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[P][BR]----------------[BR]On 11/4/2002 4:44:32 AM skyangelnflight wrote:[/P]
[P]My post was truth, you may not like what the lady said, you may wonder how it could be possible,[BR]but the facts are the lady said she liked it better and those were the reasons she gave me.[BR][/P]
[P]An opinion based on false or inaccurate facts does not carry much weight. The undisputed fact is that currently there are fewer flights to less destinations out of STL than there were prior to the takeover.[/P]
[P]As an aside, that lady does not appear to be the high fare paying business traveler that has been the mainstay of American's past financial success.[/P]
Its reasonable to assume that they will begin soon. We have them. Its amazing how each month in the city pairs listed, you never see STL. If nothing else time has come to make sure procedure is being followed on both sides.
trust me Mikey if you are one that does not call in Sick I commend you. But I have worked with Flight Attendants for a long time and it is an obvious pattern. I am not saying the APFA directly condones it but one should be fired for sick policy abuse. And when you have Union representation itr takes an act of congress to get fired or disciplined. The union protects the good and unfortunatley the BAD
An opinion based on false or inaccurate facts does not carry much weight. The undisputed fact is that currently there are fewer flights to less destinations out of STL than there were prior to the takeover.[/P]

As an aside, that lady does not appear to be the high fare paying business traveler that has been the mainstay of American's past financial success.[/P]
and if AA did not purchase TWA their would be not TWA flights out of STL. you should be thanking AA.
It is wrong to call in sick. I haven't yet over a holiday. I dont know where you get your info about John Ward or anyone OK-ing sick time abuse.

I have had every christmas off I need. Its really quite simple to do. Anyone can. Now there is holiday pay involved.
Get a clue. People calling in sick over the holidays, what a surprise. What is the more likely scenario. To screw the company they work for, or is it to be with family. I have never had a problem with understaffing or seen delays related to people calling in sick over the holidays. That might be how it worked over at wonderful TW. Not Here at AA.
Come on now Mikey. you think it is right and fair to call in sick during the holidays to be with your family. I knoew when I signed on the the airline does not stop running on the holidays and I may have to work some if not all. It is an abuse of sick time and just plain wrong to treat the customers and your fellow flight attendants that way. It is because of the flight attendants that dont care about anything but themselves that some of the real junior ones who do come to work will get re assigned over and over again just to have minimum staffing on each flight. wich equals to vertime and option II wich in tur cost the company more money when we can not afford to lose. So you tell me who is screwing who. I think it is the APFA screwing AA
An opinion based on false or inaccurate facts does not carry much weight. The undisputed fact is that currently there are fewer flights to less destinations out of STL than there were prior to the takeover.

As an aside, that lady does not appear to be the high fare paying business traveler that has been the mainstay of American's past financial success.
you people will twist a post anyway but loose to get your hostile attitudes on the high road. You can not tolerate the idea of people being more than pleased with flights and service since AA now flies the trips. So rather than face the facts that your arguments are weak, discredit a paying passenger's opinion.

in reference to calling in sick over the holidays, your own Sherry Cooper stated it was nothing when you people did it at the now defunct TWA.


And The Bimbo Award Of 1998 Is...

There is no sickout, said Sherry Cooper, chairwoman of the International Association of Machinists (which unaccountably represents flight attendants) after almost 500 TWA flight attendants called in sick at the same time over the Christmas weekend resulting in the cancellation of over 200 flights.
On 11/4/2002 1:16:21 PM skyangelnflight wrote:

you people will twist a post anyway but loose to get your hostile attitudes on the high road. You can not tolerate the idea of people being more than pleased with flights and service since AA now flies the trips. So rather than face the facts that your arguments are weak, discredit a paying passenger's opinion.


Excuse me.

You are the one who started by denigrating the TWAers; don't cry foul when we set the record straight. And for your information, the vast majority of AA flights in and out of STL are operated by TWA LLC. The planes say AA, the flight numbers are AA, the crew uniforms are AA. I think you get my drift. Do you really think that customer service agent can tell the difference between nAAtive flights and LLC flights? I think not.

By the way, it is well known that the results of public opinion polls can be manipulated by the questions asked.

Enough said.

In addition to flying THE VAST MAJORITY of flights in and out of STL,

(not the half vast routes stolen by AA AA and AA APFA in a dirty trick mode soon to be overturned by the courts, plus penalties)

TWA'ers still fly a gazillion pure AA flights in and out of DFW to cities other than STL. So what this did during the summer was to SHORT the staff in STL and relieve the DFW crewing situation. This was with PURE TW A/C, TW pilots and TW F/A. So you can stuff that one somewhere.

Couple this with taking the OGG, STL, LGW, JFK Transcons from everywhere you have even more of a reason for the FEDERAL COURT to award not only seniority, bases and back pay, but punitive damages as well.

Oh wait, dont forget John Ward w - a - i - v - i - n - g the fairy dust over the original AA APFA deal of keeping the TW employees in 2 spelled two bases, which included sattelites. We have to find out who is standing behind him or vice versa. For support, of course.

A very open mouthed nationally syndicated talk show host is considering bringing this whole really SORDID mess to national prominance. Other national talk show hosts, with very high ratings, are considering We have also petitioned a number of right leaning prominant, and politically incorrect, religious leaders to join in this cause.

So pray for their strength. Free tickets are tough to combat.

