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On 10/31/2002 7:42:43 PM riptide44 wrote:

On 10/31/2002 6:53:59 PM FA Mikey wrote:

I already have and stated so. You all can wish all you want. Here at AA you have to earn your take. We dont give anything away. Sorry if it was different where you came from. But buddy you are not at TWA any more.
There are many changes to come.....I can only hope that you are able to accept the them...they will hit hard.
Its going to be a tough road, something the nAAtives have not encountered in the past..too bad APFA did not choose to do the right thing-to be fair in senority:to gain force, Ideas, initiative ,& creativity from the TWllcers that have lived and survived toughest of times-WE were so willing and able to be a part of your team, until the STAPLE-
Stapling this great force is your problem -
I think at this point that you realize our tenacity and perservance. APFA had a chance to have us on their side....we have not been represented fairly as dues payers..
Big mistake. See ya in court.

You would have never have accepted anything short of full occupational seniority. If you had got anything short of that the lawsuits from trigger happpy Cooper would be exactly the same. You all never want to be a part of the team you want to own and run it. You want this to be what TW wasn't. You are on our field now. We do play fair. first come first serve.

You want the court to order APFA to negotiate for people who were not members, at the expense of those who were. No court is going to order that.
On 10/30/2002 10:07:00 AM Sgt. Friday wrote:
In fact ask your passengers who've flown through StL who they'd prefer? ----------------
Funny you should ask that. I was using Western Union to wire some money two nights ago. The woman I was talking to on the phone said she was based in St. Louis. She said she likes the flights better since AA took over. She has many more direct flights without having to connect in other cities. She said she had many more choices than before also.

On 10/29/2002 1:47:17 AM ART wrote:

In Dallas Morning Papers

"Based on allegations of impropriety, John Ward, may resign his position as President of the Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA), Buh, Bye
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The Dallas Morning News bought The Dallas Times Herald and shut it down.
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The Cuero Record.
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what paper did you say this was in?
I would ask the moderators to remove the post, since it appears to be a fabrication, unless the poster can produce the paper and news line. . .
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 11/3/2002 2:08:21 AM skyangelnflight wrote:
[P][/P]She said she likes the flights better since AA took over. She has many more direct flights without having to connect in other cities. She said she had many more choices than before also.[BR][BR]
[P]Can you please explain how this could possibly be true when the number of mainline departures from St. Louis was cut by almost a third, several destinations were eliminated and hardly any been added?[/P]
[P]For someone who is complaining about the accuracy of a post whose author admitted that it was only meant to get people to think, as opposed to being factually accurate, it certainly sounds like a case of a double standard.[/P]
We could only wish that John Ward would resign. He is evil and has no intentions at bettering American Airlines. He was the worst thing to happen to the APFA and the IAM. Our flight attendants at American are rude insensitive and think nothing but themselves. John Ward is a coward and unfair. He talks about the company doing wrong to the flight attendants. Why dont we ask all the flight attendants and Mr Ward why over the holidays do nearly 30 percent of the flight attendant work force call in sick, causing delays and understaffing.
Rumor has it that the Company is sending ghost riders to STL to handle all the anti-AA announcements being made by former TWA f/a's on flights. Maybe they can axe the few that are biting the hand that feeds them and we can bring back some people that actually like having a job. Also of note. All this anger towards AA and APFA. You all need to redirect your anger where it belongs - At yourselves. AA and APFA did not run TWA into the ground. Your own people did, TWA lost money for 17 years straight. When are you going to accept that the way things at TWA were run (even if you think they were better then here at AA) were not run in a way that a company can stay in business. TWA went bankrupt more than once. How hard is it to see that even if you don't get seniority that this company is so much better run. Even as well run as AMR is, we are losing money more than ever. TWA would have never made it this far! In this poor economic time you all would have been looking for work. And after recieving a raise with this deal you have the nerve to say you are owed more. APFA'ers were willing to strike in 2001. The agreement we managed to get benefited you. For you to turn around and sue us is rediculous . For those of you who think that 22,000 AA flight attendants are going to welcome you with open arms, get a grip! TWA is DEAD Let it rest in peace.
On 11/3/2002 7:43:32 PM MiAAmi wrote:

Rumor has it that the Company is sending ghost riders to STL to handle all the announcements being made by former TWA f/a's on flights. Maybe they can axe the few that are "biting the hand that feeds them&quot
Give specifics MiAAmi,What announcements?
On 11/3/2002 7:43:32 PM MiAAmi wrote:

