I guess one could do a 100+ page dissertation on the area and all the geopolitical BS that goes on in the area but I do not think any significant data would be added.
Terrorists that were based in Afghanistan made an attack on US soil. Bush went into Afghanistan and started to hunt them down. Along the way he got distracted by Iraq and diverted attention there. My personal opinion is that it was based on oil and a chance to finish what his father started. Instead of hunting down OBL and finishing the job in Afghanistan he started a second war in Iraq that was ill conceived and poorly executed (I think that is putting it nicely). Over 4,500 troops are dead because of Iraq. The region is more unstable now than it was prior to the invasion. Iran is probably jumping for joy now that we got rid of a royal pain in their ass. Afghanistan is still a cluster screw and will continue to be so well after we leave. The various tribes in Iraq and Afghanistan are going to continue to kill each other as they have after “mission accomplished” and well after all the US troops leave, if they ever do which I have my doubts. Iraq never posed a threat to the US. The Europeans did not seem all that bothered as they barely sent any troops. Mean while we flushed well over $1 trillon down the toilet.
If you have something else by all means share and we can discuss it. This is the info as I see it.