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Letter from Jim LittleRE:JudgeLane’s Ruling /APAContract

In various posts, you have mentioned that the NW flight attendant decision of the second circuit wasn't appealed to the Supreme Court. You realize that there's no manadatory right to an appeal to the US Supreme Court, right? With the Supreme Court deciding, at most, 80-100 cases each year, out of thousands of petitions it receives, an appeal is very unlikely. And let's face it - a petition for cert requires that four of the nine justices agree to hear the case, and although you don't like the result in that case, it was decided by the Second Circuit (not the more frequently overturned Ninth) and is a pro-business decision. With five conservatives on the Court, your chances of success in overturning it are practically zero. I haven't looked, but are you certain that the NW FAs decided not to appeal or is it possible that they did appeal and the Court refused to hear their appeal?

Besides, what do you care whether there's a legal right to strike if the contract is abrogated? In several posts since Nov 29, you have openly called for a wildcat walkout if a contract is abrogated, so it's not like you're constrained by the NW FA decision anyway.

Dont know if they tried or not, only that they settled shortly after the appelate court gave their decision, like you said it takes time.

If there was a Wildcat Strike with all the unions participating you can be assured that either the Supreme Court would hear the case quickly or the legislature would clarify the laws and the intent.

I've asked you some of this before but you have never really answer the question, instead you duck it saying it is what it is , but you do claim to be a lawyer,and you are under an alias so nobody knows who you are and surely you have an opinion. (I hope this doesnt get me accused of having Lee Seham write my posts again)

Have you read the NWA decision and do you agree with the decision and why?

Do you feel that the court is sidestepping of the RLA, which says that if the company unilaterally changes rates of pay or any other term that constitutes a major dispute that the Union can strike.

Other than BK, which existed when the RLA was written how else could an airline unilaterally change terms of a written contract?

Other than airline workers is there any group of creditors, including workers in any other industry, that are under such restrictions as far as continuing to supply their product under abrogated terms? If not, why? whats the legal rationale for placing such restrictions on airline workers that no other worker in the private or public sector(as far as I know) is subject to?
I agree with Little in a way, if your a TWU local president then be a TWU president and stick to the facts, and if you are a die hard AMFA guy then you shouldn't be a TWU local president and stick to organizing an AMFA vote.

That said, I don't think the TWU is really representing the mechs to well. 75% of mechs from each station from around the USA vote no, and one station votes yes, now we all have to live with this, didn't the TWU work out a deal so guys from this one station can all go to DFW during the last layoffs we had?

I have a feeling if the TWU concentrated on making us the highest paid mechs and don't worry so much about protecting Tulsa, maybe other airline workers would try to organize with the TWU. Instead what other mechs see is the lowest paid mechs and the highest paid FSC'S with the largest mechanic local being run by a FSC.

Just so everybody is clear most Tulsa mechs don't want regional Pay, their attitude is why should you make more then me, if you don't like it move to Tulsa.
That is the driving factor that divides OH and Line. You said it.....I didn't!
Let's face it....you shouldn't worry about geo pay when your job is going to be outsourced to China. I see 777's going into HKG everyday.....Victorville, Timco, Heaco, Teaco, and others are just chompin on the bit to get more work. You drove the final nail in the "in-house" maint. coffin for AA by voting yes. You listened to the experts all right......the concessionary experts. The pilots at least get to keep some sort of furlough protection.....and that was granted via the judge. LOL You on the otherhand, listened to the experts that promised you more jobs with absolutely NO protections....and you waived your right to possibly getting that from the judge by voting yes.
No Dumbass. Quit deflecting attention away from the point. Which is that a TWU Local 514 member followed you, and voted yes under the premise that her job would be saved by voting yes. The yes votes won, and now she is crying because after the fact, now Hewitt admits in the Tulsa World that she will lose her job and she was lied too.

I would not be suprised to find out that it was the Recording Secretary running around with her laptop the last night of voting garnering the finaly votes needed while James C Little monitored the vote count live and reported in how many he needed, that actually misled this member.

You haven't been called a dumbass yet but since you started, this is for you dumbass:

Of course AMTs will be laid off. Even the ratified T/A states that. But if we were to follow your (Owens - Peterson - JR - Line Maint - and AMFA clones) VOTE NO Agenda, Overhaul would be history in order to subsidize your expectations. You guys are a joke and you don't even realize how transparent you are!
Now I'm hurt Bob.

I have shredded everyone of your arguments. Don't need to rehash because you are done. Stick a fork in ya!

Really? How so by saying "red Herring", You are lying", You are a whiner"? You really are impressed with yourself in that you think people will believe your one liner responses.
No Dumbass. Quit deflecting attention away from the point. Which is that a TWU Local 514 member followed you, and voted yes under the premise that her job would be saved by voting yes. The yes votes won, and now she is crying because after the fact, now Hewitt admits in the Tulsa World that she will lose her job and she was lied too.

I would not be suprised to find out that it was the Recording Secretary running around with her laptop the last night of voting garnering the finaly votes needed while James C Little monitored the vote count live and reported in how many he needed, that actually misled this member.

