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Oh, so now John Ward himself acted on his own and without the approval of the members...hmmm, maybe Sherry Cooper would be a better choice as President, so she can actually sell the whole membership to the highest bidder or just maybe hand them off to the IAM in a silver platter in exchange for $1.5 million, blatantly without any more pretenses that she's acting on her own volition and without backup from Driscoll and Co., all in the name of Unity and what's fair and equitable Maybe you can finally be content because you may also get your DOH back and then the deluded illusion you people have that TWA bought AA, and not the other way around, does not have to be a fog in your brain anymore.

Sherry Cooper isn't running for President. John Ward IS President not just for the AA /f/a's but for LLC as well. That is what he wanted to merge the lists, become a single carrier and preside over all. With that comes the responsibility of representing everyone . It's time he start to at least pretend to do that. It's interesting that AA/f/as are mixed in their thinking that we be put at the bottom. Not all do. Not all support John Ward, many voice greater distaste for him than we have. You could have provided an agreement that would have given us part of what we had. We would have been grateful. Now Date of hire is the only acceptable answer and then John ward must go due his failure to abide by APFA's own constitution. We've read it have you? The difference is you want to take from us, we only want what we earned, nothing from you. Sherry Cooper is human, she was not voted in unanimously when she won office at TWA. She is enjoying unanimous support now because she has proven herself and shows courage in the face of a huge oppression which simply will not stand.
The difference is you want to take from us, we only want what we earned, nothing from you.

oh pray tell, just exactly what have you earned that would make it more important than the time I spent at AA making it profitable enough to buy you out? Time? sure, but it was time spent someplace else not here. what makes you more important than someone who worked for AE or Reno or the gates or anyone else who had to start at the bottom of the FA seniority list? The past 2 years NO ONE has answered that simple question.

If I had been patiently standing in line the past years to buy a ticket to that movie Seniority at a theater A, you can bet that I'd be pretty ticked off if even one person butted in line if front of me all because he felt he was standing in line longer over at Theater B which shut down.

No, the real difference is that you want everything handed to you in a silver platter at the expense of the sweat and blood of someone else and you hide it behind the guise of Unionism. You can't accept the notion that you spent all your time at a failed venture and now you want everything to be exactly the same way it was, only this time at a different place where you had contributed NOTHING except bring in a brand name. You took a gamble and you lost and now you want the casino to hand you back the money because you think it's unfair you're leaving the table with less than what you brought in? Uh=uh, take your loss and hit the door Jack. AA bought TWA and they can do whatever the heck they want to do with it. If you don't like it then tough titty. They didn't purchase TWA to make you or me happy.
You are right John Ward is the President. He has critics, and people who dont like him. I didnt vote for him, nor would I again if choose to run. There is unanimous support for preserving our APFA, and the seniority we have earned. I can safely say I have never spoken to a single AA employee who thinks ex TW deserves more than what they got. You are delusional if you think you could find anyone foolish enough to give you credit for time not served in here.

I have taken NOTHING from you. You began earning occupational seniority here starting April 10, 2001 when you became AA. Just like I did and all those here before me. No one else got free ride, you cant have one either. No matter how many frivolous lawsuits you choose to file.

As for Ms Cooper being human that I have no doubt. What we despise is her hsort sighted, self serving ethics. Here is a short article from when Ms Cooper was working both sides, the last time. Seems like she is trying to some of the same here.

Members of the Independent Federation of Flight Attendants (IFFA) and its governing executive body filed suit in circuit court in St. Louis Tuesday alleging gross disloyalty amounting to breach of contract, misappropriation of union assets and tortuous interference with contract by their president, Sherry Cooper, and the International Association of Machinists (IAM). The suit alleges that Cooper, while drawing her salary as IFFA president, secretly worked for months with IAM leaders in
putting together a hostile IAM raid on the FAs' union. IFFA represents Trans World Airlines' 5400 flight attendants; the IAM represents TWA's mechanics, ramp employees and gate agents.
What we brought were routes including the key slots now being turned into Eagle shuttle flights on the east coast, airplanes, and a vast network of frequent fliers, top mx professionals and a loyal band of customers. In fact ask your passengers who've flown through StL who they'd prefer? What you took was 4 years of seniority based on medical or leaves which at TWA did not affect me. That would be fine if only for one thing you'd given me the choice of taking the leave or losing seniority at the time I chose to take it. I am not someone who had great love for TWA it had it's flaws. But given it's flaws versus Americans it was better hands down.
You also recieved federal funding because of the twa assets you bought. By the way, isn't it classic to watch a business who chooses not to charge enough money to make a profit go begging the federal government to give them a handout? Yet still they lay off and downsize.
I am not your enemy, I'm telling you that you could be me down the road. Watch as Eagle grows, bases shrink and your contract gets worse. Do you think Jane Allen isn't coming to ask for concessions at some point? When I go out on Furlough you will celebrate. How truly ignorant you are. When I go you are that much closer to the door. You still believe this airline can't fail? It's doing so every day. Good Morning.... this is your wake up call
firem all fire them watch out carty is getting mad twa is on a very short lease i hear more twa airplanes may be going buby hint hint
No company is immune to failure. No person should, or will celebrate someone being furloughed.

The customers tend to like what they know. You will hear and see the long time AA flyers talk about how they like the typical AA crews better, and the long time TW flyers say they like old TW way. That is to be expected.

AA did recieve a grant from the US goverment because of the TW assets. That was to cover the loss AA incured from those planes like our own sitting on the ground. While the goverment had the whole air transportation system shut down.

