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On 11/3/2002 10:01:50 AM AA D2 TW SP wrote:

On 11/3/2002 2:08:21 AM skyangelnflight wrote:

[/P]She said she likes the flights better since AA took over. She has many more direct flights without having to connect in other cities. She said she had many more choices than before also.


Can you please explain how this could possibly be true when the number of mainline departures from St. Louis was cut by almost a third, several destinations were eliminated and hardly any been added?[/P]

Technically, the woman was correct. AA (not TW) has significantly increased their number of flights out of STL since TW went under.

And yet according to AA er's who've posted here every one at AA loves and is proud of John. To begin with Sherry Cooper is not running for President. It isn't about her versus him. He is not doing his duty in fair representation when he allows 220 jobs to be taken from the STL intl base to be then flown by crews from other bases. AA metal or not we trained 24 stl f/a's in order to merge the lists so there is NO reason that the 220 could not have been trained. AA offered and was and is prepared to facilitate that ONly John Ward stands in the way. He won election by a slim vote. He has alienated much of the senior AA workforce by pandering to the junior f/a's at AA. He treats his executive board like they are beneath him. He is not a very gifted politician or leader.

Sgt. Friday
Just The Facts

Mr Just the Facts...That is a laugh..It is more than obvious you have no clue what the overall membership thinks of John and how he has served as our president..He took controll of our union at a time when we rejected a terrible TA..thanks to Denise Hedges, and turned it around to obtain an industry leading contract, from that point on,he has gained my trust and others, has been open and honest in his comunications,shown leadership and his commitment to his membership...Where you came up with this one is beyond me...also..again..training llcrs..allocation of flying..ect issues are that of AA, not APFA...........
On 11/5/2002 12:01:27 PM Sgt. Friday wrote: If the result is that APFA goes bust(it will) then that is too bad. John Ward will have to accept responsibility for that. John Ward can still avoid that.


Again, your forcast for APFA seems to be a bit over exaggerated. Was your forcast for TWA the same?
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 10/29/2002 1:47:17 AM ART wrote:
[P]In Dallas Morning Papers[BR][BR]Based on allegations of impropriety, John Ward, may resign his position as President of the Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA), a bargaining representative of the flight attendants of American Airlines.[BR][BR]It has been demonstrated numerous times that Ward has violated numerous state and federal laws as they pertain to labor organizations.[BR][BR]In addition, Wards organizations officers have violated these same laws. Because of the structure of APFA each of them may be liable for compensatory and punitive damages sought by current members. These members have individually and as a class filed suit in two Federal jurisdictions against Ward and the officers as well.[BR][BR]Buh, Bye[BR][BR]PS: Wednesday is your wakeup day!! The Cart is coming to your town Wednesday and taking away your marbles and your wand. The magic dust, wheeee, will be handled by a real labor professional or two, who will really protect the employees. Your magic dust will be taken away and the real pro's will turn it into coal and diamonds. Not Tinker Dust[BR][BR]Buh, Bye. [BR][BR][BR] [/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]It's Nov6. going on Nov 7. What is the deal? You said he would be gone by the 1st. He is still HERE...Just thought I would try to get this thread back on track...[/P]
[P] [/P]
My forecast for TWA was that it was a sick carrier and that it's demise was certain unless it solved it's serious problems. In otherwords the same as it is now for AA. What happens to these companies is the result of many factors including economy, union,leadership etc. Unions, good ones don't wait for the company to always come to them and then react. A smart union in this case would be looking for solutions that preserve the companies health while maintaining the best work situation for it's constituents. Some prefer to take the react only method to moves the company makes. And again Jonh Ward did have to sign off on sending LLC to train and he refused Check the facts I have been to the meetings.
On 11/6/2002 2:32:56 PM Sgt. Friday wrote:

My forecast for TWA was that it was a sick carrier and that it's demise was certain unless it solved it's serious problems. In otherwords the same as it is now for AA. What happens to these companies is the result of many factors including economy, union,leadership etc. ----------------

With insight like this, have you considered running your own airline?
On 11/6/2002 1:21:51 AM AC AA LA FA wrote:

Mr Just the Facts..."That is a laugh"..It is more than obvious you have no clue what the overall membership thinks of John and how he has served as our president..He took controll of our union at a time when we rejected a terrible TA..thanks to Denise Hedges, and turned it around to obtain an industry leading contract, from that point on,he has gained my trust and others, has been open and honest in his comunications,shown leadership and his commitment to his membership...Where you came up with this one is beyond me...also..again..training llcrs..allocation of flying..ect issues are that of AA, not APFA...........