Artfully crafted, I remain.
Thanks for the heads up ART. Sherry Cooper on the Jerry Springer show. I cant wait!
And for your information, the vast majority of AA flights in and out of STL are operated by TWA LLC. The planes say AA, the flight numbers are AA, the crew uniforms are AA.
In addition to flying THE VAST MAJORITY of flights in and out of STL,
TWA'ers still fly a gazillion pure AA flights in and out of DFW to cities other than STL. So what this did during the summer was to SHORT the staff in STL and relieve the DFW crewing situation. This was with PURE TW A/C, TW pilots and TW F/A. So you can stuff that one somewhere.
Well, which is it? Did AA steal everything from you, or do you still fly the vast majority of flights, have you been ripped, or is it you are still flying a gazillion pure AA flights. You contradict yourself trying to make someone else wrong.

All this because a lady (gave an unsolicited opinion) to me on a telephone call. You guys are sure touchy.

On 11/4/2002 1:56:47 PM TWAnr wrote:

On 11/4/2002 1:16:21 PM skyangelnflight wrote:

you people will twist a post anyway but loose to get your hostile attitudes on the high road. You can not tolerate the idea of people being more than pleased with flights and service since AA now flies the trips. So rather than face the facts that your arguments are weak, discredit a paying passenger's opinion.


Excuse me.

You are the one who started by denigrating the TWAers; don't cry foul when we set the record straight. And for your information, the vast majority of AA flights in and out of STL are operated by TWA LLC. The planes say AA, the flight numbers are AA, the crew uniforms are AA. I think you get my drift. Do you really think that customer service agent can tell the difference between nAAtive flights and LLC flights? I think not.

By the way, it is well known that the results of public opinion polls can be manipulated by the questions asked.

Enough said.

On 11/4/2002 1:56:47 PM TWAnr wrote:

On 11/4/2002 1:16:21 PM skyangelnflight wrote:

you people will twist a post anyway but loose to get your hostile attitudes on the high road. You can not tolerate the idea of people being more than pleased with flights and service since AA now flies the trips. So rather than face the facts that your arguments are weak, discredit a paying passenger's opinion.


Excuse me.

You are the one who started by denigrating the TWAers; don't cry foul when we set the record straight. And for your information, the vast majority of AA flights in and out of STL are operated by TWA LLC. The planes say AA, the flight numbers are AA, the crew uniforms are AA. I think you get my drift. Do you really think that customer service agent can tell the difference between nAAtive flights and LLC flights? I think not.

By the way, it is well known that the results of public opinion polls can be manipulated by the questions asked.

Enough said.

[img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/14.gif']
I take it that you did not like being ASIMULATED INTO THE AA COLLECTIVE...
I know another Airline they Stuck it to in the NE
All the Texas B**(Hit they promised them to...
It ends up that only TWO OUT OF THE ORIGINAL 17 STATION
HAVE EAGLE IN THEM NOW!!!They said they were going to keep
all of them open...
I wouldnt believe anyone out of HQ
and you shouldnt either
On 10/31/2002 2:55:01 PM MiAAmi wrote:

Nice try TWAA, Reread the post. I said her intentions are to break APFA. I have no doubts that she and all of you will fail to do that. I have no doubt in our Union and its abilities. The only ones posting lies seem to be from TWA. The only whining on this board is comes from the TWA'ers. We can only wait for a decision on these lawsuits.
Actually we can't wait.
Sherry's intention is to seek remedy for the oppressive and unjust and harmful actions taken by John Ward. Be sure that what ever the fall out, Our pursuit of these remedies is purely a reaction to what has been done to us and to Jon Wards total failure to represent 3000 of his members. If the result is that APFA goes bust(it will) then that is too bad. John Ward will have to accept responsibility for that. John Ward can still avoid that.
On 11/5/2002 12:01:27 PM Sgt. Friday wrote:

On 10/31/2002 2:55:01 PM MiAAmi wrote:

Nice try TWAA, Reread the post. I said her intentions are to break APFA. I have no doubts that she and all of you will fail to do that. I have no doubt in our Union and its abilities. The only ones posting lies seem to be from TWA. The only whining on this board is comes from the TWA'ers. We can only wait for a decision on these lawsuits.
Actually we can't wait.
Sherry's intention is to seek remedy for the oppressive and unjust and harmful actions taken by John Ward. Be sure that what ever the fall out, Our pursuit of these remedies is purely a reaction to what has been done to us and to Jon Wards total failure to represent 3000 of his members. If the result is that APFA goes bust(it will) then that is too bad. John Ward will have to accept responsibility for that. John Ward can still avoid that.

I cant stand John Ward either. and I am not EX TWA. I am current AA. but what did John Ward do to TWA. He was looking out for the best interests of the APFA it is not his job to look out for the best interests of the IAM. John is Bad but Ms Cooper wouldnt be any better.
I cant stand John Ward either. and I am not EX TWA. He was looking out for the best interests of the APFA it is not his job to look out for the best interests of the IAM. John is Bad but Ms Cooper wouldnt be any better.
And yet according to AA er's who've posted here every one at AA loves and is proud of John. To begin with Sherry Cooper is not running for President. It isn't about her versus him. He is not doing his duty in fair representation when he allows 220 jobs to be taken from the STL intl base to be then flown by crews from other bases. AA metal or not we trained 24 stl f/a's in order to merge the lists so there is NO reason that the 220 could not have been trained. AA offered and was and is prepared to facilitate that ONly John Ward stands in the way. He won election by a slim vote. He has alienated much of the senior AA workforce by pandering to the junior f/a's at AA. He treats his executive board like they are beneath him. He is not a very gifted politician or leader.

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