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Let's Take A Look At The Military Records

KCFlyer said:
So....let me get this straight...kill anyone as long as they are Muslim, right? Saddam didn't have anything to do with 9/11...but he's an Arab. Saddam didn't fund al Queda...but he's an Arab. Saddam didn't have WMD's in March of 2003....but he's an Arab. Osama was responsible for bringing the WTC down and hitting the Pentagon, but he wasn't as easy to find as Saddam, so we go after Saddam, right? And them damn A-rabs hate Amurhicans...so let's kill the ones over here...they most likely are terrorists, right? That strategy sounds like one in Germany many years ago. Just substitute the word "Jew" for "Arab" and you got it covered.

And if Toby Keith is so gung ho to put a boot up someones ass, how come he hasn't volunteered to go over their and do just that instead of plucking a guitar, sing an ass kicking song, and head back to Nashville?

If Bush had been president during WW2, I guess you would have supported an attack on Cambodia in retaliation for Pearl Harbor...after all, them folks has them funny eyes. :down:

Yeah KC, if it makes you feel good you keep believing I'm an inbred, redneck, backwoods, country bumpkin. My momma and daddy were brother and sister. I live on a dirt floor, an I got's me uh third grade edukation. I'm a racist skinhead who thinks Uncle Adolph was Jesus Christ incarnate. All them slant eyes is the same; and so's all them Ahurabies and Moosleums cause theys skins all the same color ya know? If you really believe all that then you are cordially invited to dine where I deficate.

And since you were so good at getting your point of view across, maybe it's you who truly feels that way in your heart of hearts. I think most in this forum understood the point of view I was trying to express. I'm sorry you were unable to follow my train of thought . Would you like me to use illustrations next time?

View attachment 2056
TheLazarusman said:
Yeah KC, if it makes you feel good you keep believing I'm an inbred, redneck, backwoods, country bumpkin. My momma and daddy were brother and sister. I live on a dirt floor, an I got's me uh third grade edukation. I'm a racist skinhead who thinks Uncle Adolph was Jesus Christ incarnate. All them slant eyes is the same; and so's all them Ahurabies and Moosleums cause theys skins all the same color ya know? If you really believe all that then you are cordially invited to dine where I deficate.

And since you were so good at getting your point of view across, maybe it's you who truly feels that way in your heart of hearts. I think most in this forum understood the point of view I was trying to express. I'm sorry you were unable to follow my train of thought . Would you like me to use illustrations next time?

YOur train of thought was quite clear...all Arabs hate us, and we had to start somewhere, so why not Saddam. Am I wrong?
KCFlyer said:
YOur train of thought was quite clear...all Arabs hate us, and we had to start somewhere, so why not Saddam. Am I wrong?

Yes; you're wrong. My point was not that all Arabs hate us. My point might have appeared to be so because many of the terrorists who are at war with America happen to be Arabs; but that was not my point. My point actually was that we had several targets. And yes, you are right, we couldn't obtain target number one; Osama Ben Ladin. So, it was perfectly acceptable to go after target number two, or three, or four, or whoever we had the best intelligence on at the time. We had to take a stand for what happened on 9-11 and show the International Community that we as a nation were not cowards. But the U.N. chose to stand in our way and demand proof of WMD's; mainly at the pressuring of France and Spain, who of course had oil and trade deals with Iraq. By the time the War in Iraq was finally under way the people of the United States had chosen to forget about what happened on 9-11 and chose to believe the President had us there for his own personal gain. AND YES THIS IS MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION. My point is, the President had to act; and he did. Am I a racist, no I'm not. Is he? I really don't know. It's just a shame we're going to have a Presidential Election based on Bush and the Iraqi War, and Kerry and a Silver Star with a Combat V. There are so many other issues this campaign could have been about; like what rock we're going to bury Michael Moore under when this election is over!!!
TheLazarusman said:
Yes; you're wrong. My point was not that all Arabs hate us. My point might have appeared to be so because many of the terrorists who are at war with America happen to be Arabs; but that was not my point. My point actually was that we had several targets. And yes, you are right, we couldn't obtain target number one; Osama Ben Ladin. So, it was perfectly acceptable to go after target number two, or three, or four, or whoever we had the best intelligence on at the time. We had to take a stand for what happened on 9-11 and show the International Community that we as a nation were not cowards. But the U.N. chose to stand in our way and demand proof of WMD's; mainly at the pressuring of France and Spain, who of course had oil and trade deals with Iraq. By the time the War in Iraq was finally under way the people of the United States had chosen to forget about what happened on 9-11 and chose to believe the President had us there for his own personal gain. AND YES THIS IS MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION. My point is, the President had to act; and he did. Am I a racist, no I'm not. Is he? I really don't know. It's just a shame we're going to have a Presidential Election based on Bush and the Iraqi War, and Kerry and a Silver Star with a Combat V. There are so many other issues this campaign could have been about; like what rock we're going to bury Michael Moore under when this election is over!!!

