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Kerry And Usairways


Aug 20, 2002
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I recall several years back Sen. John Kerry making a remark, something to the effect that it would be good if USAirways went out of business. I related this to my spouse who tried to find the quote on google.com. He was unable to locate it anywhere and now thinks the jetfumes have really gotten to me. Anyone out there remember the quote and where it may be located? I also remember Kerry backtracked quick when the Boston unions called him on the carpet.
I remember exectly what you are referring about. Kerry's exect words were "If Usairways goes out of bussiness so be it".
I am not sure where I read this quote it my have been in the Boston Globe, sortly before we received the cheese as a christmas bonous. I remember this because I think I hear Kerry got some cheese left on his lawn as a thank you.
Yes it was quoted by him and the Union is aware of this quote. It was in the globe..........
Can you believe that I found the Quote from John Kerry, on an old USAirways Today! It was dated Monday Dec 11, 2000 and it states these exact words, " US Sen. John Kerry says a US Airways bankruptcy, which could result in the loss of 45,000 jobs and service to many small and medium communities, is an acceptable alternative to the proposed merger between US Airways and United".

WOW, what a great guy! 🙁
Even though an undisclosed union I am aware of (geez, the Gestapo makes you paranoid! :lol: ) supports Gephardt,

I remember that article very well.I would not vote for that dirt bag if he was the only one running.And I live in the state he's from. :angry:
I sent him a nasty email at the time and reminded him that not all of us are
married to the widow of Senator John Heinz, heiress to the pickles and ketchup
fortune....still waitin for a reply
737nCH11 said:
That came out of a Democrat's mouth???? 😱
Yes, all the dems are dumb-the only question is which one will Bush make mince meat out of. Go BUSH!!!!!
Here's a link:


It doesn't have the original quote, but you can get the gist of what Kerry said.

All the best to everyone at UAIR. Hang in there; I want to see UAIR not only survive, but thrive once again.
Hopefully UAIR got a decent amount of business from the playoffs; it was nice to see teams from two of your hubs battling it out in the NFC championship.
4merresrat said:
Yes, all the dems are dumb-the only question is which one will Bush make mince meat out of. Go BUSH!!!!!

You actually have the Nerve to Say that about All DEM'S ????

Which President is it that is Not able to Spell, Count, Add, Subtract Run A COUNTRY ETC ?????? :shock:
Colby said:
You actually have the Nerve to Say that about All DEM'S ????

Which President is it that is Not able to Spell, Count, Add, Subtract Run A COUNTRY ETC ?????? :shock:
Ugh, I don't know.. could it be Clinton, no he could probably spell, run a country, I don't think so-too preoccupied with chasing skirts of 21 year old interns.. Carter, yeah he wasn't very good at running the country either-if I remember correctly, he let all those hatians in who had just been released from the slammer.. Take your pick.
Yes, he did indeed say that, I mentioned it several months ago on this site. I mentioned it when the IAM LL1725 came out with some of the leadership posed for a picture with him on the cover of LL Newsletter at a debate it SC. They were holding up signs about jobs worth fighting for. I guess the jobs are only worth Senator Kerry's fight come election time.

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