It is now....Courtesy of George Bush.
It has been for years. The whole time Clinton was in office (though he chose to ignore it)... and even before that. People have been terrorized there for years. You think all these terrorists just came out of the wood work? They don't just hate America because we are occupying Iraq. They hate us anyway. I, for one, am glad we're fighting them on their turf and not ours.
I think were far more vulnerable than you'd like to believe.
No, I agree with you on that. But, like I just said, I'm glad we are fighting this war abroad and not here.
Actually, I remember Bush's daddy saying "read my lips, no new taxes" then reneged on that pledge. They are politicians. It comes with the territory.
Sure, politicians lie, there's no question about it. Like John Kerry saying that GWB is "playing to our fears"... when in actuality, he is doing the same thing to America's youth by scaring them with the draft. Same deal.
But....lets say Bush gets re-elected (God help us) and that we discover that Iraq is selling nuclear stuff to the terrorists...we're pretty busy in Iraq...where will Bush get the manpower he will need to conduct a preemptive strike on Iran?
We have to get through this phase of the war before we can start another. And if Kerry is elected, I wouldn't be too worried about carrying out what we've started, much less going after terrorists abroad. Look at what people like you in his party have done to President Bush, why would he risk the ridicule you people put up just for trying to protect the nation? He'll take the internationally popular road... whatever that might be.
I know Kerry says no draft, but I believe that the democrats who introduced the draft bill should be considered "realists".
No, they're just politicians who are making political moves. Kerry called on them to bring the issue to the floor so he could instill a little fear into the minds of people so they wouldn't vote for Bush. The president has done the same thing with the war on terror, I'll admit. It's all politics.
I say....let's forget the draft. Let's say this: anyone who is stupid enough to vote for this uneducated moron is lucky enough to have their children be the first people to get blown up by Muslims.
Thank you for your unbelievably thoughtless and inappropriate attack on my family and I. But with your regular display of idiotic posts, nothing you write surprises me anymore.
Can somebody talk some sense into Fly - he won't listen to me.