You haven't been called a dumbass yet but since you started, this is for you dumbass:

Of course AMTs will be laid off. Even the ratified T/A states that. But if we were to follow your (Owens - Peterson - JR - Line Maint - and AMFA clones) VOTE NO Agenda, Overhaul would be history in order to subsidize your expectations. You guys are a joke and you don't even realize how transparent you are!

You have posted 157 times.

You have been slammed 71 times. Almost 50 %

And all slams are well deserved !
Negative sellout. AA cannot outsource TUL due to the strict scope language. If they had voted no then even SAN could be outsourced. You never research anything before your post do you Ken.

Run back to your PS check, change a tire, and then go back to sleep.

Really? Show us the language that prevents it. BDL was closed and maintenance was outsourced to KTI, and there are scores of other small cities across the country where the same thing happens. The 35% cap, which really isnt 35% if you continue reading past the number is maintenance spend. As spend goes down the number of jobs eliminated goes up, and that has nothing to do with outsourcing. So as new planes come in with nothing in the language says we get all the work on those new planes AA could switch to phased checks like SWA and UAL do, which would lessen the need for Tulsa. Just as BDL was closed so too could they close Tulsa if they felt they could handle all the work on the new fleet in DWH, where they wont waste the fuel and crews the do sending stuff up to Tulsa.
Show me where it says you can strike?

The court ruled they cant strike, thats the bottom line. You post mistruths all the time.

Can you not read and comprehend Bob?

There was NO section 1113 when Lorenzo went into chapter 11 and had all the CBAs wiped out and union certification.

I mean are you that ignorant?

Section 1113 was created in part due to what Lorenzo did at CO.

Seriously Bob, its so interesting that a labor leader post lies and doesnt post the truth and I know you knew exactly that there was no Section 1113 when CO went into chapter 11 with Lorenzo.

And I know Sharon told you that Bankruptcy law trumps the RLA and the court system has agreed.
Buck: When did the TWU pioneer the ASAP program? I was sure that the ASRS was there long before ASAP?

The ASRS Program preceded the ASAP Program, but American's Pilots (APA) and the TWU were the first Airline Unions' to negotiate an ASAP Program with Management designed specifically to protect AA Pilots and AMTs for self-disclosure and bar company retribution.
Dont know if they tried or not, only that they settled shortly after the appelate court gave their decision, like you said it takes time.

If there was a Wildcat Strike with all the unions participating you can be assured that either the Supreme Court would hear the case quickly or the legislature would clarify the laws and the intent.

I've asked you some of this before but you have never really answer the question, instead you duck it saying it is what it is , but you do claim to be a lawyer,and you are under an alias so nobody knows who you are and surely you have an opinion. (I hope this doesnt get me accused of having Lee Seham write my posts again)

Have you read the NWA decision and do you agree with the decision and why?

Do you feel that the court is sidestepping of the RLA, which says that if the company unilaterally changes rates of pay or any other term that constitutes a major dispute that the Union can strike.

Other than BK, which existed when the RLA was written how else could an airline unilaterally change terms of a written contract?

Other than airline workers is there any group of creditors, including workers in any other industry, that are under such restrictions as far as continuing to supply their product under abrogated terms? If not, why? whats the legal rationale for placing such restrictions on airline workers that no other worker in the private or public sector(as far as I know) is subject to?

In their minds labor is the problem and should have no rights. It is only when it happens to them that it becomes an issue. Big business is running this country and thats why the middle class has become the lower class. It will continue until we stand up and fight the greed that continues to interpret the laws in order to favor the organization instead of the working man that can no longer make ends meet. But these communists feel we should have no rights and should willingly accept what the courts tell us is law but flawed law at the very least. The situation will continue to get worse until there are no more unions and no middle class Americans left. CHAOS is around the corner...
No Dumbass. Quit deflecting attention away from the point. Which is that a TWU Local 514 member followed you, and voted yes under the premise that her job would be saved by voting yes. The yes votes won, and now she is crying because after the fact, now Hewitt admits in the Tulsa World that she will lose her job and she was lied too.

I would not be suprised to find out that it was the Recording Secretary running around with her laptop the last night of voting garnering the finaly votes needed while James C Little monitored the vote count live and reported in how many he needed, that actually misled this member.

You haven't been called a dumbass yet but since you started, this is for you dumbass:

Of course AMTs will be laid off. Even the ratified T/A states that. But if we were to follow your (Owens - Peterson - JR - Line Maint - and AMFA clones) VOTE NO Agenda, Overhaul would be history in order to subsidize your expectations. You guys are a joke and you don't even realize how transparent you are!

Are you saying that its wrong to expect the going rate for your labor and line guys should be willing to subsidize OH?

Ok, so now the company has locked in discounted line rates for six years, your wages are still higher than MRO wages, what is preventing the company from laying off thousands in OH, like Ream and other members of management were insinuating to the line guys would happen with a Yes vote?

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