FredF said:
Actually these are the "questions" that you asked that I won't answer because they don't merrit a response.
I suppose it was unrealistic of me to expect you to respond to my questions in a civil manner or to expect you to back up your statements of opinion which you present as fact. You stated several points that you felt the government was not responsible for and, when asked what you propose instead, you claim the questions don't merit a response. OK, so you have nothing to propose in place of that which you would dismantle, that's some agenda you have there and one I'm sure will make America a more interesting, if not better, place to live.
So, to take a page out of your book, why is it that you cannot see the truth presented to you in facts when you dislike the result and it contradicts with your preconceived notions about how things should be instead of how they are?
And to take a page that's definitely NOT in your book, I'll answer.
I find the facts you present and which you rest your arguments upon to be incomplete and slanted to support your point of view. For instance, the link you provided on Ben Barnes was an op ed piece trying to pass as real news that consisted mostly of a personal attack on Barnes himself and did nothing to refute his statements. In fact, it confirmed his statements, but apparently the character assassination it contained was enough to pass as refutation for you.
My 'preconceived notions', as you would characterize it, are the result of looking at BOTH sides and deciding which I believe to be true, not just those which support my 'preconceived notions' as you do.
That two people can look at the same information and draw two different conclusions is not in any way surprising. However, when only one is prepared to stand behind his statements and answer questions on them, the situation devolves to what we have currently. I have offered you ample opportunity to defend your statements, and you have declined and state that my questions are without merit, but the real problem appears to be that you do not have the ability to answer them. Fine, consider them withdrawn.
Of course you don't have to answer these and I am sure you won't except to slice and dice the entire post and turn all these things back against me.
You asked a question and I answered it, even though I know you will not like or accept the answer. While it may seem unfamiliar to you, the rest of us call it having a discussion. You might try it some time, instead of merely attacking those who question you, it'll be a nice change.