Rumor has it that the Company is sending ghost riders to STL to handle all the anti-AA announcements being made by former TWA f/a's on flights. Maybe they can axe the few that are biting the hand that feeds them and we can bring back some people that actually like having a job. Also of note. All this anger towards AA and APFA. You all need to redirect your anger where it belongs - At yourselves. AA and APFA did not run TWA into the ground. Your own people did, TWA lost money for 17 years straight. When are you going to accept that the way things at TWA were run (even if you think they were better then here at AA) were not run in a way that a company can stay in business. TWA went bankrupt more than once. How hard is it to see that even if you don't get seniority that this company is so much better run. Even as well run as AMR is, we are losing money more than ever. TWA would have never made it this far! In this poor economic time you all would have been looking for work. And after recieving a raise with this deal you have the nerve to say you are owed more. APFA'ers were willing to strike in 2001. The agreement we managed to get benefited you. For you to turn around and sue us is rediculous . For those of you who think that 22,000 AA flight attendants are going to welcome you with open arms, get a grip! TWA is DEAD Let it rest in peace.
With this accusation, I hope you have names, dates , flt #s and times noted. Otherwise, you are certainly making up 'stories' to (quote)'axe former TWllcers-
Prove what you say, MiAAmi., I think you are stirring an 'empty pot of rumors'.Support your accusation.
On 10/31/2002 4:14:38 PM F/A TWAA wrote:

Then wake up and realize that we are not the enemy. Why does this have to turn into a pissing contest? I'm telling you that the company is LOVING this and will turn it to their advantage. Go ahead and use up all your resources with this in-house fight and when the next big "fight" with the company comes.......(and it will) the company will have the upper hand.

F/A TWAA, maybe it is YOU all that need to wake up! What makes 4000 of you (minus around 1500 furloughs) think it's a good idea to bankrupt your current union? So 4000 of you don't like the current administration. What makes you think the rest of us 23000 AA FA's are going to oust our current union heads just because you all feel you got shafted? So far this administration has done a fantastic job. They came in and got us the best contract in our history, they have delt with 9-11 and the furlough situation as best as can be expected. So what is your solution? Vote in the IAM? THAT would be a great idea.....Just look at their wonderful track record. Lets see....Eastern, TWA, etc.....
On 11/3/2002 10:41:56 PM TWAnr wrote:


On 11/3/2002 8:36:45 PM MiAAmi wrote:

A rumor is only a rumor![/P]

You forgot to add false, vicious and defamatory to that description.

Sort of like John Ward may resign as head of APFA as early as NOV 1 2002
[P][BR]----------------[BR]On 11/3/2002 8:36:45 PM MiAAmi wrote:[BR][BR]A rumor is only a rumor![/P]
[P]----------------[/P][/BLOCKQUOTE][BR]You forgot to add false, vicious and defamatory to that description.
Can you please explain how this could possibly be true when the number of mainline departures from St. Louis was cut by almost a third, several destinations were eliminated and hardly any been added?[/P]

For someone who is complaining about the accuracy of a post whose author admitted that it was only meant to get people to think, as opposed to being factually accurate, it certainly sounds like a case of a double standard.[/P]
My post was truth, you may not like what the lady said,
you may wonder how it could be possible,
but the facts are the lady said she liked it better and those were the reasons she gave me.

For you to compare my post of fact, to a post that was not only a lie, but pure flame bait, and accuse me of double standards is a bit much.

You state the author admitted it was not factually accurate. . .

[blockquote]I think the basic point to the original post was that John Ward . . .[/blockquote]

That is not much of an admission, yours sounded more convincing to me, but you were not the author.
On 11/3/2002 7:51:22 PM A77IGW wrote:

We could only wish that John Ward would resign. He is evil and has no intentions at bettering American Airlines. He was the worst thing to happen to the APFA and the IAM. Our flight attendants at American are rude insensitive and think nothing but themselves. John Ward is a coward and unfair. He talks about the company doing wrong to the flight attendants. Why dont we ask all the flight attendants and Mr Ward why over the holidays do nearly 30 percent of the flight attendant work force call in sick, causing delays and understaffing.
Get a clue. People calling in sick over the holidays, what a surprise. What is the more likely scenario. To screw the company they work for, or is it to be with family. I have never had a problem with understaffing or seen delays related to people calling in sick over the holidays. That might be how it worked over at wonderful TW. Not Here at AA.
FA Mikey....I do not and have never worked at TWA. but when a flight attendant chose to work fro an airline they fully understtod it was a job that works on all holidays. The airline does not stop running on holidays. It is selfish to call in sick during the holidays when youare scheduled to work. It is dis respectful to your fellow Flight Attendants who have enough integrity to show up for work when they are scheduled. It makes crew sched re assign people from 2 day trip into 3 and 4 because other flight attendants dont care. Dont get me wrong there are alot of great flight attendants at American. But I just wonder why the bad ones and JOHN WARD think it is ok to abuse company sick policy by calling of sick during the holidays. I would hope and pray you are not one of the people that get the mysterious holiday flu.

And as for integration...I think the TWA flight Attendants got exactly what the should have. They should be happy with a huge pay raise, and the seniority for vacation. I work in a dept that thewy got the original seniority. That mean I now have to work nights and holidays for another 7 years or more.. Now who do you think got screwed. I should not have to give up anything to make an ex TWA employee's life better. I chose to work for an airline that will not fail. TWA people chose a diff route. LIVE WITH IT

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