Joint contract for IAM/TWU

Have heard that for a decade from the TWU!!
It's kind of like the sign in a bar that says Free Beer Tomorrow...
CactUS4Ever said:
This is the contract we hit the company hard in the pockets.
Or what? 
So we try and hit them hard in the pockets and they say , nope, we can deal with the unrealized synergies because the millions of dollars we save with your pathetic contracts gives us a lot more than we would see with the synergies. See you in 2017. 
Bob Owens said:
Or what? 
So we try and hit them hard in the pockets and they say , nope, we can deal with the unrealized synergies because the millions of dollars we save with your pathetic contracts gives us a lot more than we would see with the synergies. See you in 2017. 
Agree, See you in 2017. I said it many times here on this forum and to guys at work.
According to the company now they have labor peace. We are all in a contract and the company can proceed to the next step in the merger process. The IAM and TWU can do or say whatever they want to make us feel like talks will start and continue until we have a JCBA. Don't hold your breath fellas. Unless the Alliance comes into play and we get a contract only the company would love. That is a strong possibility knowing the TWU and IAM intertwined with the Alliance. Best thing we can do for ourselves is nothing in regards towards a JCBA and Alliance and sign AMFA cards and get a craft union that will represent the craft. I hear people at work all the time bitchin about how the pilots got this and that in their contract and same goes for the Flight Attendants. We on the other hand biitch about what we gave up and do not have in comparison to other carriers in our field. Well let me share a secret. The Pilots and Flight Attendants both have CRAFT unions and are not represented by the AFL-CIO. The pilots and Flight Attendants at both carriers either decided which union will represent them or have a run off election. Why should we be the only unionized work force on the property to not give up one union or the other in the same manner? It is obvious that the other work groups feel having two unions representing the same group is not going to work but heck our unions think it will. Our only next concern is trying to get AMFA on the property and be not just the only union representing us but representing our craft in the M&R. Is this so hard to understand?
Why would the company want to go into JCBA talks within 30 days if you think you won't get a JCBA till 2017?

Such negative nancies.
Well look at the POS the IAM just voted in at the largest most profitable carrier in the industry- bottom of the industry wages!!! You guys havenet even come up to what UAL is getting on their amendable deal. Pretty pathetic. 
Sure they want to talk, see if they can push through another crappy deal like they did after the US/AW merger that will keep us at the bottom for another decade. 
700UW said:
Why would the company want to go into JCBA talks within 30 days if you think you won't get a JCBA till 2017?

Such negative nancies.
Because this isn't our first rodeo we know how it will go. If you think we will get something decent soon you my friend are clueless
I for one will vote hell no on anything that is a give back of anything no matter what.
You know how it goes?
Have you ever been in JCBA with the IAM and Parker?
Nope, you havent.
So tell us how it goes, since PMUS has.
700UW said:
Why would the company want to go into JCBA talks within 30 days if you think you won't get a JCBA till 2017? Such negative nancies.
Why? To pacify the unions....They could drag this out for years. Loot at UA/CO....The have the same union and HOW MANY YEARS have they been negotiating? Now, thanks to the IAM buying into their crap deal, add that to the TWU best-crap- contract money-can-buy....why would ANY company be in a rush for a new deal.
700UW said:
Why would the company want to go into JCBA talks within 30 days if you think you won't get a JCBA till 2017?

Such negative nancies.
Can someone copy/paste this 30 days to begin JCBA language for all to read?
 IAM agrees to file a Single Carrier Application with the NMB within thirty (30) days from date of ratification of this agreement
 The Company will be prepared to commence JCBA negotiations within thirty (30) days from date of ratification

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