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Letter from Jim LittleRE:JudgeLane’s Ruling /APAContract

WHY, don't you guys start a petition to remove Jim Little from the union? OH wait, you can't. I'm sorry I forgot, you can only do that with AMFA as they have re-call options and no other union does, nevermind....
Enjoy your one more line of overhaul buddy. At least our deal keeps 65% of our maintenance spend in house which assures we will have more the four lines of overhaul. AA would have loved the AMFA SWA contract at AA. They could have outsourced all of TUL and AFW and only had to have kept DWH at the most. The AA/TWU contract at SWA would drive an explosion of hiring at SWA.

Face it, AMFA had the perfect opportunity to strike for more work in-house but they caved and gave SWA management the contract it wanted. The ability to keep outsourcing at the same rate and send work to El Salvador is a win? No way. You guys should have cowboy'd up and threatened a job action against the most consistently profitable airline in the world with the lowest debt to equity ratio. AMFA is the original all talk, no guts union.
Enjoy your one more line of overhaul buddy. At least our deal keeps 65% of our maintenance spend in house which assures we will have more the four lines of overhaul. AA would have loved the AMFA SWA contract at AA. They could have outsourced all of TUL and AFW and only had to have kept DWH at the most. The AA/TWU contract at SWA would drive an explosion of hiring at SWA.

Face it, AMFA had the perfect opportunity to strike for more work in-house but they caved and gave SWA management the contract it wanted. The ability to keep outsourcing at the same rate and send work to El Salvador is a win? No way. You guys should have cowboy'd up and threatened a job action against the most consistently profitable airline in the world with the lowest debt to equity ratio. AMFA is the original all talk, no guts union.

Didn't the SWA mechanics just extend the Teamster's contract?
I have nothing, just sharing a personal Observation. I am just an AMT like I stated before. You really are quite funny with the donation thing though. I know you guys/girls do not see it from my perspective because you are in the middle of it, but most of the output from some seems borderline Cultish. I am really sorry I can not convey the Humor in what some of you type but it is seriously some Funny Stuff. Some of it has to do with always jumping to the defensive and making accusations and alot of you having the parinoid schizophrenic type reactions that everyone is a double agent.....well anyway hopefully you understand my point but I have my doubts you will. I want to Thank You though! You have made my day Funny!

I agree! At least someone had their day made..... 🙂
Can I? No but I trust that Ballot Point did a good job. They do the elections for many of the Locals that elected the vote no coalition and voted out the people Owens say follow the TWU Int'l line.

Can you trust the list of ELIGIBLE voters given to Ballotpoint was accurate???
Hey Speedie--I hear that your true motivation to get this contact passed is the job you get to officially move into that is in the back of the book.
In order to provide the qualified resources necessary to support the TWU membership in the Safety Management System, Just Policy and Safety Culture initiatives, the company will provide two TWU resources for Base Maintenance, and two resources for Line Maintenance. These resources will be designated Safety Management System positions and will fall under the Director of Maintenance organization. The Director of Maintenance will maintain AutoTA and approve and cover company related expenses for the resources.

Safety Management System positions will be responsible for leading, training and coordinating with the TWU workforce these Safety Management System functions:
Can't strike while in BK. 700UW pointed that out as the NWA FA's tried to do that and were blocked.

Wrong, plenty of Unions have used the strike threat after abrogation to make the company be more reasonable, even airline unions have in the past such as the pilots at Continental in 1983, what the court did say was that for airline workers, and only airline workers, abrogation alone in BK does not free the union to self help, that they had to follow Sect 6 as if there was never a contract to get to self help. It was a bad ruling that the Unions never appealed to the Supreme Court. Now we are still paying the price. maybe the Pilots will do it.
Please be advised that the IAC will not just stand by and allow such selfish, irresponsible and unscrupulous leaders to destroy the TWU in order to advance their own personal agenda by exhibiting conduct that prejudices or damages the interest and welfare of the International Union or his Local Union or, most importantly, the members whose INTEREST we are all here to serve.

Nothing like threatening your local "elected leaders" that spoke up for their members who voted 75% or better with them....
What about the outright lies and distortions the Presidents created and passed on to their members? That's okay right? I hope Little holds them accountable. Those no vote coalition idiots cost us all over $20K on the low side by convincing people to vote no on the May 2010 TA. I guess you are fine with that. They also cost us full pay sick pay, three more holidays, and a week of vacation. They should have their asses kicked for that and it's about time Little stomps the down. The vote no coalition cost the membership millions in compensation due to their lies.
Wrong, plenty of Unions have used the strike threat after abrogation to make the company be more reasonable, even airline unions have in the past such as the pilots at Continental in 1983, what the court did say was that for airline workers, and only airline workers, abrogation alone in BK does not free the union to self help, that they had to follow Sect 6 as if there was never a contract to get to self help. It was a bad ruling that the Unions never appealed to the Supreme Court. Now we are still paying the price. maybe the Pilots will do it.
Keep lying Bob. Lorenzo's BS is why we have 1113c.

Can't get to self help without the NMB releasing you.
Can I? No but I trust that Ballot Point did a good job. They do the elections for many of the Locals that elected the vote no coalition and voted out the people Owens say follow the TWU Int'l line.

True but the rules for Local Elections are strictly enforced by the DOL, Contarct ratification votes are not. I still have not seen a signed copy of the vote results from Ballottpoint.
Hey Speedie--I hear that your true motivation to get this contact passed is the job you get to officially move into that is in the back of the book.
Nope. I am seriously thinking about the Early Out. Got a side business that is doing well.

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