well...I think Bush got is in a quagmire, and it's going to be a long time until we get out. There was absolutely no planning for this war...they figured 30 days, it's over, Iraqi's will love us. They were wrong.

And now I read that the Bushies are "concerned" because the Iraqi people seem to be leaning towards electing a religious leader, while they would prefer a seular leader. Did they not stop to think that an entire generation of Iraqi's have lived under the rule of a secular leader (Saddam wasn't a religious leader)...did they ever think that the Iraqi people might be thinking, "we've had a secular leader and he gassed us...we'll give the mullahs a try this time"? So we're there for a while. And that has sort of screwed up his policy of "preemptive" approach to fighting terrorism. We don't have the troops to conduct this....short of...a draft.

As far as both candidates and the draft...I can only think of Joe Isuzu...they're both lying. The draft is coming back no matter who is elected. We are too vulnerable without it. Heck...maybe Toby Keith might get drafted and do some real ass kicking. But I digress. WE can't take a "preemptive stance" without the troops to back it up. If Kerry is elected and Korea or Iran starts rattling sabres, we're gonna need some soldiers...pronto. Look for the draft to start back up around 2006.

And...with no funds in the form of tax dollars coming in to help fund this war, look for an even bigger deficeit than we've got. Bottom line, Bush has screwed this country up. Hopefully, Kerry can save it.
TheLazarusman said:
Then wouldn't it be so very easy for him to come out and publicly state that HE never claimed it, never had anything to do with it, and state what his combat V is attached to? It could put an end to all this bulls*@t forever.

That he did not give this alleged issue legitimacy by responding to it is to his credit as far as I'm concerned.
TheLazarusman said:
Yes; you're wrong. My point was not that all Arabs hate us.

TheLazarusman said:
It didn't matter if it was Saddam, Osama, Iraq, Iran, Hesbolah, the Sheite Muslims, or whoever. They're all terrorists; and they all hate Americans.
NWA/AMT said:
QUOTE(TheLazarusman @ Oct 26 2004, 01:59 AM)
Yes; you're wrong. My point was not that all Arabs hate us.

QUOTE(TheLazarusman @ Oct 26 2004, 12:30 AM)
It didn't matter if it was Saddam, Osama, Iraq, Iran, Hesbolah, the Sheite Muslims, or whoever. They're all terrorists; and they all hate Americans.

Yes they all do happen to be Arabs;
but that doesn't mean that they represent the entire Arab population.
I never said all Arabs hate us; I said these Arabs do.
Hold on kiddies; let me go get the crayons and construction paper.
Teacher will be right back!
We're gonna draw some pictures so everyone will understand. 😀
TheLazarusman said:
I never said all Arabs hate us; I said these Arabs do.

TheLazarusman said:
It didn't matter if it was Saddam, Osama, Iraq, Iran, Hesbolah, the Sheite Muslims, or whoever. They're all terrorists; and they all hate Americans.
The White House has released documents which only cover parts of his term of service. Are you going to provide the documentation to account for his absences and his removal from flight status for missing his medical exam?

No, the problem is that the documentation provided to date does not support your conclusion.
umm yes it does.

This issue was fully addressed four years ago. It is only being brought up again this year because there is no way Kerry can win without some controversey.


Another NeoCon fiction. Where is the link to that statement by the DOD? Other than one article by the Cybercast News Service, which relied on 'undisclosed sources', what evidence do you have?

