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Alpa Leads The Way Again!

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usfliboi said:
I didnt think you would!!!!!!! Who said i roamed freely??? Offer still stands...... What have you done wrong that your name cant be revealed 700? Why would you worry about who repoeted you as long as you havent said or done anything wrong? uh huh I didnt think so ! Your paranoid, chill a little 700 , its ok! More examples of how you twist the facts. You mince word and read into things such as "based" "worked" etc. Grasping ? Try to be productive here or go some where thatyou can make a difference. Your brothers and sisters up there know this is what you do on company time?
Hmm, does your dishonesty go even further by trying to get someone in trouble with the company?

If you were actually what you claim to be, you would know company policy prohibits from US Airways Employees to say they work for US and to reveal their true identity.

Apparently you did not read your ethics book the company sent to the employees' houses or maybe you are not a real employee or maybe you are a member of Jerry Glass's team?

Plus if I did work for US Airways, I do not have INTERNET access from work, so why are you posting falsehoods?

When I post on this board it is on my own free time, sorry when I work I work and do not have INTERNET access, so try again mr who you are not what you say.

Plus I know many F/As and they never ever say they work in CLT, PIT,PHL, DCA or LGA, they say they are based there.

Sorry if you can't keep your stories straight, you were exposed to be what you are not, that is your fault, not anyone Else's.

Why don't you ask your favorite poster and mentor a320pilot about why this person changed his old screen name?
TheX said:
Hi Lavman.
On here the other day calling union leaders bad names now on here today stirring the pot..... MODERATOR...WHERE ARE YOU??????????????????
TheX said:
Hi Lavman.
HEY DOOD.....who you be try'n dis dee lavMon,aye dood??
i say meester...what you want from dee lavMon...ayemon.... :lol:
Usairways Plicy prevents you from bad mouth the company ! It was put in place so that people who work for US not to represent themselves as employees and a spoksperson for the company. I would also dare say it was aimed at person like yourself who continue to bash your fellow employess and the company itself for having a different opinion. Once again my offer still stands....Plain and simple. I am a usairways employee and f/a . I "work" in clt. I wouldnt say based if you paid me now rofl !!!! Get back to work lavman, youre not being paid to sit in that green swil chair to bash your fellow employees.🙂
Sorry, don't know who lavman is and sorry it is my dayoff so I can do whatever I want, I don't come on the boards and be represent myself as something I am not as you do.

So you come on the boards and whine about people throwing insults around and now you do the same:

usfliboi says
"Plain and simple. I am a usairways employee and f/a . I "work" in clt. I wouldnt say based if you paid me now rofl !!!! Get back to work lavman, youre not being paid to sit in that green swil chair to bash your fellow employees"

Sorry I am open and honest on the board, unlike yourself who was busted in being dishonest, that is YOUR OWN fault.

Go back and read the book or go ask a certain pilot, so why don't you come clean and finally tell us the truth.
usfliboi said:
Usairways Plicy prevents you from bad mouth the company ! It was put in place so that people who work for US not to represent themselves as employees and a spoksperson for the company. I would also dare say it was aimed at person like yourself who continue to bash your fellow employess and the company itself for having a different opinion. Once again my offer still stands....Plain and simple. I am a usairways employee and f/a . I "work" in clt. I wouldnt say based if you paid me now rofl !!!! Get back to work lavman, youre not being paid to sit in that green swil chair to bash your fellow employees.🙂
hey hey hey...i bee dee wun dee onlee...LavMon.....
you keep doon me thee dis' flyboy......
i poot dee voodoo doodoo on you pronto mon...
have dee nice day Mon.... :lol:
700 I am not the one who is afraid to id himself. Im not afraid of id ing my self as a company employee. Your the one who has somethig to worry about if you did simply because you have bashed anybody who disagreed with you. My offer still stands. Your saying im busted has no bucket to hold water since you hide behind a screename, not sure how you could say someone is busted since you yourself hasnt proven who you are. Piney Your more than likely correct, we have always been asked not to talk "shop" in plain cloths while non reving for obvious reasons. The intent i believe was representing yourself as a company spoke person, at any event please take my comments in context . I wasnt trying to quote a company policy, making a statement to 700 or who ever he she might be. The fact the iam has planted him on here to distribute non factual info is aggravating esp when they continue to slam anyone with an oppisite view. BTW enjoy your insite on this board. The fact your view comes from a customer stand point as well as a buisness one, breaths fresh air into the problems posted on here. Sadly, if more thought as you do we may not be where we are today.

I bow down to you the ALMIGHTY! Get off your high horse. If you are what you say you are stoooooopppppp! Look! And Listen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sure you are entitled to your opinion, but who made you so HOLY? And talking about someone getting help from EAP. That is sad! No that is ignorant that you imply that someone needs assistance as if they have physcological problems or such. You are just as bad as those you compain about. You made your point but by you continually harp on the same thing only bringing more of the same. That goes for everyone else. Lets stay on the subject and quit attacking each other (You included usfliboi).

Peace :up:
isthisok said:

I bow down to you the ALMIGHTY! Get off your high horse. If you are what you say you are stoooooopppppp! Look! And Listen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sure you are entitled to your opinion, but who made you so HOLY? And talking about someone getting help from EAP. That is sad! No that is ignorant that you imply that someone needs assistance as if they have physcological problems or such. You are just as bad as those you compain about. You made your point but by you continually harp on the same thing only bringing more of the same. That goes for everyone else. Lets stay on the subject and quit attacking each other (You included usfliboi).

Peace :up:
Obviously you need to go back and read. Who said i was "holy" Well with accusations like that youll fit in just fine. I will defend my self plain and simple. Youll find out soon enough as soon as you have a differing opinion what is all about ! Pease unto you as well .
3 pages of posts and only a mention or two of Alpa and no pilots here. I think this thread has run its course. If you want to continue the discussion (or start future discussions of a personal nature) please use the PM function amongst yourselves.
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