Thanks for the wake up call. We are up and already dressed for success. We have made changes and streamlined or service and product. We are 2/3rds of the way to cutting 3 billion in expences from our bottom line. Slowly we are realizing the benefits of those changes.
On 10/30/2002 10:07:00 AM Sgt. Friday wrote:

What we brought were routes including the key slots now being turned into Eagle shuttle flights on the east coast, airplanes, and a vast network of frequent fliers, top mx professionals and a loyal band of customers.


ok, AA got those. what AA did not need was whiny employees to go with that. AA & the APFA could have done a mass hire to replace you but it didn't. AA & the APFA could have made you re-interview for your job back, but it didn't. Instead, they offered jobs to keep you here. what do they get in return? Sherry Cooper and her lawsuits.

When Carty said we were acquiring a great asset in the person of the TWA employees, he merely was trying to stroke your fragile egos, no use kicking someone when they're on the ground. If we employees were such a great asset, why are they laying off hundreds? because we are expendable and easily replaced.

you and I both know that employees are expendable. AA could have lost those loyal customers who love TWA employees at some point with your dismissal knowing full well the fickleness of the American public, knowing full well that these loyal customers would be flocking back into AA's arms, with or without you, sooner or later.
the lawsuits sherry cooper and the IAM brought about and brings about to satisfy your greed only managed to disharmonize a solid entity. Hope you folks are happy about that. And as one FA told me Sure the TWA'rs say this thing may bite us in the butt someday, but I'm comforatble knowing that whatever happens I'll always still be senior to those who wish this and that my Union fought for it. I may lose my job someday but at least they went before I did after all I put in more time with this company than they did.
I may lose my job sometime in the future but you know what? I'm not going to be suing my next employer for services rendered at my old place of employment.
On 10/30/2002 12:19:57 PM xsqueezeme wrote:

On 10/30/2002 10:07:00 AM Sgt. Friday wrote:

What we brought were routes including the key slots now being turned into Eagle shuttle flights on the east coast, airplanes, and a vast network of frequent fliers, top mx professionals and a loyal band of customers.


ok, AA got those. what AA did not need was whiny employees to go with that. AA & the APFA could have done a mass hire to replace you but it didn't. AA & the APFA could have made you re-interview for your job back, but it didn't. Instead, they offered jobs to keep you here. what do they get in return? Sherry Cooper and her lawsuits.

When Carty said we were acquiring a great asset in the person of the TWA employees, he merely was trying to stroke your fragile egos, no use kicking someone when they're on the ground. If we employees were such a great asset, why are they laying off hundreds? because we are expendable and easily replaced.

you and I both know that employees are expendable. AA could have lost those loyal customers who love "TWA" employees at some point with your dismissal knowing full well the fickleness of the American public, knowing full well that these "loyal" customers would be flocking back into AA's arms, with or without you, sooner or later.
the lawsuits sherry cooper and the IAM brought about and brings about to satisfy your greed only managed to disharmonize a solid entity. Hope you folks are happy about that. And as one FA told me "Sure the TWA'rs say this thing may bite us in the butt someday, but I'm comforatble knowing that whatever happens I'll always still be senior to those who wish this and that my Union fought for it. I may lose my job someday but at least they went before I did after all I put in more time with this company than they did."
I may lose my job sometime in the future but you know what? I'm not going to be suing my next employer for services rendered at my old place of employment.

No, AA and APFA could not have made the TWA employees reinterview. The ONLY WAY this deal got through the gov't was to take the employees and fairly integrate them. AA promised and didn't deliver because of APFA.
.what paper was this?..The Daily Planet?..Clark Kent reporting?..hummmm

...and they lived happily ever after...........................
I think the basic point to the original post was that John Ward and band of desperados acted foolishly in making the accusations and allegations he made.
If they were made without checking the facts they were just plain dumb, stooooopid andnobody needs any of them. None will work in organized labor again, anywhere.
If they were made intentionally misleading the members of APFA, they are subject to losing their jobs, a big monetary judgement and they will NEVER be able to work in any capacity in organized labor or the airline industry.
i'll have one order of steel albondigas, to go. John, better protect yours.
Oh did you know the previous post caused the a disruption in the APFA HQ phone system.
ART...you know..you could quit your day job...and take up writing comedy, you are quite good at it...

There are 22,000 of his desperados here. If your intention was to tie up APFA's phone lines then you need to grow up. I would also ask the moderator to take action about deliberate false posts to this board.
If there was an error, it was only the area concerning Sherry Cooper and her relationship with the IAM. Suggesting that the article is full of errors is wrong. If the skyword made an error in when she left the IAM it doesn't change the fact that on behalf of the IAM and the TWALLC f/a's Sherry Cooper is sueing the AA f/a's thru APFA. Does anyone have any doubt that Sherry Cooper's intentions are to break the APFA? She should be ousted! Sherry Cooper seems to be against the majority of the APFA members. That to me seems to be a bit of a conflict of intrest.
On page 5 of the Skyword, Ward writes: If the fight between the two groups continues, and particularly if it escalates, only one entity wins, the company.
I have long maintained that there is no love lost between AMR and its unions. Look at the judgment against APA. I fear that AMR has set John Ward and APFA up. There seems to be a pattern of mistakes that are being made. The latest being the Skyword article. And how much has APFA paid their attorneys in the past two years? Serious questions need to be addressed. Who approved an article filled with omissions and non-truths? JW cross-references the erroneous article on page 4, so he obviously approved this.
Nice try TWAA, Reread the post. I said her intentions are to break APFA. I have no doubts that she and all of you will fail to do that. I have no doubt in our Union and its abilities. The only ones posting lies seem to be from TWA. The only whining on this board is comes from the TWA'ers. We can only wait for a decision on these lawsuits. You might just want to wait and let time take its course. I know I will.

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