What, you don't like the source so you question the evidence. The information came from a FOIA request as clearly stated. Judical Watch is one of the most above board groups out there.


Perhaps because Ben Barnes, the former Lt. Governor in Texas and the man who got Bush on the list ahead of hundreds of other applicants says that he did so because a business partner of Bush Sr. asked him to. Think Dad's buddy did so spontaneously?

Actually, Ben Barnes said so himself.
Taken straight out of

Barnes has acknowledged that no member of the Bush family sought his help, but claims he was approached by a Bush family friend (who died three years before Barnes began telling his self-serving story).

Far from it. I have repeatedly answered your questions regarding Kerry and his positions without any mention of Bush. Would that you would return the favor and answer the simple questions I have asked you.

Just to prove my assertion:
Could it be, that when looked at alone, Kerry is an empty shell? He does not know how to lead, he never has. He has done almost nothing in 20 years in the senate and yet you still only are able to come back with something about the president.

Could it be that, when looked at alone, George W. Bush is a puppet with Karl Rove's hand up his back? He does not know how to lead. He has done almost nothing in 4 years in the White House and yet you still are only able to come back with something about Kerry.

Yep, you sure answered my questions about Kerry by talking about kerry. Oh no wait, that was Bush you mentioned there.

Certainly more substance than was available on the Bush/Cheney site, which appears to be more of a personality cult than a political web site. When I am asked questions about Kerry, I prefer to let him speak for himself. When I look for information on Bush, I first look at the pro-Bush sites so I can hear both sides. Would you prefer that I get my info on a candidate only from the anti-candidate sites as you do? No, thanks.

Actually I look all over the place. The one place I won't look at is either party web site since I know them to be filled with nothing but propoganda. According to you, you prefer the propoganda to finding the answers someplace else. That might explain why you believe all the lies the Kerry camp is telling.
TheLazarusman said:
Hold on kiddies; let me go get the crayons and construction paper.
Teacher will be right back!
We're gonna draw some pictures so everyone will understand. 😀

This from someone who worships the moron with a 1200 SAT? tsk tsk
Fly said:
This from someone who worships the moron with a 1200 SAT? tsk tsk

Last time I checked I never said I worshipped anyone Fly. So don't go putting words in my mouth. I'm simply stating MY opinion. That is allowed in here, isn't it?
NWA/AMT said:

I stand corrected, NWA/AMT. I shouldn't have used the words "or whoever." That was a rather bad choice on my part; kind of inclusive, and I realize that now. But I still don't believe I was referring to all Arabs. It wasn't my intent to do so if it came across that way. I'll try to be more careful with what I say in the heat of the moment next time. Rational thought should win out; I suppose. As for what I was trying to say when I said they were all Arabs, I was trying to say that those that I had listed happened to be Arabs. I wasn't trying to say every Arab is a terrorist; but I give up trying to get that point across. All Americans aren't lily white pure either. I sure ain't no white knight in shining armour!
Well THIS is good news. I sure hope they are right. With a nation so divided, it would be nice to see the very people Bush is aggressively trying to murder stand up and VOTE! If you are under 29......vote now or fight Bush's War For Dad. Electoral Polls

The future belongs to the young. And maybe the election, too. Gallup did a survey among first time voters and determined that they prefer Kerry to Bush by a huge margin, 50% to 35%. First time voters are primarily in the 18-29 year age range. This is the same population that may have been undersampled in the polls because many of them have only a cell phone and no landline. Zogby's tracking poll, which breaks down the results by demographic group, shows a similar result. Young (18-29) voters have markedly different preferences than the population as a whole. In six of the ten states surveyed, Kerry leads by double digits.
The future belongs to the young. And maybe the election, too. Gallup did a survey among first time voters and determined that they prefer Kerry to Bush by a huge margin, 50% to 35%. First time voters are primarily in the 18-29 year age range.
your future for the most part aren't aware who is running with kerry or bush...its proven....
"like oh wow man, i'm voting for the first time..."
its been a regular feature on the sean hannity show and its done in the afterwork bar scene... and he has some lib chick doing the interviews...you'll be shocked.
(of course i know you listen to sean)
i hope your youth can fit in voting to their busy schedule.... :unsure:

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