Johm Ward is not a gifted leader in any shape or form. He did not go get us a better contract than the former administration had gotten. What he and the company did was rework the numbers. The value of the deal was unchanged. John Ward let us down, when he let it be known that he would settle anything prior to a PEB. That from a conference call,later made public. This contract still is not fully implemented.
I have to diagree..
The interest based negotiations, long and drawn out, was a headache to all involved under Hedges and and the neg. team..The membership was appauled with the outcome. overwhelmingly rejected it..and we started from square one..We ended up with much more under Ward than we did with Hedges, you have got to be kidding, do you remember the first T/A? John may have his faults, but he did what he was elected to do, secure a industry leading contract with a 96% backing..from that point on he has done nothing in my eyes to discredit himself to me. Every officer/Chair or Vice chair I know has enjoyed a more unified and stronger union..Who would have known what curves would be thrown our way over the past year or so..considering the environment now and the obsticles the union is facing, we would be hard presed to find better..
We were headed down the wrong road with a stale union administration that did not reflect the memberships ideals...The contract that was secured was more than a juggle of numbers, it put money in our pockets, and built in protections to pay and work rules..and gave us a firm starting ground for our next contract..it was far more than the proffit sharing that was improved upon..yea.its not perfect..he didnt squeeze out a million or two out of the company, but it is a stratigicly sound contract..someone has to take the credit for that..so for that he still has my vote of confidence...
The point is the valus of the deal did not increase 1 dollar. It is simply spread out different and with later payment and implements.

After the failed TA, the majority voted No only because of the let go of profit sharing. That was the major setback. Had that not been the case the TA would have easily passed through the membership.

John Ward wasn't the savior. Just at the right palce at the right time.

Concerning the contract, can you name one thing that we lost? I respect your opinions but I have to disagree that the original T/A was as equal to what we have today. Even though some of the contract items are still being implemented, the majority of the items including the pay increases are already in the bank.
Much of the contract came back exactly the same, from the one turned down. For all the drama about profit sharing it was still gone. We pushed the schedule increases in some pay, back and axed others. Domestic was to get a 2.25 purser position on the 757. No more gone was the 401k match and flexability to move available days to suit your own needs and schedule. To make the overall raise larger. John negotiated a extra year to the contract but gave out the percentages for the raises in comparison to the previous TA. There was no rocket science or even half a thought put in to those follow up negotiations.
It wasnt as much the substance of the contract, which would in any case be limited-It is that when elected, John pulled away from the coom-by-ya, camp fire gatherings of the company/union, abandon interest based approach to gaining a contract, and LISTENED to the outraged membership and went head to head in negotiating a contract the old fashion way...we were sick of wasting time and money..that could have been in our pockets..for that decisiveness and connection to the membership-they majority of us were pleased w/2001 CBA..and HOW they obtained it,that was as im****tant as the contract itself as it spoke to how things would be handled in the future...unfortunatly, neither the company nor the union could buy into interest based neg. at this time.
My whole point to you was, that the memeberships main reason in turning down the first TA was that it cut profit sharing. The Intreast based approch produced one of the quickest TAs we have seen. Even when JW went back to AA. The deal he and the new team brought back to us with. Was nearly identicial to the previous.
The fact that the orig T/A cut profit sharing entirely was the main reason that the T/A failed. They tried to sell to us that the increase in wages would account for the loss of profit sharing. Most people I talked with felt that once the profit sharing was removed from negotiations that we would never see it again. With our currrent contract just the fact that the wording is in the contract makes it better. The profit sharing program was a company program and the company could have dropped it at anytime. Now that the profit sharing is in our contract (whether we are making a profit or not) the company can't just drop the program like they are the acchievers program.

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