threats now?

The twu's shared sacrifice campaign cost the membership millions also so are you going to kick your own ass?

little will hold whom accountable? Dues paying members exercising their right to free speech?

Vote No Coalition cost you what? Your ability to stand erect and fight like Hell for our craft & profession? You never had the desire to unwrap yourself from the fetal position every time the company said "BOO!".

"...and it's about time Little stomps the down." So an APPOINTED officer is going to stomp the down (you really meant THEM) and "them" would be the dues paying membership who he works for?

"inexcuseable and despicable" = overspeed = self appointed ass kicker
Enjoy your one more line of overhaul buddy. At least our deal keeps 65% of our maintenance spend in house which assures we will have more the four lines of overhaul. AA would have loved the AMFA SWA contract at AA. They could have outsourced all of TUL and AFW and only had to have kept DWH at the most. The AA/TWU contract at SWA would drive an explosion of hiring at SWA.

The reason SWA is so successful is because the unions there worry about pay, and benefits not BS rules like the 1/7th rule, labor loans or the like. They all work their ass off and get paid a good salary to do it. They are happy workers with a good relationship with management that concentrates on making money, not fighting each other over labor loans.

Unions should fight for pay, benefits not to become a social works program where we all take less to hire more people.

So many of us are waiting to get the call from SWA, I would like to know how many mechs have left AA for SWA? SWA can have their pick of AA mechs and those mechs will make more with SWA at 3 years seniority then with 20 years seniority at AA and that's before BK. overspend you act like AA is one big team all working together, what I see is Tulsa protecting and enriching themselves at our expense and management getting there bonuses right on time while we work in 100 degree weather, every weekend and holiday which Tulsa doesn't work because we all gave something for them to have that nice deal in all of our contracts.
Jim, the line presidents have a strong back up from their represented members so is better to handle this issue with respect to them. I personally does not agree with disrespet language to you or any other person but may be they had been disrespected by the international.

"The TWU has a very strong and proud history of providing the best possible representation for our members and the IAC is fully committed to continuing that proud tradition." I don't know about this, TWU has a tradition of concessions. Does anybody feel proud about this outcome? Does TWU represent the best interest of the 78% line AMT's that voted no?

Jim, the local presidents are elected and they can be voted down. With all respect I think you and your team should consider resigning or retirement. Your team is in another page at least from the line stand point.

One last question. When Cirri wiill be given the prize of an international appointed position?
Thanks to this t/a you voted yes for AA can and will outsource Tulsa.

When you say cowboy'd up is that anything like "fight like Hell"?
Negative sellout. AA cannot outsource TUL due to the strict scope language. If they had voted no then even SAN could be outsourced. You never research anything before your post do you Ken.

Run back to your PS check, change a tire, and then go back to sleep.
Classic! An alias using twu tool telling someone who posts with his real name to unmask himself.
Classic, accepting money from the ARSA and AA Corporate while stating you are for the craft. Classic!

Ken you sold out the legacy of Charles Taylor. What a hypocrite!
Classic, accepting money from the ARSA and AA Corporate while stating you are for the craft. Classic!

Ken you sold out the legacy of Charles Taylor. What a hypocrite!

LOL a hyprocrite would be one that slams another for association with ARSA on one hand while advocating voting yes for 35% outsource without job security with the other hand.

"They should have their asses kicked for that..." Wow, strong words coming from a coward behind an alias. Are you the APPOINTED "ass kicker" in the twu? When did that position get created? Are you making threats now?

The twu's shared sacrifice campaign cost the membership millions also so are you going to kick your own ass?

little will hold whom accountable? Dues paying members exercising their right to free speech?

Vote No Coalition cost you what? Your ability to stand erect and fight like Hell for our craft & profession? You never had the desire to unwrap yourself from the fetal position every time the company said "BOO!".

"...and it's about time Little stomps the down." So an APPOINTED officer is going to stomp the down (you really meant THEM) and "them" would be the dues paying membership who he works for?

"inexcuseable and despicable" = overspeed = self appointed ass kicker
Reading your tirades and unmasking your elitist BS I do for free. I love shredding your BS and unmasking your hypocritical BS. Taking $3,500 from AA Corporate and the ARSA to honor the memory of Charles Taylor...he must be turning over in his grave. You really are the ultimate sellout Ken.

Go back to leveling the tray table in 17G and then go back to sleep.
LOL a hyprocrite would be one that slams another for association with ARSA on one hand while advocating voting yes for 35% outsource without job security with the other hand.
Nope! Telling members to vote no and having more than half of our work outsourced while hoping to reap the rewards pay-wise from the outsourcing...that's a first class hypocrite.
I can not think of a better example of misleading than the TUL TWU Hewitt video.

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